Eagle Time
TowerDown - MYSTERY DOOR - Printable Version

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RE: TowerDown - SerendipiCAKEity - Elita - 10-07-2016

>Check out your wardrobe.

>Take a closer look at that mural, too

RE: TowerDown - SerendipiCAKEity - typeandkey - 10-07-2016

>This cake displeases you, not the right flavor at all. Let you displeasure be known by disposing of it in as displeased a manner as displeasurably possible.

RE: TowerDown - SerendipiCAKEity - SneakyRobot - 10-07-2016

> Cake: What if you went to the door, opened it, & walked down the stairs? Is that a thing within the realm of possibility?

RE: TowerDown - #CAKE_TIME - SirBlizz98 - 10-24-2016

>Try to find ham to go with the cake.

[Image: sD6XNdy.png]

This does not strike you as a particularly appropriate time for ham.

>Cake: Inspect suspicious apparating celebratory dessert.

[Image: AnqdjHM.png]

What's suspicious about Cake that spontaneously appears on your birthday? But really, you've given up on parsing this mystery years ago, and decided to, what's the phrase "Not look a gift-pony in the mouth"?

>It is delicious cake and you must eat it.

[Image: 2Z98WMA.png]

With what? Your hands?? Like some sort of peasant???

[Image: Zto7m4S.png]


[Image: MfuHHGB.png]

Okay, but anyway... You still don't have any plates though, oh well.

[Image: MSPNtYY.gif]

>Cake: What if you went to the door, opened it, & walked down the stairs? Is that a thing within the realm of possibility?

[Image: R94asl9.png]

Door? What door, you don't see any door?

[Image: NxP5klQ.png]

Do you see any door?

[Image: OTZpeIp.png]

No. No you don't. Just a portrait of some guy.


[Image: leaLh75.gif]

Who even is this guy, you don't know. You don't think anyone knows.

>Check out your wardrobe.

[Image: laKNhIp.png]

Just a lovely little wardrobe filled with an eclectic assortment of lovely little dresses, not too little though, you're a dignified and proper young lady and you wouldn't be caught dead in something too risque.


[Image: euSCnwn.png]

...or perhaps you would, oh-ho, who knows, this is a special occasion after all.

>Take a closer look at that mural, too

[Image: QphI4SV.png]

Oh this? It's a mural of the sky you painted when you were... 12? You were feeling particularly inspired that day, and incorporated some classic motifs. Or... at least... you assume they're classic, you read in a book they were classic.

RE: TowerDown - #CAKE_TIME - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-24-2016

[Image: L6UHkIl.png]

RE: TowerDown - #CAKE_TIME - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-24-2016

you're 22 and still living like a 12 year old. unacceptable. start tying all your things into a rope

RE: TowerDown - #CAKE_TIME - Fellow - 10-24-2016

>Cake: Have you tried looking behind the portrait?

RE: TowerDown - #CAKE_TIME - smuchmuch - 10-24-2016

>Why do the furniture the portrait is on the top of have a thin line in the middle that look suspiciously like there's a door ?

RE: TowerDown - #CAKE_TIME - Kíeros - 10-24-2016

> You must get to the highest level of fashion possible. Wear all the dresses at the same time.

RE: TowerDown - #CAKE_TIME - BreadProduct - 10-24-2016

>Climb into wardrobe and imagine it's a portal to another world.

RE: TowerDown - #CAKE_TIME - SneakyRobot - 10-25-2016

> Look behind everything that is against the wall; paintings, wardrobes, etc. There might be a hidden door. Maybe even one on the floor or ceiling, who knows? The reason you should care to tear apart your room is that you must know what the other half of the sky looks like. It is your birthday after all.

RE: TowerDown - #CAKE_TIME - typeandkey - 10-31-2016

>So... When do you make time for oppressing the peasantry?

RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - SirBlizz98 - 10-31-2016

>You must get to the highest level of fashion possible. Wear all the dresses at the same time.

[Image: RW5Low7.png]

This was a mistake
Oh... Woe to all who must suffer in the name of fashion.


[Image: Tdyorar.png]

You're wearing this now...

