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E.LO.E - Printable Version

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RE: E.LO.E - SirBlizz98 - 07-14-2017

The girl hazards to take a glance at the rotting carcass that had once been a person. It's much the same as it was, red-stained rib-cage displayed plainly in the open air, and then the smell, it hits her and she, suddenly vomits. She hasn't eaten anything recently so it's mostly just bile, but it still leaves an awful taste and burning sensation. She looks down, she had puked right on the light blue towel... she frowns as she concludes that she's not touching touching it, let alone putting it back on, and least of all anywhere in the vicinity of her nethers.

She attempts to banish the thoughts of what has just happened by thinking of something more frivolous. Like jewelry. She decides to go look for some, mostly as a distraction to what's going on right now, because she's fairly certain jewelry shouldn't be high on her list of things to think about right now, but she just saw a dead person and threw up so she doesn't really care. She figures the other hall would mostly be other rooms like hers, and she doesn't really think there'd be any jewelry there... not that she really checked, though she realizes she doesn't really want to go back in the direction of her room either in case that decideds to come back. She decides to go into door on the same wall as the eelvator, deciding to save the elevator for later.

There's a small placard next to the door that says "Dr. R. Rosembaum, Biotics" That name feels vaguely familiar to her, though she can't place it. Biotics, though, sounds like something vaguely medical, she thinks, so this quite possibly is, in fact, a hospital. Maybe that thing was a patient? Or something. She bites her lip in thought, before realizing she hasn't actually tried to open the door yet. It's not locked, so she goes in.

The room is different from what she was expecting, granted she wasn't really sure what she was expecting. The inside is decently lit, despite the lights not being on, from what she first thought was a window, but actually seems to be some sort of monitor displaying a strange landscape with red grass, and a white sky, designed so that it looks like it's being observed from the four-story-ish height you'd guess you're on. The room is fairly large, at least compared to the one she woke up in, the walls are red, with white birds along the top, and a plane white along the bottom. There's a door to her immediate left, it's different from the other doors, she thinks it might be a slide door, there's another door that looks like it on the end of the wall to her right. The carpet is red, and softer than the other carpets. Along the left wall are shelves, filled with an assortment of things, mainly nick-knacks, but some pictures too. Then there's a desk with some scientific looking devices she doesn't really recognize, and a microscope. And finally a tall cabinet of drawers sat at an angle. Immediately to her right is a small table topped with a statuette she doesn't recognize. Pressed into the corner there's a large device which she can't really figure out right now. It's got buttons and knows, and sticks, it looks like an arcade machine, but she's pretty sure it isn't. Going down the wall is another device, that has a tank on one end and a series of complex looking instruments on the other, A wardrobe that isn't missing one it's doors, and then... a standing mirror, fancy, with a black border. She narrows her eyes at it, she almost thinks she sees herself but realizes she can't possibly.

In the middle of the room is another weird device, it's more depressed into the ground than the one in her room. Near it, towards the back in room and a little off center, there's a white, wooden desk. In fact all the furniture in here has been that same stark white color, and actually made of wood, she realizes. She grumbles a little at this, thinking about how her monster making kidnappers are saving the good furniture for themselves. Then she remembers that there's actually a real monster and was actually kidnapped, and realizes she left the door open. She swiftly closes it before going back to the desk. It has a really out-of-date computer on it, and aside from that there's a picture in a gold frame, of two people, though their faces are blacked out, they're both women, and they both look like doctors. There's a small end table with two drawers in the back of the room. But sadly she finds no sign of jewelry, well maybe it's in one of the other rooms, but she's still disheartened.

RE: E.LO.E - typeandkey - 07-14-2017

>You should grab something to defend yourself, check for some clothes in the wardrobe, and check out that sliding door. But first, whoever owns this office is probably involved in your less than desirable predicament. You should retaliate by knocking their stuff over and pushing things around. Revenge is sweet, no?

RE: E.LO.E - SirBlizz98 - 07-16-2017

The girl's eyes narrow at a growing irritation at these people. She concludes that this, 'R. Rosenbaum' is most certainly one of the people responsible for their status, they might even be the one who did it, she doesn't know. Maybe they even saw her naked, oooooooooh. She swiftly goes about attempting some petty vengeance against this person. Alas all she can really accomplish is knocking down some nick-knacks, because she is very wimpy. Still this act of petty vandalism makes her feel better about herself, and further distracts her from the situation she's in.

