Eagle Time
Treasurehats - Printable Version

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RE: Treasurehats - Anomaly - 07-08-2016

Why... Meramis doesn't even have a hat! This won't do at all. What if you need to steal it at a climactic moment?

You'd better get him one.

RE: Treasurehats - NonAnalogue - 07-08-2016

The biggest net you have.

RE: Treasurehats - tronn - 07-09-2016

>Okay you don't need cheese you just like it.

RE: Treasurehats - ProfessorLizzard - 08-17-2016

(07-08-2016, 10:55 PM)Anomaly Wrote: »You'd better get him a hat.

[Image: Um1QznM.png]

"Why did your chief act as if these butterflies have the importance of a celebrity scandal?"

"It is a rare and b-beautiful event, that might happen only once in our lifetime, harrumph! Please, Take this h-hat."


"For protection against falling fruit or nuts thrown by dire squirrels. And to complete your attire! Really, hats bring luck."

(07-09-2016, 02:47 PM)tronn Wrote: »>ALL THE CHEESE

[Image: X8nbzx9.png]

"And the... cheese? Why are you bringing smelly cheese?"

"Ah, Elder Butterflies don't like the smell of strong cheese! Most elder creatures don't."

"That sounds... lorewise improbable, and inexplicable..."

"Well, o-okay, it is the smell of decay that keeps them away, and cheese mold w-works for that. And nobody was eating it anyways."

"Indeed. Thanks for taking it all away, Effie. Honestly, Gertie holds CHEESE DAY too often..."

[Image: E50Hnwi.png]

"Sure th-thing, Granny QM! You can always c-count on me!"

"Nice to see you being confident, dear. Ready to brave the wilds again! Is this the man who takes you to the butterflies?"

"Correction, if I may interject: I am going to examine an energy buildup, and she decided to tag along to marvel at my genius."

"You mean, p-preventing you from having a magical allergic reaction."

"My gosh! Those butterflies don't sound too friendly... Did you pack your Instant World's Largest Net™, Effie?"

"Of course, I d-did, Granny QM."

"Fascinating! And where is this energy buildup, Mr. Wizard Man?"

"It is MERAMIS and, yes, I shall regale you about this marvel of a ruin that I discovered!"


RE: Treasurehats - NonAnalogue - 08-17-2016

"Surely you know of the Surewood! The one place where everything is sure to happen!"

RE: Treasurehats - tronn - 08-18-2016

>Wait, MERAMIS? Do you have recollection in this flashback how you meet him later?
>You have your net and cheese ready, but where is all his occulting gear?

RE: Treasurehats - ProfessorLizzard - 08-29-2016

(08-17-2016, 10:29 PM)NonAnalogue Wrote: »"Surely you know of the Surewood! The one place where everything is sure to happen!"

[Image: DxhFUHg.png]

"The Surewood fores! Legend has it that the famed highwaywarlock Robert Of Suretain lived there, robbing luck from the rich and giving it to the poor!"

"Huh, he bothered to remember a n-name."

"Personally, I don't believe this story, but there is SUREtainly an energy buildup there, and I, Leopold Meramis, who am distantly related to Robert, will find out what is causing it!"

"Oh, so that is why you can recall it."

"Well, good luck to both of you! And don't be rude, Effie. I expect more from you."

"S-sorry Granny... good bye..."

[Image: tRolvUZ.png]

A bus ride later to the nearby village of Erritingbeef...

(08-18-2016, 05:38 PM)tronn Wrote: »>You have your net and cheese ready, but where is all his occulting gear?

[Image: DVv6ZXC.png]

"Alright! S-show me the way, I'm eager to see the butterflies..."

"Ah, hang on, let me unpack my occult gear, patented by me, of course!"

[Image: HBMtJnY.png]

"BEHOLD! The rib-eye detector, which allows me to see things invisible, and also displays data gathered by this sensor vest! I also have an enchanted vase for sample gathering somewhere in my backpack!"

"Impressive, if t-terrifying. W-well, let's not waste any more time!"

"Ah-ha, it's already picking up the signal!"

RE: Treasurehats - NonAnalogue - 08-29-2016

Where is the signal pointing?

