Eagle Time
Last Day - Printable Version

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Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-15-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.

I have to say, this is excellent. It was a lot of fun to read.

> Consider other allies--or explain why other named characters aren't part of the team? (Murphy, Mr. Sipples (Lenny), Larto, buckethead, Lenny's eyebrows, and the strange malicious-seeming woman. Also, possibly, the antler woman in your dreams)

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-15-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Grutor.

I didn't want to bring this up, because I thought this would be great for a twist later but...
>Ask ManFreddie if he wants to help get Jenny first or one of his beloved pets. It's not like anyone is in complete immediate danger but if that monitor down the hall snaps someone it become troublesome as it will try to make more copies.

>Was someone looking for me(Ted)?

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.


oregano Wrote:So... plan of action?
Mibbs Wrote:first things first, you should go stop that one computer thats already making its way round the office
[Image: 388.png]

Oh yeah. Instead of wasting time standing around talking, you should probably go and look for that EXECUTE computer that's hopping around. You get a move on to go downstairs.

distainfulCatalyst Wrote:>So you're the damage sponge, Manfreddie's the tank, what does that make the Janitor? The tag-along with witty banter?
>Janitor: Show your chops. Whatever they happen to be.
[Image: 389.png]

"Well," the Janitor says "I'm just an old, fat fart. I can't fight for beans. I figured you guys'd do the fightin' and I'd just supply you with what you needed. I've got keys to the whole place and know the ins and outs."

[Image: 390.png]

"So I'm the support, I guess! You guys do the fightin' and I'll do the findin'!"

[Image: 391.png]

You don't really see a problem with that. The Janitor claims he's been working here for a few years now, so he probably knows the location of everything. And we can always make use of his surveillance system.

You descend the stairs, not sure what floor you're currently on, and enter into the next room.

suomynonAyletamitlU Wrote:> Consider other allies--or explain why other named characters aren't part of the team? (Murphy, Mr. Sipples (Lenny), Larto, buckethead, Lenny's eyebrows, and the strange malicious-seeming woman. Also, possibly, the antler woman in your dreams)
[Image: 392.png]

Oh! You thought that was obvious. Well, your party currently consists of YOU, THE JANITOR, AND MANFREDDIE. You can't have anyone join your party unless they agree to it and follow you around. If they're in your party, you can examine their stats and strengths and weaknesses, and they'll also fight with you in battle. Your party can be as big as you'd like, and any member can quit whenever. It's pretty simple.

Jennifer was a part of your party for quite a while, and you remember her being skilled in Special stats-healing and whatnot-so she'll be a very useful addition to the party considering you're missing someone who is highly skilled in Special. Though, of course, it's been years, so her stats could probably be entirely different now.

[Image: 393.png]

As you enter the next room, you see someone you recognize leaning against a door.

[Image: 394.png]

[Image: 395.png]

"Oh. 'Sup?"

[Image: 396.png]

"I saw something walk in here and then some black-haired lady walked in here and shut the door on it. It's locked. I'm trying to hear it make that sound again."

"What sound?" you ask him.

"Well, I looked through the keyhole and it was some computer screen that was really bright. But earlier I heard a quack. Like, a duck quack. And now when I look through it, there's a duck in there with a lit computer monitor for a head."

[Image: 397.png]

"A duck." Manfreddie falters, "You..."

[Image: 398.png]

"You saw a fucking duck with a computer monitor for a head."

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by trulyElse.

> Manfreddie: TEAR. DOWN. THIS. DOOR.

Re: Last Day - Pick Yer Poison - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Manfreddie: Go apeshit.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Redux.

>Manfreddie: Burst through the door wall Kool-Aid Man Style

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by General Disorder.


>Manfreddie: [img]images/smilies/weasel.gif[/img]

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Blizz98.

>Manfreddie: RAGE!

Re: Last Day - Solaris - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.


Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Mibbs.

Manfreddie: Mercurial Meltdown

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Grutor.

>MANFREDDIE: Enraged: Your strength stats go through the roof and in one swift motion you grab the fellow and smash his head through the door.

It was too late: Buttercup is now a Compuduck!

