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[Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Printable Version

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RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Thalia V1 - 11-05-2018

Oh god I forgot I was meant to post my link.
Ho boi

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Dorsidwarf - 11-12-2018

https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/6928 and https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/6929, You and Eris talk about "the divide" and "The Divide", even though she's The Divided. Mentioned in chat but resposted here so gime doesnt forget it

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Zentoyo - 11-13-2018

There are a few pages with no image and only the blue text, only the background and footer appears, this happens in pages
4920, 4927-9, 4932-39, 4965-67 and 4979-82.
Music link in 5017 aint working.
5634 works fine but a picture of cobalt is missing
5666 one punch gains the inventive trait when it gained it the page before.

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Fuade - 11-15-2018


This is my bad, but he was only about 98 percent done. I didn't realize he was eligible for early approval so I was dragging my feet to tweak him

First is a legit error, the Manipulative trait has the text for blood money in it. It should read

Quote:This character will, if given the chance, take advantage of a character for their own gain. This character is likely to tell others to do things that help themselves but not the person being told to do the action. Manipulative highly lowers the morale and may lower the sanity of a character if it happens too much.

At the bottom, where it reads "Please consult a doctor if your species is fluid, as the layer of chitin that grows from employment may hinder your ability to feed." "Chitin" should be replaced with "copper."

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Gimeurcookie - 11-16-2018

All above errors are fixed, thank you for reporting them! The only error that wasn't fixed was 5634 because it's more along the lines of a visual gag of Cobalt yelling off screen (and thus shaking the screen.)

Thank you for finding those REALLY aggressive errors Zentoyo!

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Babybowser101 - 11-16-2018

When editing and saving a demigod app (and possibly other apps too), the trait info for trait 5 is copied over the trait info for trait 4.

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Dorsidwarf - 11-16-2018

Lil request:
The Eye is a pro-worship (positively worshipped? This isn’t really a concept I’ve encountered elsewhere) god unlike the limbo jerks so it feels kinda off to have the anti cults come first (and they were written to read cult then anticult so the flow isn’t quite right anyway). Would it be possible to have that swapped around?

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Kíeros - 11-16-2018

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/7859 and https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/p/7863
Error: > Continue on the bottom links to https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/h/7860 and https://cosmosdex.com/fortuna/h/7864 respectively
Correction: That /h/ should be a /p/

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Artem1s - 11-22-2018

page: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/lore/gods/
error: is demi supposed to be in the dropdown menu when it is already in the bar menu?
[Image: 5606bc6a449f0fcd8ef3ebc481e9ed69.png]

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Babybowser101 - 12-01-2018

Page: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/lore/gods/cashmoney

Error: Forgot to change "goes into hibernation every other century" in the summary to "goes into hibernation every other year" after changing it in the rest of the app. Also, the fourth and fifth trait descriptions are still messed up, but I think that actually makes this entry work better.

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - FlanDab - 12-02-2018

Browser: Chrome Mobile
Did you clear your cache?: Yes.
Pages Affected: https://cosmosdex.com/cosmosdex/species/submissions#
Error: Going from submissions page to submit page leads to a 404 page.

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - medsal15 - 12-02-2018

Page: 7176
Sentence with the error: "The recon bird was getting to the end of its chain, it was attached to yet another thing, invisable had it not been glowing."
What the error is: It should say "invisible" instead of "invisable".

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Zentoyo - 12-02-2018

in vivian n willamina page this [One of her most distinct features is her hairstyle,] is repeated twice on physical description

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Gimeurcookie - 12-02-2018

All errors above should be fixed now

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Fuade - 12-04-2018


In the nickname and image caption spots, the word "Contactor" is used instead of the word "Contractor"

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - ProbablyNotRed - 12-05-2018

