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the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Printable Version

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RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Robust Laser - 04-30-2016

oohh,, ii ffoorrggoott aabboouutt ccrraasshh bbaannddiiccoooott.. Ii wwaass jjuusstt tthhiinnkkiinngg aabboouutt tthhaatt oonnee ttrroollllppllaayy ii wwaass iinn tthhaatt oonnee ttiimmee ttoo mmaakkee ffuunn ooff ttrroollllppllaayy tthhaatt ggoott lloocckkeedd..

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Gatr - 04-30-2016

gatr posts in his owwn thread to retain postin privvileges.

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Gatr - 05-02-2016

___i ha\/e decided to use /\/\y own quirk fro/\/\ now on___

___the /\/\ore i think about it, the /\/\ore cle\/er it see/\/\s to /\/\e___

___hint: /\/\ountains and \/alleys___

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - SleepingOrange - 05-02-2016

you're roleplaying as svalbar8===D my 8===Du8===De

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Gatr - 05-02-2016

okay, then maybe this one 6ill do 9ine. it's de9initely a lot easier to 6rite. 9ine, i ha2e decided on this one. no6 let's see 6ho can 9igure it out.

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Gatr - 05-04-2016

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RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Sruixan - 05-16-2016

I Kind Of Want To Start A Thread Here, Which Means I Could Do With A Better, Nonderivative Quirk. It Will Presumably Involve Purple Text, Because Obviously. On Reflection, I Believe My Fantroll May Have Overcapitalised His Ss, Which Seems A Bit Dull, But Does Have The Benefit Of Being Consistently Readable. I Would Appreciate Something Readable, But Other Than That I'm (Perhaps Unwisely) Open To Suggestions.

Hit Me.

(Take It As Read That That Is Not A Request For You To Literally Come And Punch Me, Unless You Believe This To Be Feasible In Which Case By All Means Hit Me Up)

(I Saw That Pun Opportunity And Took It, Dammit)

EDIT: So Apparently I Am Meant To Have A Thread Already, Because This Is One Of The Rules.

Huh. Go Figure.

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Schazer - 05-16-2016

くコ:彡 I du<<ock about it bei<g the best quirk for you i< particular, but after a few rousi<g rou<ds of Keep Talki<g And Zobody Explodes with frie<ds yesterday, I could see that Σaki<g a fa<tailastic quirkset.
くコ:彡 A<d by fa<tastic, I Σea< horre<dous.
くコ:彡 Arca<e syΣbols a<d arrow keys. Rotati<g priΣary textcolors for SiΣo< Says. Stars a<d stripes a<d bli<ki<g lights a<d all your stateΣe<ts writte< i< a series of co<ditionals.
くコ:彡 Periodic hollered queries as to how Σa<y batteries you'>e got o< your perso<!
くコ:彡 Occasio<ally,
e>erythi<g goes dark.
くコ:彡 A<d of course, the dratted Σorse code. Ca<'t forget that thoroughly fuckable <oise.
くコ:彡 Origi<al fa<character do <ot steal ;>

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - OrangeAipom - 05-16-2016

LL's quirk is more illegible than AR's, I think.

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Sruixan - 05-16-2016

Oh Man Schazer, We Need To Play That Again Someti... In Slightly Over Four Weeks Time. I Should Confess That I Got Some RL Friends To Play With Me A Fortnight Ago And Good Grief Did That Get Insane Fast. Someone Quickly Established Themselves As Best Defuser And Once They Got The Game, We Defused For Them For Like Four Hours Until We Reached The "11 Modules In 5 Minutes" Bomb, Whatever That's Called (I Dunno I Was On Python Script Duty). We Exploded. A Lot. We Were Forced To Call It A Night, And Have Not Touched It Since.

