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QUITE EAGLENESTING - Printable Version

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RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - MaxieSatan - 04-11-2012

I played Escape From Monkey Island once? And some REALLY OLD text adventures on this shovelware collection I ended up with somehow I don't even remember maybe it was recycled and my dad got it since he worked at a recycling plant.

My first adventure was actually Hogan's Alley, Featuring The Yellow Kid. This is impressive because not only was it not in standard MSPAFA format, but it was created long before I was born!

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Mehgamehn - 04-11-2012

MrGuy when I asked for your FIRST adventure I meant the first one you made

Unless you went back in time to make it, and also to bet on things using the Almanac

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-11-2012

MrGuy when we asked for your first experience with sex we meant when you first had sex, not your conception.

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Fabricati - 04-11-2012

Hm. I suppose it's been around as long as Compuserve! Just because of how people work!

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Schazer - 04-11-2012

Happy nine-months-prior-your-parents-bumped-uglies day!

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-11-2012

(04-11-2012, 01:27 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Happy nine-months-prior-your-parents-bumped-uglies day!

Stay frosty!

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Mehgamehn - 04-11-2012

Adventures starts at conception you know

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Fabricati - 04-11-2012

Man, that makes me want to make CONCEPTION QUEST! Where you are an enterprising sperm cell...

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-11-2012

> swim in circles, convince everybody else to follow your lead. it'll be hilarious.

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Mehgamehn - 04-11-2012

Everyone Chwoka is our new player, he is here against his will and is a penguin

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Schazer - 04-11-2012

> Wish you'd emerged from the testicle as a real man-sperm, rather than with this fatass X chromosome fate lumped you with.

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-11-2012

i don't look good in black-and-white [Image: bw.png]

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Schazer - 04-11-2012

(04-11-2012, 02:07 AM)Chwoka Wrote: »[Image: bw.png]

On the other hand, 'dem eyebrows: [Image: K7mrk.png]

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-11-2012

Ladies and gentlemen, our next emoticon:

[Image: bw.gif]

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Schazer - 04-11-2012

Question for the moderator: Do we have teams and if so who is dragging me down right now

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Mehgamehn - 04-11-2012

No teams, its every man/woman for themselves

Sharks in the water, watch out

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Dragon Fogel - 04-11-2012

What is this, something like fourteen posts since I last checked this thread?

Back in my day, we had to walk fifteen miles through fourteen feet of snow to make a post! Uphill both ways! You whippersnappers have it easy.

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Schazer - 04-11-2012

Follow up question for the moderator: Can I adopt a team-mate and use them as a scapegoat/floatation device

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Fabricati - 04-11-2012

Well, as long as we're biting Cosby, is it just me, as he gets older and older does he just start sounding drunker 'n' drunker?

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Mehgamehn - 04-11-2012

Schazer you can only use them as surfboards

You have to be INTERESTING remember

EDIT: I will also accept using the other contestants heads as stepping stones

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - AgentBlue - 04-11-2012

My first adventure was when I stepped out of the house one Saturday morning, into the perfect sunshiny day, and walked down the road to the mountain near my house. It's a pretty road, that just slopes up the mountain to this flat area where they /were/ going to build a new set of apartments but in the end couldn't, so it's full of rubble and old construction material and ADVENTURE~ Also there were (still are) wild dogs and monkeys about, so I had to keep careful of those too! At one point going up the mountain though, the steps were too overgrown and there was just the rope handrail to pull myself up with, but in the end I came up to the top of a water tank set into the side of the mountain and I could see alllll the way down!

And then on the way back I thought I saw some wild dogs but it just turned out to be a kitty wandering about, don't know how I made that mistake, and I went back home and I had a bath and all was well with the world~!


RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - MaxieSatan - 04-11-2012

anyway MEHGS how am I supposed to say what my first adventure is without getting slapped with a penalty

this game is rigged

( in all seriousness though: my first adventure was something about some guys in a thing fighting a guy and set in the same universe as some much more talented person's adventure that they callously abandoned, and there were orcs and it was made in MS paint and looked like shit. i literally didn't use outlines back then and thought this was a good idea for some reason.

i was pretty stupid at the time!!! )

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Jacquerel - 04-11-2012

(not using outlines is a great idea, especially when using MSPaint
outlines are for losers)

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Mehgamehn - 04-11-2012

I only setup one penalty for this one!

Also I have decided to try and figure out how to do a General Ignorance round. I would just be so sad if it was missed, it is the best part

RE: QUITE EAGLENESTING - Mehgamehn - 04-11-2012

Alright now, my good panelists, I want you look into the mirror, and give what you see an appropriate name.

Now, what adventure did it write?