>you're 22 and still living like a 12 year old. unacceptable. start tying all your things into a rope

[Image: nvILTao.png]

oh wow rude

[Image: 8BfqNVb.png]

You already tried when you were 17 and going through "I hate everything" phase, you quickly realized you didn't have nearly enough things to reach the bottom... or even remotely part-way down.

>So if you're 22 years old according to the cake, but you've been in this tower for 16 years... What happened around age 6 that landed you here?

[Image: YgW9vqb.png]

You don't entirely know, all you really recall is that your parents were rather... stressed, about what you don't know, but evidently they found it prudent to send you away to here, not that it really improves the situation.

>Who's the shadow princess?

[Image: lovLWya.png]

It's a bit embarrassing actually, you see she was, your er... "imaginary friend"

[Image: L2aT8tx.png]

When you were younger you were rather lonely, your parents were very busy doing monarch-y things, and all of the local children your age were... to put it delicately, rather poorly, in more ways than one.


[Image: Umblecj.png]

Not being the most creative of children, you took to imagining your own shadow was another person, remarkably similar to you, and sharing almost all your interests, etc.

[Image: djgSjCQ.png]

She was your best friend, and you had many adventures and 'fun-times', and shared all sorts of embarassing and terrible secrets as only a small child can conceive.

>Climb into wardrobe and imagine it's a portal to another world.

[Image: ShYDjPT.png]

Of course, you did eventually come to accept that she wasn't actually real, and the whole thing was rather silly, but even so, sometimes when your alone and in the dark you sometimes feel like there's someone with you, someone familiar, yet your fairly certain that's just you getting stir-crazy...


[Image: O7u8niL.gif]

[Image: Eq8MVRZ.png]



[Image: lw4OybV.png]

Now what could that rather terrific crash be all about hmm?

RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - Fellow - 10-31-2016

>Kiss your friend back before checking out that crash.

>Did something just bring the tower down? Meloncooly

RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - Kíeros - 10-31-2016

> Peek out, keeping most of you safe in the closet.

RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - Fallingfeather - 10-31-2016

Gently say hi to your friend. If there's no one here, than you don't have to worry about being embarrassed by anyone hearing it! Also maybe peek out to see the source of that crash.

RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - Gimeurcookie - 10-31-2016

> Get out of there and see what fell. Hope to all that is good it wasn't your special horse statue.

RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - Dediles - 10-31-2016

The man from the painting came to life! you knew this day would come...

RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - OTTO - 10-31-2016

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RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - typeandkey - 10-31-2016

>Burst out of the wardrobe in a fantastically dramatic fashion. "What's going on here!?"

RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - juddy555 - 11-09-2016

>Be appreciative of your trusty friend, because they are clearly real.
>Investigate convenient noise.

RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - SeaWyrm - 11-12-2016

>Get that candle and start some excellent fires.

RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - LoverIan - 11-12-2016

>was that a kiss?
>maybe turn head to look at the direction it came from

RE: TowerDown - Oh Goodness - SirBlizz98 - 11-13-2016

>Gently say hi to your friend. If there's no one here, than you don't have to worry about being embarrassed by anyone hearing it!

[Image: eG21yxn.png]
[Image: hm7qzWs.png]


[Image: Hf5hkWO.png]


>Maybe it's a beautiful horse that has come to rescue you
>It's a dashing horse riding on a magical prince come to rescue you

[Image: GbygChk.png]

Oh yes, that certainly sounds plausible.

>Get out of there and see what fell. Hope to all that is good it wasn't your special horse statue.

[Image: yTnsLGQ.png]

Ohmygoodnes not your- wait.
[Image: Cn2QLm7.png]

You don't own a special horse statue... you don't think you even own a regular horse statue.
In fact, I dare say, I don't she's seen a single horse statue her entire life. I'm not convinced they exist.

>Cautiously peek out the wardrobe before exiting.

[Image: 4mpPn3J.png]


[Image: 8uDoFjQ.png]


[Image: dyfQavO.png]

There's a mysterious... person? in your room and you don't know how to deal with that.
Oh gosh.

RE: TowerDown - Solitude and Fashion - SeaWyrm - 11-13-2016

>Hide those bright red lines next to your head so that they don't attract attention.

>Equip tiny crown as defensive bracer