Eagle Time
Strandido - Crab-sposition - Printable Version

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RE: Strandido - Suffer not the Wrath of Gore - Colby - 04-25-2016

> inspect construction sign and weird computer-y machine

RE: Strandido - Suffer not the Wrath of Gore - Schazer - 04-25-2016

Find a nice damp rock pool or something for GREENBACKS to convalesce in.

RE: Strandido - Suffer not the Wrath of Gore - Whimbrel - 04-25-2016


RE: Strandido - Suffer not the Wrath of Gore - TerraTorment - 04-25-2016

> pick up the hard hat safety sign and wear it as head protection.

RE: Strandido - Too bad it's not Rose Gold - SirBlizz98 - 04-26-2016

>Notice your glasses mysteriously vanished just before the fight with then ENEMY CRAB.

[Image: STRN_Panel073.png]

Well, you put them in your pocket. You didn't want them to get broken in that fight.

>Find a nice damp rock pool or something for GREENBACKS to convalesce in.

[Image: STRN_Panel074.png]

Well you can't see anything as such so you're just gonna... oh hey.


[Image: STRN_Panel075.png]

Its... INKY, if you recall correctly, you guess this is where they wandered off to. Uh, anyway, you're just gonna like, leave them somewhere relative safe while you deal this other business.

>Whats that thing PINKY has?

[Image: STRN_Panel076.png]

It looks like some kind of watch, wait a minute, is that- it is!


[Image: STRN_Panel077.png]

It's a cWATCH, and not just any cWATCH, it's YOUR cWATCH. The Latest and greatest innovation in INVENTORY MANAGEMENT/SMARTPHONE TECHNOLOGY, from the lovely people at SEA-TEK, It's a portable mostly Hands free INVENTORY and VITAL STATISTIC tracking solution, It's also SMARTPHONE and provides you all the benefits theirin, such as being a WATCH that allows you tell time! Wowee what an inovation.


[Image: STRN_Panel078A.png]

[Image: STRN_Panel078B.png]

You Bring up your cFILE, ugh... that profile picture... and review your VITAL STATISTICS... yeah you don't really understand what most of these numbers mean, and in fact, you feel like it would be futile to speculate. Anyway though everything seems to be in order.

>Insert LEAF into COMPUTER

[Image: STRN_Panel079.png]

Ungluing your eyes from your WATCH, you go over to this DEVICE, it kind looks like a weird TV and VCR honestly, more than a computer anyway.


[Image: STRN_Panel080.png]

You stick the PALM FROND into the slot anyway... You're not entirely certain what you-


[Image: STRN_Panel081A.gif]

[Image: STRN_Panel081B.png]


>Immediately sit down and begin watching television.

[Image: STRN_Panel082.gif]

You Gaze Into the DEVICE, it has a certain strange attraction to you. Yet simultaneously you are repulsed, the color reminds you too much of your EX-GIRLFRIEND and Her big dumb glowing face looming obnoxiously outside your bedroom. Yeah you're done staring at this thing.

>Look at the neat drawing of the hard hat guy!

[Image: STRN_Panel083.png]

You look at the drawing, it is very neat, some might say even kinda cute. Look at that guy, in his little Hard-Hat, He probably works very HARD and very SAFELY. You kinda wish you had a Hard-Hat now. The Sign points out to you that you are in a CAVE, and rocks might fall from about onto your head, perhaps giving you a CONCUSSION.

>Pick up the hard hat safety sign and wear it as head protection.

[Image: STRN_Panel084.gif]

Suddenly driven by PARANOIA about falling you try to pry the sign off the post to use a makeshift Helmet. Alas, it remains fastened sturdily to the post, a testament to the power of SAFETY this sign possesses, or perhaps the CHUTZPAH of the post.

RE: Strandido - Suffer not the Wrath of Gore - a52 - 04-26-2016

>Your stats screen says you're single. You've got to change that! Seduce a crab, ASAP.

RE: Strandido - Too bad it's not Rose Gold - Schazer - 04-26-2016

Jump up and down on those planks in a contemplative fashion. They look nice and bouncy.

RE: Strandido - Too bad it's not Rose Gold - Heyoceama - 04-26-2016

> See if you can find a rock to sharpen the weathered knife.

RE: Strandido - Too bad it's not Rose Gold - Whimbrel - 04-27-2016

Open the door to the right with reckless abandon

RE: Strandido - Too bad it's not Rose Gold - NonAnalogue - 04-27-2016

Look more closely at the messages on the cWatch.

RE: Strandido - Suffer not the Wrath of Gore - Colby - 04-27-2016

(04-26-2016, 06:40 AM)a52 Wrote: »>Your stats screen says you're single. You've got to change that! Seduce a crab, ASAP.

create girlfriend using sticks, coconuts and palm fronds

RE: Strandido - Too bad it's not Rose Gold - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-27-2016

singl & reddy 2 mingl, pls mingl w/ crabs @ crabmingl.kom

RE: Strandido - Suffer not the Wrath of Gore - wolftamer9 - 04-28-2016

(04-27-2016, 07:23 PM)Toasted Wrote: »
(04-26-2016, 06:40 AM)a52 Wrote: »>Your stats screen says you're single. You've got to change that! Seduce a crab, ASAP.

create girlfriend using sticks, coconuts and palm fronds

Let's not have a repeat of Queen Maizey, please.

RE: Strandido - It's pronounced 'Fashion' - SirBlizz98 - 04-28-2016

>Who's JUNO?

[Image: STRN_Panel085.png]

That's a very interesting question because there's no singular answer because SHE is many things. She's a PHILANTHROPIST MULTI-BILLIONAIRE who makes more in a day than you've made you're entire career, The World's MOST ATTRACTIVE WOMEN, the Current face of leading Fashion Magazine FAXION, among other equally vaunted achievements.
Oh, she's also you're EX-GIRLFRIEND.

