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Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - Coldblooded - 08-13-2016

s6e1: The Anime Beach Episode, except it's a different beach from the one that the rest of the series takes place in.

RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - a52 - 08-13-2016

s3e103: lapis lazuli is kicked out because lapis isn't a fucking crystal, it's a metamorphic rock. dumbasses. learn your fucking geology before you make a fucking show about it. and while we're on it, what the fuck kind of name is "crystal gems" anyway? that's the fucking dumbest thing i've ever heard. not only is it stupid and in no way intimidating, it's also fucking redundant. don't even get me started on the fucking art style either. jesus fuck how do people even watch this fucking show.

RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - OTTO - 08-14-2016

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RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - Kíeros - 08-14-2016

s5e17: The episode where everyone shrinks down and goes inside someone.

RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - OTTO - 08-14-2016

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RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - Kíeros - 08-14-2016


RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 08-15-2016

s4e11: the one with pheobe's uterus

s5e18: the one where rachel smokes

s7e14: the one where they all turn thirty

RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - Reyweld - 08-15-2016

s1 e1 - Cookie cats (an icecream sandwich brand) are no longer sold and Steven gets real sad. Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl steal a bunch* to suprise Steven, who eats one and in his excitement almost** summons his gem weapon. After each gem individually displays their own prowess of summoning their gem weapon under the pretext of teaching Steven to summon his own, he recreates the moment when he eats the cookie cat, and successfully learns that his weapon is a shield. Later, a battle with Centipeedle*** forces Steven to eat all of his stash of Cookie Cats to try and resummon his weapon, but it fails. Finally, to save his endangered moms****, Steven hurls the Cookie Cat Icecream Machine he got from the Big Donut, stunning Centipeedle and allowing Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl to poof^ the antagonist.

*Pearl went back and paid^* for them.
**Steven's Gem glows, but doesn't summon the weapon.
***A corrupted gem who can spit acid; their gem is a green orb that looks similar to a Pokeball.
****Only the three in the pilot episode with speaking roles: Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl.
^Destroy a Gem's physical form, from which it is possible to prevent the gem from causing harm while not killing the gem; this process is known as bubbling.

^*Because Pearl has no source of income (the same with all of the gems), Steven's Father Greg actually funded the Cookie Cat Reimbursement. While Pearl performed the transaction to pay for the stolen icecream sandwiches, Greg is the one who took a blow to the wallet.

RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - Kíeros - 08-15-2016

s1e2: Everyone gets sucked into a black hole and dies. The series is widely thought to get worse after this point, and only the first episode remains.

RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - a52 - 08-15-2016

s4e12: steven discovers he is lactose intolerant after he eats an ice cream cone. his mind reels from this dark revelation, and he nearly kills pearl in his furor.

RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - ICan'tGiveCredit - 08-15-2016

s6e66, steven reveals that he is actually satan. No one is surprised.

RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - OTTO - 08-16-2016

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RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - PKBT - 08-27-2016

s4e71: greg finds his hair.

RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - Reyweld - 08-27-2016

s4e72: greg losses his beard...

RE: Stephen Universe Spoilers Thread - Jacquerel - 08-27-2016

wverythings nice