Eagle Time
Last Day - Printable Version

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Re: Last Day - Doodley - 03-03-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Redux Wrote:I don't think I did it right. Should we move this to a PM to avoid cluttering the thread with my goofs?
Yeah, sure.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-04-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by supersinger472.

Jennifer: smash right into ted

Re: Last Day - seedy - 03-05-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by crepuscularDissembler.

have a quick piece of fanart (in which I ignore certain design aspects for the sake of coolness)


Re: Last Day - Doodley - 03-07-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.


ArcusofBrambles Wrote:La-la: Be skeptical. You know Beetle and he's been waiting for the Zompocalypse (his words, not yours) for years. This isn't the first time he's cried wolf.
[Image: 486.png]

"Beetle, not every hobo shuffling towards you moaning is a zombie. I thought we talked about this."

"Don't be an ass, it's for real this time, I'm telling you!"

[Image: 487.png]

"I am completely obsessed with zombies. Obsessed with the idea of zombies, with everything relating to zombies, and everything in preparation for a zombie invasion. La-La. This is the greatest day of my life."

KilroyWasHere Wrote:>Inquire if they run or shamble.
[Image: 488.png]

"I mean, I didn't think it was a zombie at first. And then it starting shuffling towards me with it's arms raised. And it had a lit computer monitor for a head..."

[Image: 489.png]

"...which is when I realized it's an infection that's spreading through the office. I don't know how that douchebag got infected, I was just too shocked, but he must have had some sort of infection from that duck I saw with the lit computer monitor for a head. Which would mean that the infection hasn't spread that much yet. Which means..."

[Image: 485.png]

"...I'm going to make this the best day of my life all by myself."

[Image: 490.png]

"Wait, where are you going? What are you talking about!"

[Image: 491.png]

"Beetle, get back here! You're not making any sen--"

[Image: 456.png]

[Image: 492.png]


Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-07-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Grutor.

I could see that. Scruffy beard due to lack of hygiene while occupied by games.

>Beetle exits the elevator looking like Bill armed to the teeth. (second from the left)
>Steals Frank's gastric medication.
Beetle: "Found some pills here!"
>Frank: Franticly search for your medication, it turns out the hot-dog meat went bad.
>Oh no.... OH NO.... It's too late...
__________________________________________________ ___________|
These people will experience an unholy wind like no other mortal has experienced before.
__________________________________________________ ___________|

Re: Last Day - seedy - 03-07-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by crepuscularDissembler.

Huh, I interpreted that last line as Beetle deciding that things weren't NEARLY cataclysmic enough, oh no.

>La-la: if things do turn out to be real bad wrong, is there anyone you can call?

(thanks! also btw I'm a dudette)

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-07-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Grutor.

Oh I know he going to let the duck out but for comedy's sake he does something out of the ordinary.
Besides, he can use the gas to move across the room undetected by Ted's party and open the door. As the shallow green fumes dissipate, Ted will realize that the whole floor is infected.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-07-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by ArcusofBrambles.

Last Day: Be feckin' awesome!

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-07-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by trulyElse.

ArcusofBrambles Wrote:Last Day: Be feckin' awesome!
That was never a thing that stopped being true.

> Beetle: Get your battle-pants on.

... What?

Re: Last Day - Godbot - 03-07-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.

> La-La: Did he say something about a duck with a computer monitor for a head? Give Manfreddie a call.

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.


Godbot Wrote:> La-La: Did he say something about a duck with a computer monitor for a head? Give Manfreddie a call.
[Image: 493.png]

You know what? You should. You're pretty sick of everyone acting totally crazy and nobody explaining anything to you. You should just go find Manfreddie and ask what's going on. He should know. The front desk will be fine by itself.

[Image: 494.png]

You should be more assertive. You should go up to Beetle and Jennifer and ask what's going on. Nobody likes a shy girl. And you think you'll start by telling the next person you see what you think about them!

[Image: 495.png]

You press the elevator button. The elevator takes a second as it begins it's descent.

[Image: 496.png]

You should just tell the next person you see that their face is kind of dumb and that's just what you think! Yeah!

Yeah. That's what you'll do. Be assertive.

crepuscularDissembler Wrote:>La-la: if things do turn out to be real bad wrong, is there anyone you can call?
[Image: 497.png]

Well...you would probably call Lempi first. You know, in case you don't make it. Even if there was a zombie apocalypse or whatever Beetle calls it. She would need to know. It's sometimes hard, never even talking to her in person. Your love with her was developed entirely by the thoughts and ideas each of you shared. And you just always had something to share with her and talk to her about. It was never about each other's looks or the sex, it was just about...each other. Some people really don't understand that, and you wish they would. And if there was ever some sort of zombie apocalypse, or if anything really happened to you, she wouldn't be there. She couldn't be there. That's the hardest part.

The elevator beside to you pings, suddenly interrupting your thoughts.

[Image: 498.png]

"Heh. And they said the stairs were faster."