>Jump up and down on those planks in a contemplative fashion. They look nice and bouncy.

[Image: STRN_Panel086.gif]

Well it seems that appearances can be deceiving because these boards are stiff as... well... BOARDS, still though, activity relieves some of the stress of remembering your overbearing EX-GIRLFRIEND, so it is not all a waste you suppose.

>Help tend to your fallen comrade and check on how Green is doing.

[Image: STRN_Panel087.png]

You decide to see how GREENBACKS is doing, have you actually decided their name is GREENBACKS? You're not certain, you should probably get on that, anyway, you look over their condition, It appears unchanged, which is to say, slowly improving.

>Create girlfriend using sticks, coconuts and palm fronds

[Image: STRN_Panel088.gif]

You are suddenly overcome with thoughts of making a FAKE GIRLFRIEND out of stick and coconuts and suddenly also of MAIZEY, who the heck is MAIZEY, you think, you have no Idea who that is. That beside this whole Idea strikes you as silly, and slightly desperate. You dismiss this line of thinking post haste.

>What's powering the lights and that machine? Follow the cords!

[Image: STRN_Panel089.png]

Following the mess of cords leads you to the DOOR, the source of power for all these is behind the DOOR!

>Open the door to the right with reckless abandon

[Image: STRN_Panel090.gif]

OH YES!!!!


[Image: STRN_Panel091.png]

It appears to be some sort of combination LAB/BEDROOM. This place looks amazingly cramped and uncomfortable to live in, sorta like your first apartment, but worse because you can't imagine how anyone would keep this place clean... Uhh, anyway.

RE: Strandido - It's pronounced 'Fashion' - a52 - 04-28-2016

>Press the big green button

RE: Strandido - It's pronounced 'Fashion' - Fellow - 04-28-2016

>Look at the picture next to the computer.

RE: Strandido - It's pronounced 'Fashion' - calvintheviking - 04-28-2016

This is clearly the den of one of the dreaded HOMESTUCK creatures you've heard of, slowly back out of the room for safety's sake.

RE: Strandido - It's pronounced 'Fashion' - Schazer - 04-28-2016

take everything in this room you have zero use for and put it on that SCIENCE-looking platform.

Press the green button and hope it's a trash disposal.

RE: Strandido - It's pronounced 'Fashion' - Whimbrel - 04-29-2016

Greenbacks is a solid name for a solid crustacean.


RE: Strandido - It's pronounced 'Fashion' - Colby - 04-29-2016

make the rose and jade dolls smooch

RE: Strandido - It's pronounced 'Fashion' - AgentBlue - 04-29-2016

Feed everything into that machine that erased the palm frond.

RE: Strandido - and kiss - SirBlizz98 - 04-30-2016

>Look at the picture next to the computer.

[Image: STRN_Panel092A.png]

[Image: STRN_Panel092B.png]

It appears to be a picture of LADY of some description, you have no idea who they are but they're certainly easy on the eyes. Presumbly this lady was an ASSOCIATE, perhaps a FRIEND of the person who inhabitated this cave/lab, you mind boggles in the infinite realm of possibility.

>Look at adorable plushies.

[Image: STRN_Panel093.png]

They appear to be PLUSH REPRISENTATIVES of some fine young DAMSELS from a CERTAIN POPULAR INTERNET... THING. Personally you were never really that into it, you always preferred the previous with the STREETWISE HARD BOILED PALOOKA'S who aint took no guff from nobody and did some serious SLEUTHING. Yeah, that was the ticket, you think.

>Make the rose and jade dolls smooch.

[Image: STRN_Panel094.gif]


[Image: STRN_Panel095.gif]

>take everything in this room you have zero use for and put it on that SCIENCE-looking platform.

[Image: STRN_Panel096.png]

Well you can't really say you'll have ZERO use for any of this SWAG ya see, thing is, you might THINK 'oh i don't have any use for any of this guff' so you throw it all out, only for it to turn out, MUCH LATER, that that thing you threw out turned out to be the INTEGRAL PIECE of some sort of WEIRD PUZZLE MALARKEY, and then you'll be all 'aw sweet juneberries if only i hadnt thrown out that thing'.


[Image: STRN_Panel097.png]

You acquire the BUTTERFLY NET, perfect for all your FLYING CRITTER CAPTURING needs! It has some sort of SCIENCY DOOHICKEY attached but danged if you have any sort of clue as to what it does, perhaps it assists in the capture of FLYING CREATURES, that'd be your guess.

>Ogle at technological shenanigans. Look for loot.

[Image: STRN_Panel098.png]

Yeah you can't make heads or tails or any of these assorted TECHNOLOGICAL DEVICES of ESOTERIC MAGI-TECH, they certainly look advanced though.


[Image: STRN_Panel099.png]

Anyway, you stash all the STASH-ABLE things into your cVINTORY, the EIGHT (8) additional inventory spaces provided by your handy-dandy cWatch.


[Image: STRN_Panel100.png]

One of the pieces of SWEET LOOT appears to be a MAP of tunnels, presumbly connected to the cave you're in. It's a little complex, but you think you might be able to figure out what this means.

>Press the big green button

[Image: STRN_Panel101A.gif]

[Image: STRN_Panel101B.png]

Well that was cool looking and all, but it appears to have done a whole lotta nothing.

RE: Strandido - and kiss - Colby - 04-30-2016

take three random items out of your inventory and put them on those squares on the science platform, then press the green button again.

RE: Strandido - and kiss - calvintheviking - 04-30-2016

Inspect pumpkin.

RE: Strandido - and kiss - Whimbrel - 04-30-2016

Put the two plush dames and the picture on the green platform and then turn it on again