RE: Treasurehats - Whimbrel - 08-30-2016

The signal seems to be leading us towards a very irate cow...

RE: Treasurehats - tronn - 08-30-2016

>Exploding Cow: Stand in the way, rumble worryingly.

A vase? I don't like the sound of that, a bit too convenient to be a coincidence...

RE: Treasurehats - ProfessorLizzard - 09-13-2016

(08-29-2016, 09:10 PM)NonAnalogue Wrote: »Where is the signal pointing?

(08-30-2016, 03:54 AM)tronn Wrote: »>Exploding Cow: Stand in the way, rumble worryingly.

(08-30-2016, 01:51 AM)Whimbrel Wrote: »The signal seems to be leading us towards a very irate cow...

[Image: Ef0KanE.png]

"Ah-ha! The signal points to the forest trail! It is much clearer than last time!"

"The sky is almost black... The butterflies must be dancing."

"Oh. The cow that blocked my way is also here again."

"Oh? I th-thought you turned back because of the b-butterflies."

"Ah, it didn't prove to be an obstacle for long. Just wait a moment."


[Image: 3BWv8MO.png]


"Oh p-poor c-cow!"

"Don't worry, I don't think it exploded. Just strange energies at work. Dimensional instability."

"I see... that explains the lack of g-g-g-guts."

[Image: wvCUqpp.png]

"See? It is back already, in one piece."

"And with some t-trauma... Poor th-thing..."

"It probably spent too much time in the energy flux. Not to worry, we should be safe if we stay only a day or two. Oh, I am picking up a new signal! Follow me!"

"Oh. I th-think I can see a few butterflies already."

[Image: M2lfbFV.png]

"Gah, I can feel the itching already. I REALLY hope your cheese works."

"I told you they would be repulsed!"

"Oh good. I don't want my beautiful face become polka dotted by green rashes. Hm, honestly, we should split up, I mean, how will you take shots of the accursed vermin if my bag keeps them away?"

"N-nope, not until we find the main migration area! After that, I will gladly leave you alone to your surveying."

"Hmph. Fair enough..."

[Image: zOFRneS.png]

"Thank you Flex for stain resistant suits... Oh, look!"

"My g-gosh!"

[Image: 9S5V25r.png]

"The m-migration!"

"Robert of Suretain's tomb!"

RE: Treasurehats - Pharmacy - 09-13-2016


RE: Treasurehats - Schazer - 09-13-2016

(09-13-2016, 08:23 AM)Pharmacy Wrote: »OMG. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. TAKE A PICTURE.

Get this noise a feature article in the National Geodographic

RE: Treasurehats - NonAnalogue - 09-13-2016

Surely that dimensional instability won't affect you, right?

RE: Treasurehats - Whimbrel - 09-14-2016

I wonder what their natural predators look like?

RE: Treasurehats - tronn - 09-15-2016

>Rush towards your respective goals ignoring each other with results fitting for a romantic comedy. Or tragedy.

RE: Treasurehats - ProfessorLizzard - 10-02-2016

(09-15-2016, 05:08 PM)tronn Wrote: »>Rush towards your respective goals, ignoring each other, with results fitting a romantic comedy. Or tragedy.

[Image: 2arCOVf.png]



[Image: imXZwCV.png]

"Ouch, itch, outch, note to self, this clearing seems to coincide with the area of effect exerted by the magical-allergic presence of butterflies."

"A-are you alright?"

"I'll be fine. But for you: don't get too close to Suretain's tomb!"

"Why, is it the center of the energy flux?"

"No, the flux is coming from those portals up above! Technically that place is my inheritance, and I don't want you to put your filthy hands on it!

"Umm, excuse me...?"

"Er, yes, anyways, don't mind me, I'll be doing my experiments from here! If I find something dangerous, I'll yell at you. I don't want you to get hurt on my watch."

(09-13-2016, 10:47 AM)NonAnalogue Wrote: »Surely that dimensional instability won't affect you, right?

[Image: aCJeomO.png]

You need as many photos as you can get. Taking nature photos is not a rush job. Most of the time, it takes months of work and thousands of photos to get the perfect one. But that vanishing cow made you realize you can't spend much time here.