Ted steps out, looking around.

[Image: 499.png]

"Alrighty then, so where is computerman? He's gotta be here some--hey...where's Jennifer?"

"...Oh, uh, she was looking for you. You just missed her, sorta."

"Wh-what? She was looking for me?!"

[Image: 500.png]

"Shit! She could be in danger!" Ted runs back into the elevator as soon as possible and slams the button multiple times. He's going to leave without any explanation!

[Image: 501.png]

"Hey! Explain to me what's going on! Right now! Ted! Wh--"

You suddenly feel a squeeze. Which is when you realize what just happened, and you flush red.

[Image: 502.png]

"T-Ted. I'm...I'm stuck."

[Image: 503.png]

[Image: 504.png]

[Image: 505.png]


Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Redux.

Lenny-Sippy-Computer-Zombie: Pour your drink on her for maximum lulz

Re: Last Day - Dragon Fogel - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Press the "Open Door" button.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by trulyElse.

Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Press the "Open Door" button.
That makes way to much sense.

> La-la: Remember all those urban legends about people losing limbs in the elevator doors? Panic.

> Ted: Try to press open-door button; be unable to reach due to La-la's flailing.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by wolftamer9.

trulyElse Wrote:That makes way to much sense.

> La-la: Remember all those urban legends about people losing limbs in the elevator doors? Panic.

> Ted: Try to press open-door button; be unable to reach due to La-la's flailing.
> Alternatively, both of you should fight each other over who hits the open button, causing neither of you to hit it.

Re: Last Day - Godbot - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.

> Ted: Panic about zombies

> La-La: Try to see over your shoulder but mostly just freak out

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Eversor.

>Don't worry. They open swiftly after a obstruction is in the way. They usually stop before they hit anything but this is a old office building so I suppose it lacks that security device. But it will open simply from a pressure pad built inside the doors.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Grutor.

>V-Lenny: Suddenly acquire shades and a lower lip. Even infected, he's still an ass.
>Ted: Uppercut Lenny and free La-La.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by BigBurkhart.

Use her ass as a sippy-cup coaster.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Mibbs.

Lenny: short out

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by ArcusofBrambles.

BigBurkhart Wrote:Use her ass as a sippy-cup coaster.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.

> Ted: Grab her and try to pull her in
> Shirt: Be lost in the confusion


Re: Last Day - OTTO - 03-09-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Yamtaggler.

>Why don't you just hit the button that opens the door?

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 03-10-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.


[Image: 510.png]

"Heh. Your butt's stuck."

trulyElse Wrote:> La-la: Remember all those urban legends about people losing limbs in the elevator doors? Panic.
[Image: 511.png]

"Seriously, Ted?! This is embarrassing! I could be crushed! Please, just, get me out!"

Eversor Wrote:>Don't worry. They open swiftly after a obstruction is in the way. They usually stop before they hit anything but this is a old office building so I suppose it lacks that security device. But it will open simply from a pressure pad built inside the doors.
[Image: 512.png]

"Oh, calm down, you're in no danger. I promise I will free your butt in no time at all.

Yamtaggler Wrote:>Why don't you just hit the button that opens the door?
Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Press the "Open Door" button.
[Image: 513.png]

"All I've got to do is just press this...

[Image: 514.png]


[Image: 515.png]

[Image: 516.png]

"What? What is it?"

[Image: 517.png]

"La-La. There's a zombie right behind you."

"Wh-what?! You mean Beetle wasn't crazy?! Oh God, get me out! Get me out!

"Calm down, calm down, I don't think they can infect you by biting your ass or anything, it has to bite your head. It's probably just waiting for the doors to open to grab you. I can't risk letting that thing in, so I'm going to try something. Hold your hands up for me."

suomynonAyletamitlU Wrote:> Ted: Grab her and try to pull her in
[Image: 518.png]

"O-Okay...not like I can do anything else in this state."

[Image: 519.png]

BigBurkhart Wrote:Use her ass as a sippy-cup coaster.
[Image: 520.png]

[Image: 521.png]

[Image: 522.png]

01010010 01000101 01001100 01000101 01000001 01010011 01000101 00100000 01000111 01010010 01001001 01010000

[Image: 523.png]


[Image: 524.gif]

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[Image: 527.gif]

[Image: 528.png]

[Image: 530.gif]

[Image: 531.png]

[Image: 532.png]

01001101 01000101 01000001 01001110 01001001 01001110 01000111 01001100 01000101 01010011 01010011

[Image: 533.png]

[Image: 534.png]

[Image: 535.png]

Damn. That was too close.

[Image: 536.png]


[Image: 537.png]

"Hehehe...Hahahaha! My butt...got stuck in an elevator! Hahahaha! Wait until Lempi hears about this! Hahahaha!"

[Image: 538.png]


[Image: 539.png]


Re: Last Day - Dragon Fogel - 03-11-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Be the Janitor.