After the excitement of this action fades, she shudders a little, remembering where she is. It's something she tries very hard to forget about, but it's really hard you know? She checks around for something to defend herself with, the only thing she finds that she feels she could use properly is a small scalpel that she found on one of the science-y looking desks. It was laying there with an assemblage of other science-y looking devices, most of which looked too fragile to be useful as weapons.

Gifted with at least the illusion of defense, she proceeds to open the wardrobe. There's a selection of clothes in there, mainly white coats, but there are some red shirts and blouses, and a small array of red and white skirts. While she is far from an expert on 'fashion', she'd conclude that these clothes are rather, 'cute', and not especially doctor-ly. They look like they'd fit her, because as nice as her towel-cape is, she'd really like some actual clothing. She takes a set of blouse and skirt, and moves over to the sliding door on to the left of the entrance.

As she surmised it is a sliding door, although it's not a a manual door, there's a small button where the handle would be, pressing it causes to slide deftly to the right with the soft sound of whirring mechanisms being heard. She steps inside, the door closing swiftly behind her. The room inside is very dark without any light, she panics briefly, slapping hand around where she'd assume a lightswitch is. There is one, and she relaxes with a relieved sigh. This room appears to be a small bedroom, decorated in a similar manner to the preceding room, although it's surprisingly disheveled.

There's a bed across the way from the door, it's unmade and slightly ajar, but it clearly was nicer than the bed she woke up on. There's a plain end table knocked on it's side next to it. There's a trio of drawers built into the wall, and next to that, taking most of the wall is a closet, it's open and appears to be missing most of what was in it, with just a few red or black dresses hanging on the rack, and what she was pretty sure was a single shoe haphazardly tucked in a corner. There was a vanity on the right corner, with a selection of the usual features, and a black and red box with gold embellishments, There was something peculiar about the mirror, but she couldn't fully figure out what. There was a monitor right above the bed, like the one is the previous room, but it was slightly tilted and, of course, off.

RE: E.LO.E - typeandkey - 07-16-2017

>Continue your whirlwind of vandalism. Godzilla smashing though Tokyo has got nothing on you, girl. You're unstoppable, a force of nature, the absolute epitome of righteous disarray, all will quake under the continental might of your destructive prowess, ROAR!
>... Ahem, right. Check out the containers: the drawers, the fancy, red box , etc. Pocket anything valuable, then check out that door ajar.

RE: E.LO.E - SirBlizz98 - 07-17-2017

The girl considers vandalizing this room. She really wants to as well, but figures that she probably couldn't, also, thinking about it, it would probably cause a lot of noise, and that could attract... things, concerning, scary things. She knocks the box off the vanity, it falls down gracefully, landing silently against the soft red carpet. She frowns, that wasn't very satisfying at all.

She hears a noise from the hallway, and her heart skips a beat, did it hear what she's been doing in here, she's pretty sure she closed the door. She waits a few moments, there are a few more noises, but it doesn't sound like it's getting any closer, not getting any farther either. She quietly sighs, and endeavors to commit her searching more discreetly for the moment. She opens the top drawer letting out a surprised squeak. It's uhh.. women's underwear, they're lacy and red, she feels a bit flustered about this to be completely honest, there's only a few sets in here. There's also a pair of socks, red with white bands, they appear to be knee socks. She takes the socks as part of her clothing theft. The second drawer has a few ribbons, or really, just two, a red one and a black one. The bottom drawer is empty.

Mildly bemused and slightly hot, she moves away from the drawer, to the discarded box. It isn't locked, and it appears to be filled with, a necklace. A simple silver chain with a tiny hoop at the bottom. It looks like it probably had something on it at some point. There were two depressions on the velvet of the box that looked like they probably held something that was moved at some point, but she guesses that whoever took them wasn't very attached to the chain. Their loss she guesses.

