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Bloom (test run thing) - Printable Version

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RE: Bloom (test run thing) - Sunspider - 06-03-2017

(I love how Marta looks ever-so-slightly bewildered and slouchy... too cute. She's a keeper, so please don't actually fire her!)

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - ICan'tGiveCredit - 06-04-2017

(06-03-2017, 03:57 PM)Myeth Wrote: »>"Make me beautiful or you're fired"

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - Reyweld - 06-04-2017

>Please teach me how to beautiful more

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - Tuesbirdy - 06-04-2017

Success/Failure ChartShow

You ask Marta for a makeover.
Roll 1d6 (+0 EMT) to communicate your vision...
You rolled 5! Partial success!

[Image: 1496567814776.png?dl=0]


_____I'm about to venture into the civilian world for the first time... looking exactly like I'm venturing into the civilian world for the first time.
_____I look awful. I'll need your assistance disguising my aesthetic shortcomings.

_____Certainly, Madame, though I wouldn't say you look terrible! How can I help? Would you like to borrow something from my wardrobe?

_____No, thank you. I...

You feel awkward laying out your request so frankly.

_____I don't want to land in Orona looking so plain. I'd like you to do my makeup, Miss Gravion.

[Image: 1496570836235.png?dl=0]
She looks hesitant.

_____I'm flattered, but your facial structure and mine are somewhat different, Madame. My routine may not have as dramatic an effect on you.

_____Try anyway. I need to learn eventually.

The unspoken 'say yes' hangs in the air between you. You're not that tyrannical, but these indecisive personalities need pushes to get anything done. Better an underwhelming makeover than showing up bare-faced.

... ...
... ... ...

After an hour of careful experimentation, you and Marta settle on a look. You're content with the results, even if Marta and Allyn still outshine you.

You spent 1 hour with Marta.
Marta's relationship with you has improved!
Marta's Relationship Status screen is now unlocked.

_____So... what do you think, Madame Oracle?

You tilt your head in front of the mirror, admiring yourself from several angles.

_____I like this. Thank you.

She seems relieved.

Time to go. Will you carry your own bags, have Marta take them, or call in someone else?


Relationship TrackerShow

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - wiltingMyosotis - 06-04-2017

> Are they too much of a load that you can't carry them yourself? If you can carry them yourself, you might as well do that. If you can't, see if Marta can assist you, but don't make her carry everything.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - Sunspider - 06-04-2017

(06-04-2017, 11:55 AM)wiltingMyosotis Wrote: »> Are they too much of a load that you can't carry them yourself? If you can carry them yourself, you might as well do that. If you can't, see if Marta can assist you, but don't make her carry everything.

Seconded. Physical strength isn't really your strength. Since Marta's here, you may as well ask if she can help. And maybe we can ask her how she's feeling about this whole adventure, while we're at it!

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - typeandkey - 06-04-2017

>You will carry your own bags, but have Marta follow you. You wouldn't want folks thinking you're a friendless loner, would you?

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - Tuesbirdy - 06-05-2017

author's noteShow

You want Marta to carry your bags.
Roll 1d6 (+0 EMT) to be sensitive about it...
You rolled 4! Partial failure!

[Image: 005.png?dl=0]

Your command seems to surprise her. Perhaps you could've asked instead of demanded? You're still getting used to having your own subordinates.

To soften the blow, you add:

_____I'll handle my own carry-on.

_____Certainly, Madame.

You exit your dorm in the senior acolytes' wing together and head for the lift. It's a bit of a walk, and the temple lift is a century old, so you've more than enough time for a chat.

What do you want to talk about?


Relationship TrackerShow

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - wiltingMyosotis - 06-05-2017

> Ask to know more about her. Her hobbies, her likes and dislike, etc.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - a52 - 06-05-2017

Let's try to boost that affection meter up to 100%.
I'm sure there are anime archetypes for whatever your relationship would be

Smalltalk. Ask about her family, whether she's lived here before, etc.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - typeandkey - 06-05-2017

>Clumsily try and talk about the weather, favorite flavors of tea, and preferred style of tree leaves.

>Perhaps your ineptitude at social interaction ends the conversation with you spouting out something embarrassing, you silly-silly person.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - Tuesbirdy - 06-06-2017

You want to learn more about Marta.
Roll 1d6 (+0 EMT) to avoid awkward moments...
You rolled 3! Partial failure!

[Image: 006.png?dl=0]

You walk in silence, debating your words. Normally, you don't ask others much about their histories. You never saw the purpose in it. Marta makes you curious, though, if only because the pair of you are officially joined at the hip.

_____I'm curious, Miss Gravion—how long have you lived at the temple?

_____Hm? Oh...
_____Seven years, on and off. I was an acolyte from ages 9 to 14, actually, but I doubt we ever crossed paths.

_____Probably not. I don't remember you.

_____Oh, that's alright...
_____I didn't expect you to, Madame. I lived in the minor priestess' building. Someone with my modest spiritual ability couldn't dream of setting foot in the oracles' wing.

Her eyes turn downward for a moment. She seems somewhat sad, but you know better than to try comforting anyone. A short silence settles between you. Awk~ward.

_____I suppose becoming a full-fledged oracle just wasn't written in my stars.
_____I'm happier serving the temple as an assistant besides.

_____I don't sense much enthusiasm. Are you truly content with this?

In retrospect, your wording's rather confrontational. Marta flusters.