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by SNeakyRobot.

> Weep bitterly.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Shailsnic.


Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.

> Freddie: Rip the doorframe out of the wall so fast that the door doesn't come with it.
> Door: Still be impassible

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by captal.


Re: Last Day - Godbot - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.

> Kill the messenger

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-16-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by animatedBlasphemy.

Godbot Wrote:> Kill the messenger

Also, Last Day being bad should be the LEAST of your worries.
This is hilarious, and I'm going to show it to all my friends (even though they don't read fanadventures, I'm showing them anyway)
Last Day is by far the best adventure I've read in a while.
I would draw fanart but that'll have to wait after U4G
(Also Last Day kind of inspired the black and white theme I'm going with in my current adventure. I was all "Hey that's cool, it's black and white and it's still some bitchin' art. I could do that." So yeah. Sick props to you, dog.)

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 02-19-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.


[Image: 399.gif]

[Image: 400.png]

You are now the receptionist lady.

You have been talking to La-La for quite a while now, almost 20 minutes.

[Image: 401.png]

"Hey," you ask her "I just remembered, what was that about someone named Lu-Lu that Manfreddie mentioned? A friend?"

[Image: 402.png]


[Image: 403.png]

"O-Oh, yeah. Her. Yes." Her face instantly flushes.

[Image: 404.png]

"Well, we've really opened up, haven't we? I've only told Manfreddie about this, but I suppose I can tell you.

"Her real name is Lempi Lehtonen."

trulyElse Wrote:> Manfreddie: TEAR. DOWN. THIS. DOOR.
[Image: 405.png]


[Image: 406.png]

"Whoa whoa whoa", Beetle says, "I don't open doors for nobody but babes. Besides, it's locked, so I can't open it anyway. You need a key."

[Image: 407.png]

"I don't know what your thing with ducks is, but I can't do anything to help out. I'm going out for a smoke break. I'll catch you guys later."

[Image: 408.png]

[Image: 409.png]

[Image: 410.png]

[Image: 411.gif]


[Image: 412.png]

"Manfreddie!" you interrupt him, "I've never seen you lose your cool like this. Do these ducks really mean that much to you?"

[Image: 426.png]

[Image: 413.png]

"...More than you could ever know."

[Image: 414.png]

Lahja begins to tell her story. "I had been browsing the internet more than a year ago in my apartment and talking in an online English chat room. We were discussing languages and cultures when I had mentioned my Finnish parents and knowing a fair amount of Finnish. Another user had replied that she was from Finland. I asked her what Finland was like, as I had longed to go there--I have had many relatives visit from Finland, but we could never afford the plane tickets for my family of 4."

[Image: 415.png]

"Our topic eventually branched from Finland to many different topics, mostly our interests in singing and dancing. And surprisingly, she too had a great interest in...well, everything I was interested in. And we had introduced other interests to each other as well, such as cuisine, both American and Finnish. I eat quite a lot of American food, and she insisted that I should try some Finnish cuisine, which I've never had, and...oh, I apologize, I'm rambling..."

[Image: 416.png]

Elsewhere, Manfreddie had begun to tell his tale. "I worked at a car dealership in Ashland. I went to the library in search for a specific book when a man named Ivan had approached me to tell me he had also wanted to check that very book out, and that was their only copy. After a polite debate, he had simply stated we should check it out together."

[Image: 417.png]

"It was a book on birds."

[Image: 418.png]

"Lempi--she says to call her Lu-Lu for fun, although I prefer her name for it's meaning--had said she wanted to see what I looked like. More importantly, I didn't want her to see what I looked like, as I had never been confident in my appearance. But she convinced me anyway, so I had bought a basic webcam and hooked it up."

"Our conversations continued for a year and a half. We had talked nearly every day about every topic one could imagine, and she made my work here more interesting than it would have ever been. We had eventually knew everything about each other, she had lived by herself, and there was one particularly fateful day. She told me she couldn't sleep because she could only hear voices from somewhere else. So she had asked me to sing to her to ease the silence that filled her home.

"And she said...she said she loved me. And she wanted me to live with her, in Finland."