(09-13-2016, 09:57 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Get this noise a feature article in the National Geodographic

[Image: rWmnfoG.png]

Perhaps you'll call Chief Gertie to get some drones, and take some remote photos? But sadly, Nurture is a bit understaffed and underfunded. Maybe you could send it to National Geodographic....no. You have to stay loyal to Gertie.

(09-13-2016, 08:23 AM)Pharmacy Wrote: »OMG. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. TAKE A PICTURE.

[Image: uhWMOcL.png]

As a few hours pass, your digital camera gets filled with pictures of butterflies resting on the bushes, and a few of the gates. Nothing too interesting, but hopefully you'll find something.

(09-14-2016, 02:48 AM)Whimbrel Wrote: »I wonder what their natural predators look like?

[Image: xG0Gc8i.png]

You wonder if there is anything that hunts them. Perhaps Elderbirds? Maybe one will show up in a few weeks. You'll have to return to make sure!

It is getting a bit late, and you don't want to get Energy Flux Infection or whatever. Although if there was any sign of danger, Meramis would have yelled by now. Probably.

RE: Treasurehats - Anomaly - 10-02-2016

Chaos butterflies: Steal her hat.

RE: Treasurehats - NonAnalogue - 10-03-2016

Meramis: Be unable to yell.

RE: Treasurehats - Mayu_Zane - 10-03-2016

Check on Meramis

RE: Treasurehats - tronn - 10-03-2016

>Meramis: Have changed your mind about her going into Suretain's tomb instead of you, considering how dangerous it looks.

RE: Treasurehats - ProfessorLizzard - 11-07-2016

(10-02-2016, 11:07 PM)Anomaly Wrote: »Chaos butterflies: Steal her hat.

[Image: 5kWeAF9.png]


[Image: 7QEE7J8.png]

"Come back, you beautiful beasties!"

[Image: XrYYcr5.png]


(10-03-2016, 01:38 PM)Mayu_Zane Wrote: »Check on Meramis

[Image: wC3LgzK.png]

Looks like the lightning made the tomb open up, right where you were standing. The stone half exploded, half vanished into thin air. Hm, what is Meramis up to? You would expect him to have expressed his opinions by now if he was watching you.

(10-03-2016, 10:49 AM)NonAnalogue Wrote: »Meramis: Be unable to yell.

[Image: 3GBSvTU.png]

Oh, his mouth of full of Lunch, apparently. And his ear is full of music?

[Image: I6kfvMT.png]

"Hey, M-meramis. MERAMIS!"

"Hmm hmmm hmmm... Oh... yes? You done?"

"Your tomb, I mean, y-your ancestor's tomb has opened?"

"Huh? You dare to unlocked the scaresteel vault door?"

"N-no, a bolt of lightning opened th-the wall."

(10-03-2016, 06:55 PM)tronn Wrote: »>Meramis: Have changed your mind about her going into Suretain's tomb instead of you, considering how dangerous it looks.

[Image: OAyx2Jz.png]

"Holy Flex! I need to check it out! I would find so many answers in there! I'll need my vase for this! STAY HERE WITH MY STUFF PLEASE!"

"What about y-your allergies?"

"Oh.... you are right. This accursed swarm is too dangerous, even for the great ME, LEOPOLD MERAMIS. Woe is me! For I am now bereft of my heirlooms, thanks to this veil of papillions! I'll have to come back another day. But still... if only there was someone to look in there for me..."

"Oh gosh. W-well, I could take a look, for a second..."

"I would be eternally grateful if you took a picture for me..."

"Okay, o-okay, I'll do it, gah..."

[Image: vT2oyKq.png]

Well, it is certainly tomb-like. Oh, looks like the butterflies are intrigued, too.

RE: Treasurehats - Anomaly - 11-07-2016

Find an ancient hat to steal.

RE: Treasurehats - NonAnalogue - 11-07-2016

Be careful not to trip over something eldritch and mysterious.

RE: Treasurehats - tronn - 11-08-2016

>Set the vase aside so you can conveniently have a terrible mishap with it later