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Man-man - Printable Version

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Re: Man-man - OTTO - 12-03-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by WaveOfBabies.

> Investigate in the hopes of finding something useful. Like ye flask.

Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 12-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.


> Time to investigate into the volcano itself.

[Image: mm227.png]

"What do you mean it BROKE? How the hell does a volcano BREAK?"

"I don't know! It just stopped working all of a sudden!"

"Oh, good thinking! Let's keep hitting buttons! Maybe that'll help!"

"I don't even know what I'm doing! I'm not a scientist!"

[Image: mm228.png]

"The hell are you doing here, then?!"

"Working as a secretary's really stressful, okay? They left the records unguarded! I thought this would be a nice vacation!"

[Image: mm229.png]

"So THIS is why you weren't able to fix the communications relay!"

"Hey, that technician had plenty of vacation days! He didn't need a relaxing break!"



"If there were anyone else around, I would ask them to PLEASE KILL ME NOW. As it is I think you'd probably just botch up the job."


Re: Man-man - Dragon Fogel - 12-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Grab him and tell him that's a very interesting choice of words.

Re: Man-man - Whimbrel - 12-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Just. Try and make the volcano work again. Let these guys sort out their problems on their own.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 12-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Chwoka.

Flip that switch and leave inconspicuously.

Re: Man-man - Not The Author - 12-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

Look, maybe this isn't the best time. These two are clearly suffering from some sort of personal problems and emotional stress, and your intrusion is just gonna make that worse. You should just come back later, give 'em time to calm down, I think.

> Cough awkwardly.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 12-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by WaveOfBabies.

> Double shoryuken. Show these two no mercy.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 12-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by hero122.

"Death is currently unavailable right now, Please be held."

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 12-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by PumpkinMan.

Just... walk around those two. They're clearly having a serious argument. No need to bother them. You can find what you're looking for yourself.

Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 01-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Grab him and tell him that's a very interesting choice of words.

[Image: mm230.png]

"Interesting choice of words."

"What the - I thought you exploded!"

"The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated."

> Just. Try and make the volcano work again. Let these guys sort out their problems on their own.

[Image: mm231.png]

"Anyway, I'm just here to fix the communications system. You two can just keep duking it out or whatever."

[Image: mm232.png]

"Now, what's your deal?"


Re: Man-man - Not The Author - 01-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

First things first: take off the gloves before handling heavy machinery - you're here to fix the machine, after all.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Lintire.

Punch the machine with thoughts concentrated on fixing it. Hey, they're magical freaking gauntlets, right?

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Chwoka.

Unplug everything.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by dragonHacker.

Lintire Wrote:Punch the machine with thoughts concentrated on fixing it. Hey, they're magical freaking gauntlets, right?
Yes. Obviously, punching things is the best way to solve any problem.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by zyborg.


Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by hero122.

Kick it in the face!

Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 01-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> First things first: take off the gloves before handling heavy machinery - you're here to fix the machine, after all.

You take off your gauntlets and lay them behind the monitor.

> Unplug everything.

[Image: mm233.png]

You start unplugging cables. The monitor quickly shuts off.


Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by WeaselExorcist.

now plug them everything back in. Also, did you notice anything already unplugged?

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-08-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by thetoastking.


Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-09-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by SonicLover.

thetoastking Wrote:Control alt PUNCH IT IN THE CONSOLE
We're trying to make it LESS broken!

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-10-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Shadow Phoenix.

Yeah plug this and just see what happens before trying anything.

Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 01-18-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.


[Image: CENSORED.png]


[Image: CENSORED.png]


[Image: CENSORED.png]



Re: Man-man - Anomaly - 01-18-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

> But how could you have known the orange juice could do that?

Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 01-21-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Plug everything back in.

[Image: mm234.png]

You plug everything back in. The machine beeps, and after a few seconds the monitor turns on again.

[Image: mm235.gif]

It seems to be missing a software installation disc of some kind.


Re: Man-man - Anomaly - 01-21-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Put in an old AOL trial CD. They've got those lying around all over the place, I'm sure.