Eagle Time
National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Printable Version

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RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Schazer - 10-29-2012

Fuck it, that's enough initial interest. I'd probably get more done this way rather than if I tried to write a whole damn NaNoWriMo myself, so I guess we need to see how bad a trainwreck we want to have by the month's end. Should we decide on a theme/genre? Should that be at the OP's discretion? If you're dedicating yourself to this, are there any genres/time travels you would specifically rather not do? Do we want to have some guidelines about how often you can blow shit up or add new characters? Would a googledoc for the cliffnotes be useful, useless, or against the spirit of the thing?

I am cool with organising this (collating all the bits, etc) provided it doesn't exclude me from writing a paragraph or three if the mood strikes me. I've got a bunch of thoughts about how to ensure we get >1666 words per day without that being lumped on one person, but we should see how things go down.

However it transpires, I can see this being a hilarious disaster.

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - btp - 10-29-2012

It may be more interesting if, upon writing, we each select a particular style of story we are wanting to write: (horror, smut, fan fiction, adventure, sci-fi, etc.) Having such abrupt genre shifts might make it more entertaining

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-29-2012

I think we should write a murder mystery if we're doing it exquisite corpse style. That way, none of the facts will ever match up.

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Kitet - 10-29-2012

hahaha oh man
now I'm super tempted to join
ohhhhh maaaaaaan

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Dragon Fogel - 10-29-2012

Oh hey, I just saw this new crazy idea.

Sign me up, this sounds fun.

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Gatr - 10-29-2012

i might consider this craaaazy thing, i just need to decide upon whether im capable of doing that atop my regular nanowrimo (and of course my battles)

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - AgentBlue - 10-29-2012

'Exquisite Corpse doesn't lend itself well to genre restrictions' was my first thought, but after thinking about it, I suppose it could work. Discrete genres though, that I don't see working.

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Schazer - 10-31-2012

Eagle Time Forums

[Image: kJhyz.png]
Something a littleHuge Novelmber Writing Month

Welcome to the tentative home of the Eagle Time 2012 SaHNoWriMo Initiative! Trust me, we have no idea what we're doing. If someone linked you this post without context to give you something to laugh at, here's what's up: We're going to collectively toss together a piecemeal debacle sham of patchwork novel in the space of one month!

How this'll work
  • In the small hours of November 1, 2012, NZST, I will write the first 500-1000 words of a 50,000 word novel into this googledoc. Once completed, I will hit shift-enter, write the total word count on the new page, and mention either here or on IRC that it's up for grabs.
  • Someone else for whom November has begun may now read my passage and write the next 500-1000 words of the story, preface the next page with the total word count, and hock it off to somebody else.
  • The third participant will now load up the googledoc, but is not allowed to read my passage. They must write a 500-1000 word continuation of whatever story the previous passage is telling.
  • We continue in this fashion until we're approaching 5,000 words, at which point the next writer may write the end of the chapter.
  • Once a chapter is complete, it's free for everyone to read (but you don't have to if, for some reason, you had some aversion to having your bits be at all coherent in the wider narrative). This'll give us ten chapters in our "book".
  • Yeah, "book" will be an extremely generous term for it. If that.
  • Someone else can start Chapter 2 in a fresh Googledoc; this will presumably be another 5000ish words before someone wraps up the chapter and frees it for viewing in all its surgineered incoherent glory.
  • We hopefully continue this until we've written 50,000 words! Whoa Give or take, I think we'd probably rather finish it tidily than have to be cutting it off mid-sentence.

The Rules
  • We will be operating on an honour system. That means no peeking at what people wrote earlier, lest you be devoured by guilt.
  • You can write more than twice in one chapter, but obviously can't write off whatever you last wrote. Or make an unfortunate sandwich of someone between your past passage and your latest passage. Just be sensible, arright?
  • Try and avoid reading a passage and deciding "ew no that doesn't sound like fun", that makes it kind of pointless if you pick it up the post after next.
  • You can only contribute to SaHNoWriMo during your November. This makes it an international collaboration but also gives everyone the same amount of time to work on it. If you know anyone in Midway Atoll or Niue who's fan-fucking-tastic at writing endings to clusterfuck stories at midnight, get them on board for this.
  • You only get one chapter-opening each, because that seems like a prime time to shoehorn in characters you want.
  • In order to get 50,000 words in 30 days of November, ~1666 words are needed per day. This means no hogging it for a day; only pick it up if you've got time to spit something out in an afternoon. Preferably less.
  • Because of the above, reserving will not be a thing. Maybe at the very start, but definitely not in the inevitable mid-month slow down.
  • Please attempt to keep things coherent. It'll be enough of a clusterfuck without people deliberately throwing things off the rails.

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Solaris - 10-31-2012

awww yisss

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - seedy - 10-31-2012

I want to play~

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Schazer - 10-31-2012

And now we have a Crying Eagle-inducing banner, courtesy of Gnauga.

E: I have done my bit!

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - AgentBlue - 10-31-2012


RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - SeaWyrm - 10-31-2012

Oooooooooh yes, I found this just in time. I am so very down that I could be a quark or something.
Today is still October for me. I'll jump in tomorrow I guess.

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Lankie - 10-31-2012

Yep I'm playing!
2 hours to go untill November for me
E: eeeee maybe not tonight actually I need to sleep. BUT I'll do something at some point promise times.

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Dragon Fogel - 11-01-2012

It's midnight on Nov. 1 now, I'm going to get started on a section. I'll edit this when it's done in case any non-IRC people are jumping at the bit to join in.

Edit: It's done!

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Coldblooded - 11-01-2012

I might be up for writing some stuff for this, but probably not for at least another week or so. (Both for personal reasons and inevitable mid-month slowdown reasons.)

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Woffles - 11-02-2012

my Nano story is a Lovecraft-inspired story titled Eau-De-Nil. I might just post it here!

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Solaris - 11-03-2012

this is going to be thing
this refering to whatever it is i am going to start to write in some short amount of time


I will attempt make again soon just

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - AgentBlue - 11-03-2012

And now I am doing thing like a thief in the night that no one may see me write whilst they sleep.

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - AgentBlue - 11-03-2012

Aaaaaand done! We're up to 4154 words!

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012

4660 words! It's time for someone to wrap up the first chapter, I think.

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Crowstone - 11-04-2012

i'll wrap it up!

I've wrapped it up

CHapter One is complete! I believe this means everyone go read chapter one. (optional)

who wants to start chapter two?

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - whoosh! - 11-04-2012

Four days into NaNoWriMo I decided what I really needed to do was start doing it, even though I had no intention of doing any such thing at the start of the month. I bashed out about a thousand words in 30 minutes after I decided this though so maybe it's not so bad.

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - Schazer - 11-04-2012

SaHNoWriMo: Chapter One

Authors: Schazer - Agent - Guy - Fogel - Slorange - Agent - Fogel - Crowstone

5200 words


All in all, it was relatively coherent (although Harrison Haddenson Hanson did not emerge unscathed). Five days into November, we're about 3000 words behind if we're sticking to schedule. Whoever's kicking off Chapter Two should get to it!

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month! - SeaWyrm - 11-05-2012

There keep not being last pages to threads. Why is that?
I probably won't have a chance to contribute to this until tuesday or wednesday or something.