_____Oh, I am, Madame! Very.
_____I suppose I'm a bit nervous, though, to be honest.
_____I'll do my best to assist you so that we're both content.

You flicker a smile. You appreciate that kind of dedication to one's job.

_____Thank you. So long as you're satisfied, I suppose.
_____I rather look forward to working with you.

She smiles back. That wasn't all bad.

Marta's relationship with you has improved!
Openness +2%

_____May I ask you a question too, Madame?

_____By all means.

_____How long have you lived at the temple? I imagine you must've come here in earlier childhood, since you finished your training so early.

You nod.

_____My abilities manifested around my sixth birthday. I lived here ever since—the Head Oracle is more of a mother to me than my blood mother was.

_____Oh. I'm sorry, we don't have to talk about this if it upsets you.

_____It doesn't.
_____What I said about my mother is a fact, not a judgement. My birth parents live a province away. I don't begrudge them for entrusting me to the temple.

_____That's good. Personally, I can't imagine being so separated from my family.

She doesn't elaborate, but you get the feeling she's open to further probing.

Will you pursue this topic or ask another question?


Relationship TrackerShow

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - typeandkey - 06-06-2017

>Ask her about her hobbies. Socializing 101 states that's always a good topic. If her hobby is something you don't understand or really boring, just cross your eyes and keep nodding, also from Socializing 101.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - Sunspider - 06-07-2017

Ask Marta if that means she's particularly close with her family? If so, is this trip to Orona is the first time she'll be so far away from them? And how does she feel about all this? With the way the Temple's pretty much been your home and family, that's something you both have in common. Something to bond over.

Hobbies are an excellent follow up question, especially good for changing the subject when/if we commit some grave social faux pas. Which, let's be honest with ourself, is a legit concern here!

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - Tuesbirdy - 06-10-2017

You want to continue the conversation.
Roll 1d6 (+0 EMT) to avoid awkward moments...
You rolled 6! Partial success!

[Image: 007.png?dl=0]

The lift hums and clacks along its descent.

_____I imagine you're close to your family?

She nods emphatically.

_____Always have been, despite spending so much of my childhood at the temple.
_____Closeness... I don't think it's necessarily about how much time you spend with people, but rather, how much you bond over what time you have.
_____You know?

Not really, but you nod for her to continue.

_____Not that it's difficult for them to visit. They're only an hour away by coach.

_____How convenient. I suppose Orona will be as far away from them as you've ever been.

Another nod.

_____I'm a little nervous, but I know there's no need.
_____After all, it's only a couple hours' flight to the coast, right? I can always visit for the odd week...
_____By your leave, of course, Madame.

_____Of course.

You wouldn't insist on keeping her at your side all the time. It sounds a little suffocating on both your ends.

_____Have you ever been to the coast? I wonder what the sea is like.

_____I've never been, myself. I hear it's pretty, though, and sort of scary? I don't know how to swim.

_____That makes two of us.

Silence. The lift clicks and clacks and sways. The temple is only five floors high, but the lift's gone untouched for so long it practically moves at a snail's pace.

You realize after a minute that she's been waiting for you to contribute to the conversation.

_____I think...
_____I think I might like it in Orona. One imagines there's more to do there than at the temple.

_____Oh, definitely, Madame.
_____Most of my interests keep me indoors... it'll be nice to get some fresh air, maybe pick up something new.
_____What are you thinking of doing in your spare time, once you're settled?

What indeed?


Relationship TrackerShow

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - typeandkey - 06-11-2017

>What will you do in your spare time? Well... You've always... Huh, you've actually not given it much thought.
>Mumble something to that effect and let the talks descend into silence. Dash it all, Magnolia, you've gone and made the conversation awkward again.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - wiltingMyosotis - 06-11-2017

> Maybe catch up on reading? And learn how to do your duties best.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - Zephyr Nepres - 06-11-2017

> Alchemy. You've always been interested, but of course your duties as an Oracle must always come first. Now that you have a taste of freedom, you are keen to start learning. Strictly as a hobby, of course.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - The One Guy - 06-12-2017

(06-11-2017, 08:13 AM)Zephyr Nepres Wrote: »> Alchemy. You've always been interested, but of course your duties as an Oracle must always come first. Now that you have a taste of freedom, you are keen to start learning. Strictly as a hobby, of course.

I like this idea; it goes well with our high intelligence. ...Assuming, of course this is a universe where alchemy is a thing and not a discredited pseudoscience. If it is then maybe tinkering instead? We know there's a certain level of technology in this world.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - Tuesbirdy - 06-25-2017

[Image: N9KiNta.png]

Question for the audience!

Do you prefer quicker updates with unpolished art (like Marta up there) or slower updates with significantly less sketchy draws?

Either is doable! Let me know what you're into before we resume.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - wyatt - 06-25-2017

slower allows for more questions to come through and of course for the art to look.. "gooder"

faster allows for more updates to come in and to maintain reader interest, it depends on what you want

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - Zephyr Nepres - 06-25-2017

Sketchy looks great anyway, I'd go with no 1, but I'm ok with it changing whenever you feel like it also.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - a52 - 06-25-2017

Sketches look great, imo. Not like sketches to me. I'd prefer faster updates.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - typeandkey - 06-25-2017

Fine with either one, but the fancy drawings are nice.

RE: Bloom (test run thing) - The One Guy - 06-26-2017

I always prefer quality over quantity, and thus would prefer the slower updates, but I'd be happy either way.