So, i was reading the comic, and i was reading the chatlog with cowboy in game 5, i picked the option not to yell at Cowboy, but when i go to talk to the other ppl in the chatlogs, but people are saying they dont want to get yelled at or something of the sort, even tough i did not yell at them, either ppl are berating me for not yelling at them or its a bug, most likely the latter.
Quote:{"fortuna":2,"seed1":45,"seed2":306,"name":"Red","he":"he","him":"he","his":"his","himself":"himself","seenaftik":"1","apollolove":-1,"fanfic":"1","rodname":"Rodney","rodlast":"Ivyye","rodhe":"he","rodhim":"him","rodhis":"his","rodhimself":"himself","rodtraits":1,"plantname":"Sierra","apollobetray3":"1","anger":11,"evil":11,"apasemhat":"1","extral":"Staree","extrals":"Stareexii","peace":11,"rodpeace":"1","tangopirate":"2","friend":15,"$apollobetray4":"1","cobname":"Cobbyum","cobshe":"she","cobher":"her","cobhers":"hers","cobherself":"herself","artemisname":"Red","captname":"Crimnosun","capthe":"They","capthim":"Them","capthis":"Their","capthimself":"Theirself","helioslove":9,"heliosflirt":3,"artemisflirt":"2","horsenick":"NotHorses","horsesound":"AAAAAA","horselike":"Souls","horsedislike":"Horses","horseenvironment":"Home","horseaction":"Fly","horsecolor":"Blue","heboy":"Nikea","absolutetrash":"TrashQueen","she":"DeathlyYeotail4ever","they":"FortunaDoneQuick","it":"ChatPlaysFortuna","we":"TwinsKillscreeners","none":"DebuggingOverlord","us":"EVERYSINGLEFUCKU","meme":"The spiciest memelord \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\ude24\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\ude24\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\ude24","theytalk":1,"wetalk":3,"ustalk":1,"styletype":"dark","placementflag":"game3_1","timezone":"America\/Sao_Paulo","kratosnick":"false","leomoneytoss":"1","apollotrust":"1","clockworksign":"1","heliosnotfired":"1","memetalk":3,"shetalk":3,"bellname":"Belladonna","neigh":6,"donotyellatcowboy2":"0","cleoname":"Clemmy","cleothey":"she","cleothem":"her","cleotheir":"her","cleotheirs":"hers","cleoself":"herself","leonotailfriend":"1","mainflag":"10","punchname":"Horsefistus","epuppy":"1","evilthey":"he","evilthem":"him","eviltheir":"his","eviltheirs":"his","evilself":"himself","goodthey":"he","goodthem":"him","goodtheir":"his","goodtheirs":"his","goodself":"himself","bellthey":"they","bellthem":"them","belltheir":"their","belltheirs":"theirs","bellself":"themself","yellatcowboy3":"1","finalcowboy":"0"}
[Image: unknown.png]

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Gimeurcookie - 12-05-2018

While what's happening is not an error, this is actually caused by the reader likely hitting back at some point in the cowboy conversation or checking the other option after making the first choice. To make this safer and fix the issue I have now made it so that when you don't yell at cowboy it gives you a cookie despite being the default. Now with the cookie in place you can accidentally go to the yell at cowboy convo, without getting a cookie saying you yelled at cowboy.

To fix your cookie just delete ( ,"yellatcowboy3":"1","finalcowboy":"0 ) and then go to the convo where you don't yell at cowboy. By doing this you'll gain protection from getting the cowboy cookie where you yell at him.

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Kodai - 12-06-2018

Not sure if this is an error, as I did choose the option (curse my curiosity!), but in a similar vein to the above, if you backtrack after comparing Kratos to Athena, the dialogue still has him use your new "nickname".

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - eerr - 12-06-2018


I've heard that a before.
I've heard that (one) before


Cobalt one of the nicer people on this ship as well.
Cobalt (is) one of the nicer people on this ship as well.

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Dorsidwarf - 12-06-2018


He's a bomb you shoot in to stars

into/in to strikes back

(also i mentioned this on the chat but

"Risk has no eyes sensors "
and Risk is listed as "Dog Risk" on the store panel but Cobalt immediately calls him "the robot dog Risk" even though i dont think thats said anywhere

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Yaveker - 12-07-2018

Finished my species: Fhelzo!


RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Artem1s - 12-09-2018

Browser: chrome
Did you clear your cache?: yeah
Pages Affected: o-1
Error: o-1's second dex art doesn't have the form o-1-2, but rather o-12. so this link:
doesn't work, but this link:

it's not really an error in that it doesn't cause any problems on the page and is really only the kind of thing you'd notice if you're trying to grab the art with a bot (or by typing the link), but i thought i'd bring it up anyway since other notail pages put a -

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - sugarthekitty - 12-10-2018

the diachrons are done!

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - CosmicClaxon - 12-10-2018

got the earthquake slurpees-- I mean the puds (species)

RE: [Cosmosdex] : Redux Error Train - Orpheus the Bard - 12-10-2018

Quishidi complete