She sits down at the vanity, so she can check the vanity's single drawer. She looks at herself in the mirror. She looks very tired, maybe she should take a nap? Then again she usually looks like that anyway. The drawer opens with no issue, and it has a few pieces of makeup, some lipstick, eyeliner, and blush, which isn't a lot in her understanding. She contemplates using it but it isn't really her color, then again she was never really good at judging that sort of thing. She looks at her reflection again, she's skeptical that any of this would make her look less tired.

She opts to take this moment to put on those clothes where she's confident noone is or can be looking. They fit surprisingly well, to the point where she gets a little suspicious, but that's probably just her being paranoid. Wearing socks, especially such fancy knee-high socks, without shoes seems a little silly, but it's very comfortable so she doesn't mind. She goes to examine herself in the fullbody mirror in the other room, making careful note not to make too much noise. She looks at herself, avoiding her face, She fidgets a bit, not exactly used to wearing such nice clothes. She hopes whoever owns these isn't too upset... then again they're probably a dirty, ogling kidnapper. She gasps. Maybe these aren't really their clothes anyway, maybe they got them for her, to play some sort of perverted game of dress up. The thought makes her gag a little.

She moves swiftly along, attempting expunge those thoughts from her mind. The other door opens fairly easily, and she enters the room beyond turning the light on as she does... She must admit she's getting a little tired of the color red. The floor tiles are red, the walls are red, even the toilet is red. Yes, it's a bathroom. There's a single red towel laying on the counter, as well as some basic toiletries, namely soap. She reflects on how there wasn't any soap in the other bathroom. A quick check of the drawers and cupboards of the counter reveals just more basic toiletries, including some... feminine hygiene products, makes her groan a little when she remembers her theory. Notably, aside from being red, and much nicer, the layout is exactly the same as the other bathroom, which strikes her as slightly odd.

RE: E.LO.E - typeandkey - 07-17-2017

>Well, you're in a bathroom that isn't a filth encrusted disease pit. Considering all you've been through, you can't be very clean. Maybe you should *ahem* freshen up a bit. You're situation right now, you could probably use all the comfort you can get. *covers eyes and looks away* We'll just come back when you've finished.

RE: E.LO.E - SirBlizz98 - 07-18-2017

The girl looks over to the shower. She doesn't feel especially dirty, but then, maybe it would be nice to take a shower anyway... then again she just put on these clothes. She eventually decides why not, it's not like she's in any sort of life threatening danger or anything. She chuckles nervously. To noone in particular. She undresses, and neatly piles the clothes on the counter, making a point to put her underwear separate from the nice red clothes. The shower doesn't have any dials or knobs, it has, a little screen, 'fancy', she thinks. She sets it to the temperature she wants and turns it on.

The warm water pouring over her is heavenly. She doesn't actually recall if she's had a shower this nice before, but she probably has. For a while she forgets about her present situation and just gets lost in the activity of showering. Forgetting herself, she absentmindedly begins singing, nothing in particular, and to no particular melody, just a simple little diddy. After a few minutes she stops the shower, and takes a moment to just savor the moment, before the cold air, and even colder reality reminds her of where she actually is right now. A red bathroom that may-or-may-not be owned by some perverted weirdo.

"Oh." She says to noone in particular. She scrambles, quickly, but carefully, over to the towel. She tries to find somewhere discrete to dry off, but just sighs dejectedly, if someone was spying on her, they probably saw everything in the shower. She takes a few minutes to dry herself off in silence, glancing about the room. She can't see any obvious cameras, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. She thinks, she's not really an expert in these sort of things.

After she decides she's sufficiently dry, she picks up her underwear, and suddenly has a thought. They're used, and slightly dirty, it would be unhygienic to put them back on... right? But on the other hand, putting on possibly someone else's underwear would be... lewd. She regards her undergarments with slightly growing disgust. There's no other choice is there. She...
...Puts on her own underwear.

After getting dressed again she re-enters the main room. It thankfully hasn't changed much in the.... Ten minutes or so she was showering. There's all the same array of things, including the conspicuously out of date looking computer. It's really bizarre, she thinks, considering that the shower of all things had a touch screen, but the desktop computer looks like it's from the eighties!