[Image: 419.png]

"Ivan was handsome and one of the nicest people I've ever met. He was always saying we should do everything together, especially watch birds together. We had seen so many birds in Ashland, we could name every one of them. When we lived together, we built birdhouses together, though we were always against owning a bird as a pet because...because Ivan always said 'Birds need to be set free.'"

[Image: 423.png]

"...and...and I almost didn't believe it when I had been told Ivan lost his life to heart complications 5 months ago."

[Image: 420.png]

"Over this last winter, I've had a goal. I was going to raise enough money for a plane ticket and live with Lempi. For once in my life, I was excited as ever to face the day and go to work, because I knew I was one day closer to reaching my goal. It had been a very good distraction for the dreadful winter we have been having. I even lived in the cheapest apartment available and have been mostly surviving on Ramen, bread and milk just so I could reach that goal more quickly."

"And on my next payday I reach my goal. I've never been more anticipated than I have ever been in my life, Jennifer! I'm so excited!"

[Image: 424.png]

"The biggest regret I have made in my life was moving away from Ashland and living in Cleveland. My apartment was quiet. Absolutely silent. I could not handle it. I got rid of all of my birdhouses. I couldn't take it. My job was far worse. I never showed any emotion, to anyone. Even though I was friendly and nice to everyone I met, nobody knew what was really going on. Not even La-La. I have kept it to myself for all these months."

"My apartment continued to be silent until the BOSS had offered me three ducks and a tripled pay after I had discovered the true intentions of the company. Those three ducks reminded me of Ivan, and everything we had done involving birds. I accepted immediately. And then, my apartment was not so silent. It was full of love. I had loved my ducks as much as I had loved Ivan. It's...strange, I know. The ducks did not replace Ivan. They were memories. Memories that I couldn't let go. Memories that I missed living. They brightened my day at home and at the office. They were more than pets.

[Image: 425.png]

"I...don't know if I have a problem. I just want Ivan back. And now, one of my ducks is gone forever...just like Ivan..."

...You don't really know what to say. There's a long pause. A very long pause. You want to say something, but know you can't.

[Image: 413.png]

[Image: 426.png]

"...Birds. Birds need to be set free.

"...I get it."

[Image: 421.png]

When you take in the story, you begin to consider the new technology that has strengthened relationships. It's not really all too different to knowing the person in real life when you can talk to them just as much and share just as much.

When La-La finishes her story, she says with a red-hot face "And...that's it I guess. What do you think?" And you don't really know what to think.

You tell her "I don't know what to think. Other than I support you entirely! So there's that! Hahaha!"

[Image: 422.png]

"That...that means a lot to me. Thank you."

[Image: 427.png]

"I understand what he has been saying to me for years! Of course! I...I think telling someone else my feelings has made me finally realize that I need to get over Ivan. I don't need to hide it any more."

[Image: 429.png]

"And I know we can fix this! We can stop this virus. We can stop EXECUTE! Ivan wouldn't want me hanging my head. He wouldn't want me to mourn over his loss. And most of all, he wouldn't want us to be wasting time when we could be saving lives!"

"Let's stop this! Because I know we can! Because he would want it!"

"Let's take this motherfucker down, Ted!"


Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-19-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Shailsnic.

I liked it, I think it went well!

As for a command... I guess we should search for the key and get rid of the EXECUTE behind the door.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-19-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Saint Game.

That was beautiful.
Party: Onwards!

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-19-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by General Disorder.


> Team: Ponder who could have a key to that door? What about the Janitor?
> Jennifer: Maybe you should pick up that call...

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-19-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Grutor.

The irony in all this. Amazing...

>The tragic story has increased your Charisma stats, this will come in handy later! And apparently the virus is a spreading a little faster than you anticipated.
>No time for stupid games! Gotta save some people and the other ducks if it's not too late.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-19-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Armok.

Character development!

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-19-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by SNeakyRobot.

> Can you write an anti-EXECUTE? Like, a code that reverses the computer zombie process?

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-19-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Mibbs.

Doesnt the janitor have a key? he should be able to open it