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Re: ! - Iriri - 07-12-2011

Hey, baby doll. You got any booze, or what? C'mon, chop chop!

Re: ! - Godbot - 07-12-2011

Hey, Dahlia - can I call you that? - you mentioned that you didn't expect any of us to show up here.

Have we met before?

Re: ! - Norivia - 07-12-2011

Quote:We can still see you, you know?

[Image: dumbventure7.png]

Wh-uh? A-and I can hear you! Eeeh! ...

I guess all those rumors about having a name were true...

This is, er, going to take some getting used to.

Quote:Hey- Hey lady- What's in the- Hey, baby doll- heavily locked- do you have the key to that great big lock- chop chop!

[Image: dumbventure8.png]

Er, whuwhawhat? I don't-- We-ll that's the liquor cabinet the boss locks it up when we're closing up and I guess she hasn't unlocked it yet I. I'm kind of afr- well, I know it sounds silly but I've seen scary things in that cabinet. I don't know who or what is in there but... uhm, sorry, I'm done.

Quote:Oooh, whatcha distilling back there?

[Image: dumbventure10.png]

Th-that wasn't me! one of the cooks left ... He's always making, er, food science? He was here late yesterday, probably working on something sinister. I hope he gets here soon, none of the other cooks work today and I- er, I can't cook a--nd it's not my job so if anybody asks for food I can't--

Quote:Hey. Which way's the bathroom

Oh, also. Could I get an order of hot wings?

[Image: dumbventure11.png]

Well the bathrooms are, um, down the hall to the left of the register. A-as I was saying the cook has to get here before I can start getting food. I'm s'sorry!

Quote:Hey, Dahlia - can I call you that? - you mentioned that you didn't expect any of us to show up here.
Have we met before?

[Image: dumbventure9.png]

O'hh, well you can call me whatever you want, I- pardon? No, we haven't met it's...uhhhhm! It's just, I always knew you would show up someday but I never expected it to actually... happen? That's the, ah, best way I can explain ittt.

This is a little overwhelming...

Re: ! - Selward - 07-12-2011

So, Dahlia. What is it you most desire?

Re: ! - Woffles - 07-12-2011

Oh, get something for yourself while you're at it.

Re: ! - MaxieSatan - 07-12-2011

Who do you think we are, exactly? :0

Re: ! - Iriri - 07-12-2011

You've always known, haven't you? That someday we'd show up, and everything would change.

Re: ! - Godbot - 07-12-2011

Do you need a minute?

I bet you thought this was dead huh. It's - Norivia - 07-16-2011

Quote:You've always something for we are everything would yourself while you think oh, get known exactly you're someday who show up.

[Image: dumb12.png]

I- I...! I can't

Quote:Do you need a minute?

[Image: dumb13-1.png]

I can't d- er... yes... I... I think I might h-have to um, iiignore you guys sometimes I mean it's not thatI don'tlikeyou it'sjustthatIcan'tthinksometimesandI'vejustgottashutyououtand uhhhm... I'm sorry!

Quote:So, Dahlia. What is it you most desire?

[Image: dumb14.png]

U-uh what kind of que-estion is thhattt? I, um, I

right now I just

I have an order to deliver!

Re: ! - MaxieSatan - 07-16-2011

Undiagnosed schizophrenia's a silent killer, kid. You might wanna get your head checked.

Re: ! - Dragon Fogel - 07-16-2011

Okay, just focus on filling that order. Take a deep breath and calm down. You can do this.

Re: ! - Not The Author - 07-16-2011

Dragon Fogel Wrote:Okay, just focus on filling that order. Take a deep breath and calm down. You can do this.
Learning to filter yer headvoices is vital if yer gonna be at this long. 'Sokay, yer doing fine for yer first time.

Re: ! - Niall - 07-17-2011

MrGuy Wrote:Undiagnosed schizophrenia's a silent killer, kid. You might wanna get your head checked.
Don't listen to this voice. He's crazy. He hears voices and everything.


Pfft, I'm sorry honey, I couldn't resist! I'm just screwing with you. Call me Niall. I'm the voice that will tell you when I think one of these other voices has suggested something that might be dangerous. Keep 'em in check, and the like. Y'know how it is, I'm sure. Younger siblings, wasn't it?

So how'd you know about us anyway? Does everyone hear voices?

Re: ! - Iriri - 07-17-2011

Wash your hands, first!

Re: ! - Norivia - 07-21-2011

Quote:Okay, just focus on filling that order. Take a deep breath and calm down. Wash your hands, first! You can filter yer headvoices do this.

[Image: dumb15.png]

Filtering might be difficult. But I was doing so well before and I- well, I gotta c-calm down...

O-okay. Okay. I think I'm ready. So I need to make a Gin and Tonic... a-and get some hot wings I guess but that's, I have to wait for the cook so, I'll tell him when I see him. Gin and Tonic. The two main ingredients are gin, and tonic. Simple enough but I'm um, can you h- e-er... N-ne-vermind.

Re: ! - Dragon Fogel - 07-21-2011

>Relax. Calm down. Make that gin and tonic.

Re: ! - Niall - 07-22-2011

Can we hear what? If you think there's another voice there that we can't hear it might be wise to let us know. I will also show my support for a Gin and Tonic.

Re: ! - MaxieSatan - 07-22-2011

Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Relax. Calm down. Make that gin and tonic.

RE: ! - Clownmask Clock - 04-03-2013

(07-21-2011, 10:26 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »>Relax. Calm down. Make that gin and tonic.


RE: ! - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-03-2013

Did you know gin and tonic was conceived of as a cure for malaria?

RE: ! - Infrared - 04-03-2013

Whyyyy did you have to bump this i thought it was an update RaaaaageRaaaaageRaaaaageRaaaaageRaaaaage

RE: ! - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-03-2013

> Drink some alcohol