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Polite but Irreverent Thread about Food - Printable Version

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RE: Your Policy on Bacon (And other food, maybe?) - Plaid - 04-21-2016

i really don't like bacon at all

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Loather - 04-21-2016

thank you

6666666666666666666666666669999999999999999999999999999999999999151515151515151515151 - Electrum - 04-21-2016


RE: Your Policy on Bacon (And other food, maybe?) - Plaid - 04-21-2016

(04-21-2016, 05:57 AM)Bobert Wrote: »
(04-21-2016, 05:56 AM)Plaid Wrote: »i really don't like bacon at all
"Opens bottle of apple cider. Drinks it abrasively" BUUUUURP
Good on ya... (Well do you like sausages at least? They're a great breakfast food)

Not really...

There aren't very many meats that i do enjoy though

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Kitet - 04-21-2016

[Image: 51b9TLMOolL._SY300_.jpg]

dog's don't know it's not bacon'.............................

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Loather - 04-21-2016

i can;t believe it's not bacon (commerical reference)

1`23456700000000000-09uijhbnvcxcvbjhgfxdcv;oukj - Electrum - 04-21-2016


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RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Plaid - 04-21-2016

I hate fish, except octopus which i dont really get the chance to eat very often anyway? And chicken is okay but inly high quality... I have being toeing th line of vegetarianism for years now

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Electrum - 04-21-2016

Ah okay. Well since this a every kind of food thread now (technically it always was). What's your favourite veggie? I like cauliflower. It is much better than broccoli in taste, for me. I've loved that shit since forever.

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Dragon Fogel - 04-21-2016

I don't like most vegetables when they're cooked. Basically I'm good with corn and potatoes, and that's pretty much it.

I'm good with raw carrots, celery, and occasionally broccoli and cauliflower (which I recall hearing are actually the same plant), but I can't stand any of them cooked. Well, I've had celery soup and I don't mind that, but I don't usually bite into the celery, I just swallow it since it's tiny pieces. Broccoli, though - even a tiny sprig of cooked broccoli tastes awful to me.

I'm not a fan of cucumber, used to be okay with it but then one day I wasn't. Same thing happened with pickles, but much earlier in my life - like, when I was something like 2-5 years old. I liked pickles for a while and then stopped liking them suddenly.

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Electrum - 04-21-2016

Oh that's a shame dude, cause cucumbers and pickles and dill are all my favourites. Frankly all the C-starting veggies are my favourites, corn, carrot, cauliflower, cucumber, cabbage. (Not a fan of celery, to me it is like the most boring shit I've eaten)

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Plaid - 04-21-2016

Parsnips and kumara are probably my fave? I eat a lot of spinach, too, though thats mostly because the plants grow like crazy in my family's garden. Im pretty keen on most veges tbh (except asparagus and cucumber. Bleh)

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Electrum - 04-21-2016

@Bigro: Yup, you sure got that right. It's just almost tasteless watery crap.
Sweet potato and parsley are pretty neat! With all of that spinach you can gather the strength to crack bricks apart with your bare head and send people flying across the globe, hahahahahah.

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Gatr - 04-21-2016

i'm like, the opposite of a vegetarian. if it's meat, ill eat it without a question. even if its like... organs or other strange bits. or meats from strange animals.

veggies though... depends on what it is and only if its been cooked and seasoned. but my favorite is asparagus that has been grilled to a shriveled crisp

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Electrum - 04-21-2016

I'm in the same boat. I love meat. Meat is Me(at), Meat is neat, I am meat, I am a NEET. I really despise asparagus though, it's like one of those veggies I will agree with the detractors on. I hate eggplants too. Capsicum? More leik Crapsicum amirite folks? (Actually it depends on how you cook tbh, if you don't do it right, I will despise how it tastes) There is probably another one but it is escaping my mind at the moment.

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-21-2016

when it's veggies, the veggies must be transformed by the dark arts of cooking into something that tastes like meat. ex. vinegar'd broccoli tastes very good, i compare it to meat and eat it almost every week

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Plaid - 04-21-2016

It's like you guys are a whole other species. You can pry vegetables out of my cold, dead hands

Honestly probably the only reason i haven't gone full veg is mcdonalds cheeseburgers

I am trash

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Kitet - 04-21-2016

oh yeah speaking of meat
i basically only eat burgers and chicken tenders because i hate most meat textures? i really hate when i'm eating some breakfast sausage and there's like, tiny hard pieces eeeugh

so i tried out some "meatless breakfast patties" hoping they'd taste good and not have the bad texture but they did?? they tasted half-decent and like, really heavily emulated the bad sausage texture??? whyyyy

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Plaid - 04-21-2016

I'm also super not big on the texture thing so i'm gonna go ahead and warn you that most meat free substitute type things are Not Good

With the exception of quorn, which is like chicken but without the parts that i hate :D

But yeah just eat something else tbh. If you still want something in that vague department then has browns are for you

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - a52 - 04-21-2016

I'm not really a fan of meat. I don't dislike it, but I don't really like it much either, unless it's very well made. I would easily go vegetarian if there were better ways to get protein.

What I really do like is fruit. I don't think I've ever had a fruit I didn't like, and that includes semi-fruits like tomato and avocado. My favorites are probably peaches and strawberries, which I will never get tired of.

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Reyweld - 04-21-2016

I like meat. I like vegetables.

Stirfrys, Spaghetti, Soups, Breakfast.

These are all things that are good.

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Loather - 04-21-2016

celery is less nothing than lettuce, which is the worst

also imo

spinach is an excellent substitute for lettuce in most places where lettuce is used

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Electrum - 04-23-2016

Hmm I ain't too sure that spinach in a burger would be something I'd like, Loath. But then again, we were put on this Earth to try lots of things. So I dunno? Maybe a burger with spinach would be great?

RE: Muthafucking Food Talk (And bacon, maybe?) - Electrum - 04-27-2016

A few days ago. I helped my stepfather cook risotto. It was nice. Yesterday we all ate spaghetti, then I ate spaghetti for a late lunch. Actually almost an hour from when I've typed this.