RE: E.LO.E - typeandkey - 07-18-2017

>That computer is calling to you like the sirens of old. Hopefully this sea witch doesn't take you to a rocky outcropping.... Clumsy Greek references aside, check out that computer.

>Here's a thought. Since someone putting all these things out for you to find is one of the possibilities on the table, what if they never intend to let you leave? These few rooms you've found recently are quite livable, what if it's intended to be a hub area for you? Like some kind of experiment with small, livable spaces spread out between rooms of abject horror. What if you have to fight, like, eight ghouls to get to the kitchen for breakfast every morning? Well, at least all the activity will help keep you healthy, silver linings?

RE: E.LO.E - SirBlizz98 - 07-19-2017

She goes over to the outmoded computer, taking another moment to boggle at just how out of date it is. Like wow. She's actually shocked to find it even has a mouse, apparently it's not that old. The monitor turns on with a series of pinging noises, and then a musical que. She squints as the CRT blazes on to a bright red desktop. It's pretty difficult to look at, she kind-of has to side-eye it to keep her eyes from aching too bad.

The desktop is pretty sparse, There are some unlabeled folders, a shortcut to the drive menu - which upon noting, she examines the computer and finds it has no CD or DVD drive, It's got three of those slots for... those old kind of computer disks... The name escapes her. One of the slots has a disk in it, it's labeled as 'ERos_Disk' on the computer. The folders have a a selection of text documents, titled by dates... she doesn't know how these dates relate to when it is now There isn't a calendar on this old hunk of junk. Just out of random perusal she picks what seems to be the most recent, '71159'

Subject Log for July the 11th, [Redacted]59
Lead Researcher was [Dr. R[REDACTED][REDACTED]Rosenbaum
Assisting Researchers were Drs. Elroy Godwin Schmidt, [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED], Lana Elois Davis, and V[REDACTED][REDACTED]Rosenbaum.
Subject A14 was unresponsive as usual, dosage of [REDACTED] was doubled to [REDACTED] in hopes of stimulating Cellular Function
Subject A16 was unresponsive as usual, subject was sent to Site 2 for Processing
Subject A22 was unresponsive as usual, dosage of [REDACTED] was raised to [REDACTED] In hopes of stimulating Neural function.
[The Logs continue in this fashion for some time]
Subject E14 [The Entry is long, and most of it has been Redacted.] Subject shows promising sign of R-Cell integration, which should come as no surprise given [Redacted] recommending transferal to Level 4 for [REDACTED] . [There are a series of Red and blue check marks that strike her as vaguely familiar... though she doesn't know why.]
[Most of the Logs therein are similar to the first few]
Subject F99 responded positively, Growth of [REDACTED] proceeded in accordance to expected parameters, subject displayed worrying signs of [REDACTED], recommend a regimen of [REDACTED] to heighten Neural Function.
[The Logs continue on for sometime, with increasing 'positives' although it's hard to tell whether whatever they were doing was successful given how much of this document was redacted.]

She rubs her eyes, not especially used to staring a CRT for nearly half an hour. She thinks half an hour, there isn't a clock on this thing either. There isn't a clock in this room for that matter. She thinks there might have been a clock in the shower... maybe. She doesn't know. She presses a finger against her lower lip and contemplates whether she should continue reading these logs, which are honestly really boring, or go exploring... out... there. The hairs on the back of her neck bristle with the thought of going out there, she really doesn't want to, but it might be more productive.

RE: E.LO.E - typeandkey - 07-19-2017

>Read a few more logs, and if they're too boring, go exploring instead.
>Okay, now don't panic. That log you just read talked about cells, infections, and mutations. There's a chance you might have been infected with something and you're going to mutate into a monster like what you saw earlier. Don't panic, though. Seriously, like, don't.

RE: E.LO.E - SirBlizz98 - 07-20-2017

The Girl decides to read a few more logs, few of them are particularly exciting, particularly since she's going backwards in time, The logs of Subject E14 stand out to her, as they are always marked with blue and red lines, and tend to longer, if not more detailed, due to all the redactions. After a few of those she decides to stop reading logs, and is about to stop reading these logs when she notices a peculiar file in one of the folders. It's untitled, as in literally its 'Untitled' She open it, it's an image file, it's a picture of five women, who... she feels like she should recognize, but she doesn't. She racks her brain trying to remember but it's as if there's a hole in her head where that information would be. After this moment of frustration, she notices that the picture, which she realizes is a scan of a photo, is cropped, there's a bit of at least one other person cropped out of the picture.