(I Am Definitely Up For A Ridiculously Esoteric Slash Puzzly Quirk, Though. I Thought About Encryption But That's Just Cruel)

(Also I Do Not Think I want To Adopt Any Of "My" Old Quirks Because Yeah)

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Sruixan - 05-16-2016

[itfo lfeynddp hnb pirtgl iue etuiyoa ietsoosilsi huowfs mlel rnseadoheouote om]

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Schazer - 05-16-2016

くコ:彡 I du<<o what you did with those words but you'd best put 'eΣ back >:V
くコ:彡 (Also yes let's totes defuse soΣe Σore shit, frie<d Σe o< Discord you huge <erd)

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Sruixan - 05-16-2016

Fun Fact: That Was An Instance Of The Encryption Method I Used On The Corrupt Flavourtext For Revenge Of Extreme Trainwreck However Many Years Ago, By Which I Mean Four Holy Shit. Nobody Ever Figured It Out, To My Surprise, So Apparently When I Set Up A Puzzle "Somewhere Else" Some Time Afterwards (That I Am Also Surprised Nobody Has Ever Found, Or At Least If They Have They've Not Told Me), I Used It For That Too.

I Say "Apparently" Because I Had Completely Forgotten I'd Even Made The Damn Thing Until About Three Days Ago When I Inadvertently Stumbled Across It Again And Caused Myself An Hour Of Grief Trying To Figure It Out, Despite It Being Unexpectedly Easy. So There You Go.

(Also Sorry I Have Not Been On Discord For Many Days I Should Rectify That Soon)

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Sruixan - 05-16-2016

What The Fuck I Cannot Decode It Again


RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Sruixan - 05-16-2016

Never Mind I Was Just Being A Right Doofus.

...Which Is Just One More Piece Of Evidence That Suggests That I Should Go To Bed, The Time Being Another.

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Sruixan - 05-16-2016

The "Arcane Symbols" Comment Reminds Me Of This, Which I Found A Few Days After I'd Spent A Nice Long Chunk Of Time Reading Through Unicode Charts Manually In Search Of Homoglyphs With A Very Particular Property For The Puzzle I Was Making. It Was Not A Well Received Find, I Can Tell You, But Fortunately It Doesn't Actually Do Quite What I Needed So Boo Yah I Didn't Waste An Uncomfortable Number Of Hours After All.

...but I did just waste an awful lot of time copy-pasting characters off that utility in order to form a "quirk", only to discover that I can't post it? It appeared fine in preview, but does not materialise here, where it should? Huh.

(also this is totally written in a quirk, honest... um, let's see, it's one where I capitalise every X, but the above paragraph did not eXactly afford me an opportunity to demonstrate it? Yeah, that's a good bit of bullshit)

(it strikes me that I am treating this thread precisely like the thread I am intending to create, so this *gestures wildly* is what you've got to look forward to, you know...)

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Sruixan - 05-16-2016

hανιηg ταlκεd οf Eχτrεmε Trαιηωrεcκ lαsτ ηιghτ, I rεmεmβεrεd τhατ τhιs ωαs οηcε α τhιηg, ιη τhιs cοlουr αηd ενεrγτhιηg

(I τhιηκ τhατ ωαs α fυll sυβsτιτυτιοη, αcτυαllγ, βυτ ωhατενεr)

ιτ cεrταιηlγ sατιsfιεs βοτh τhε αrcαηε sγmβοls αηd rεαdαβιlιτγ rεqυιrεmεητs, υηlεss γου cαη αcτυαllγ rεαd Grεεκ ιη ωhιch cαsε I αm sο sοrrγ

...lοοκιηg ατ ιτ, τhεrε αrε sοmε mοrε ιητεrεsτιηg lοοκιηg sγmβοls ιη τhιs Uηιcοdε βlοcκ τhατ I mιghτ αdd το τhε scrιρτ. Fοr mαχιmυm sιllιηεss, οβνιουslγ

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Ixcaliber - 05-25-2016

My new quirk is Aks Rule Hell (Rule 1 only variant). This is a wonderful idea I don't know what you're talking about. Melonspa

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - OTTO - 05-25-2016

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RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Ixcaliber - 05-25-2016

(05-25-2016, 03:23 PM)OTTO Wrote: »Why are you so judgemental

Perhaps I am, but you passed 0 rules.

For shame! You realize that was a pretty easy ruleset?

RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - OTTO - 05-25-2016

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RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Ixcaliber - 05-25-2016


RE: the awwful fantroll quirk thread - Ixcaliber - 05-26-2016

I decided when Sruix Rule Hell is done it joins the other rules in my rotation. I realize this was a mistake. I will definitely regret this decision.