Eagle Time
Man-man - Printable Version

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Re: Man-man - OTTO - 10-22-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..

> Steal the gauntlets and just go back to Cool Chick


Re: Man-man - OTTO - 10-28-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by imadaman.

Actually that would be cool buuuut
Alphabetical order reversed feels better.

Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 10-31-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Alphabetical order.

[Image: mm212.png]

Yuck, then you'd have to go to that boring little island in the middle first.

> Go in alphabetic order, but in reverse

[Image: mm213.png]

Now THAT'S what you're talking about! Volcano it is!

[Image: mm214.png]

"For the last flipping time, I didn't steal your stupid tuna casserole!"

"You totally did! Why else would your room smell like it?"

"We're roommates! It smells like it because you eat it all the time!"

"Exactly! You've been watching me enjoy it for the last four months, and you couldn't take it any more! You had to have some, so you stole it. From my stash! Check and mate!"

"John, I'm violently allergic to tuna. If I'd eaten it I'd be at best vomiting every few minutes, and at worst bedridden for a week."

"Then it's only a matter of time until your symptoms show up!"

[Image: mm215.png]

"What the hell? Is that the intruder alarm?"

"Whoever's out there, thank you."

[Image: mm216.png]

"Looks like another curious trespasser. Go turn on the defenses."

[Image: mm217.png]

You can see a building near the top of the volcano. That must be the outpost Hollum wanted you to check on. It's a bit of a climb, but it shouldn't be that difficult.

[Image: mm218.png]


[Image: mm219.png]

Oh, but of course that would just be too easy, now wouldn't it.



Re: Man-man - OTTO - 10-31-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Entropy.

>Start running up the side of the 'cano, back-flipping onto a piece of debris and using them as stepping stones to get up to the top. Because who needs physics.

Re: Man-man - Not The Author - 10-31-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

What are you complaining about? It's a lot easier to jump between falling rocks than scale an entire volcano. Hell, pretend you're air-comboing a crowd of thugs you just threw into the air.

Re: Man-man - Dragon Fogel - 10-31-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Dodge every rock until they decide to come out and congratulate you on your amazing skills.

Re: Man-man - Whimbrel - 11-01-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.


Re: Man-man - Anomaly - 11-01-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Come on, you have those super awesome gauntlets. Punch the ground so hard that you're propelled right up into the base. Preferably through that giant plate-glass window.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-04-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Doorhandle.

Anomaly Wrote:Come on, you have those super awesome gauntlets. Punch the ground so hard that you're propelled right up into the base. Preferably through that giant plate-glass window.
>Punch your way up AND down!

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-04-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by BenBen.

Focus as hard as you can on defence. Block those flaming rocks!

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-05-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Newlemming.

> Defense time: Smash those rocks into dust.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-05-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Torquemadras Trump.

> Notice that the rocks are actually made from painted styrofoam.

> Pretend to block all the styrofoam projectiles by the awesome power of your STEEL BODY.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-05-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Wandering One.

Man-man: Activate your defenses!

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-05-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by imadaman.

Man-man: Activate your offence.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-05-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by PumpkinMan.

> Man-man: Activate your defense; punch the rocks apart.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-16-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Niall.

Couldn't you just switch to offense then send a killer punch into the base of the volcano that causes a large enough fissure to crack all the way up to the top of a volcano and ruin the control room? Is that a thing that is do-able?

I think you should check. I really do.


Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 11-19-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Use the rocks as stepping stones

[Image: mm220.png]

Oh, you like this plan.

[Image: mm221.png]

[Image: mm222.png]

Uh oh.



Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-19-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by BenBen.

MEGA PUNCH that stone!

Re: Man-man - Whimbrel - 11-19-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Headbutt the rocks~!

Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 11-19-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> MEGA PUNCH that stone!

[Image: mm223.png]

[Image: mm224.png]

[Image: mm225.png]

[Image: mm226.png]

"Note to self: go easy on the angry thoughts."

At least the rocks have stopped raining down now. Maybe that blow broke the volcano somehow.


Re: Man-man - Whimbrel - 11-19-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Volcano: Mecha form

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-19-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Kaynato.

Time to investigate into the volcano itself.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-19-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by WeaselExorcist.

tunnel into the volcano using the gauntlets

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-24-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Lazro.

WeaselExorcist Wrote:tunnel into the volcano using the gauntlets


I say we go for it!

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 11-25-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by BenBen.

Man-man: Explain what you're doing here.