The thought crosses her mind that those logs were discussing some strange science involving mutations and lots of weird unnamed chemicals. Her lip begins quivering as she starts imaging the implications. She hasn't been kidnapped by some weird pervert at all, she's been kidnapped by mad scientists! Mad scientists that have already succeeded in making at least one horrible monster.

She starts hyperventilating, and begins to feel ill. Oh goodness, is she sick with something horrible, what did they do to her, she thinks. She gets up from the desk runs over to the mirror. She's even paler than before, and or was she always that pale, she can't remember. She breaths in deeply, she's panicking, which isn't helpful. She's suddenly rocked from her degenerating state of mind, by the telltale click, and soft squeak of metal of the main door opening.

"Hel-lo, are-you al-righ-t in here?" A, strangely calm, polite, and most notably, synthesized, sounding voice says.

RE: E.LO.E - typeandkey - 07-20-2017

>Say nothing and hide, pretend to be part of the furniture if you have to.
>Say that you're fine and they can leave.
>"Who wants to know?"

RE: E.LO.E - SirBlizz98 - 07-22-2017

"Wh-Who wants to know!" She replies, attempting to sound as intimidating as possible. It's not very, it's rather cute actually, like a puppy, attempting to be tough.

There's a pause, and then the voice returns. "Y-es, I am C-421-E, Ex-ec-utive a-ssis-tance and patient ob-ser-va-tion." There's a brief pause, the girl can hear the sound of a small wheel adjusting back and forth behind the door. "I-am com-ing in now" The synthetic voice abruptly declared. The girl let out a squeak of surprise, and attempted to hide off to the side, as the door opened.

The girl peaked around the open door as a... robot, wheeled into the room. Deft and silent beyond the quiet whir of the servo driving it's wheel. It was slightly shorter than she was, which was impressive given that she wasn't very tall herself, it was designed to resemble a... secretary, she guesses, with molding, and bits designed to resemble a lady secretary's uniform, the wheel itself attached to a monpod, that came from a base which resembled a short skirt. It's head was topped with a shaped piece, resembling what she presumes is supposed to be a bob, but she was never very good with... hair. It's face was mostly featureless, except for an L.E.D visor where it's eyes would be, displaying... eyes, simple, vaguely pleasant, eyes.

The bot, C-421-E, closed the door behind it, and briefly scanned across the room before finding her, she instinctively recoiled, "No ne-ed to-be al-arm-ed" It said, wheeling ever so closer to her. "A-re y-ou al-righ-t, Miss." It said, with a tone of mild, level concern. "I-I-I... don't... know?" She replied, haltingly and with much confusion. She really wasn't alright, but she was at the same time, rather flustered by this small robot. It was rather pathetic really, which just made her feel worse about the situation.

"H-m-m-m" The robot intoned, before a bright flash briefly blinded the girl. "Y-ou ap-pear to be... Phsyically: Nominal, slightly: Underweight" The girl rubbed her eyes, and found it difficult to believe she was underweight, this robot must be faulty, she thought. A second passed "Yo-ur vi-tals, dem-on-strate that, you are. Dis-stre-ssed... hrm??" The girl tilted her head, the robot seemed, confused, which confused her, how could a robot get confused. "This. Is strange." The robot stated slowly, rolling closer to her, and extending up it's monopod to the point where it was eyelevel with her. "You. Are a patient." It said, discerning her with it's L.E.D eyes. "I do-not ha-ve you-re identity. on file." The girl blinked twice, mostly in confusion to the situation before her, but also based on her sudden realization that she... did not remember her name herself. "Wha-t is you-re name. Miss." The girl didn't know how to respond... she thinks her name started... with an E? Maybe... she really can't remember, but she feels like she should say something.

RE: E.LO.E - typeandkey - 07-23-2017

>Alice Van Vaug- oh wait... Casey Deadma- no, no, no, no... Aubrey- hold on, hold on. Let me think. It's Elka Winters.