Eagle Time
Last Day - Printable Version

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Re: Last Day - Dragon Fogel - 01-29-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Does the plan involve finding my wallet?

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 01-30-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Grutor Wrote:Sudden change of heart? Spill thy secrets!
[Image: 345.png]

"Of course, of course." he begins to tell his tale. "It was just about a half hour ago. I was speaking with the Janitor on the behalf of my missing pet duck, Buttercup. He had suggested that we both make use of his hidden surveillance system (I had known about it in the past) in order to find her.

[Image: 346.png]

"However, nothing had prepared us for what we were about to see.

[Image: 347.png]

"A computer."

"A computer?" you ask.

"Yes. Not very out of the ordinary were it on a desk and plugged in, correct? That was not this computer. For some reason, this computer was in the middle of the room, with no cables or wires going through it. We were baffled. Did someone move it there? We began to question every question we could...

"...when it began to move.

[Image: 348.png]

"And it began to bite. And snap. And hiss." He pauses for a second and turns to you.

[Image: 349.png]


[Image: 350.png]


[Image: 351.png]

"Your occupation here is a coder, correct?"

[Image: 352.png]


[Image: 353.png]

"Have you had any idea what you've been coding for 8 months?"

[Image: 354.png]

[Image: 355.png]

"Well, uh...I'm just assigned to code certain stuff. I just get assigned a task and I do it. I don't really pay attention. My mind just sort of wanders off and the rest of it is automatic, like driving a car, y'know? Why do you ask?"

[Image: 356.png]

"Two weeks ago I had discovered something about this company. A deep, dark secret, hidden within the depths. I had managed my way into the BOSS' email and discovered something terrifying. Something even I had not believed at first.

[Image: 357.png]

"Ted!" he shouts "For eight months you have been coding the greatest computer virus known to mankind!

[Image: 354.png]

[Image: 358.png]

"But do not panic, for I will explain."

[Image: 358a.png]

"The virus is known as 'CUTE.EXE', more aptly named 'EXECUTE.' It's a virus even I'm not sure how exactly it works, but from what I have gathered, it could threaten the lives of millions whence distributed."

[Image: 359.png]

"EXECUTE turns your computer into a monster, quite literally. There's no other explanation. It suddenly has teeth and can snap your very head off. But that is hardly the bad news.

[Image: 360.png]

"When the virus snaps your head, as it usually targets, you become a sort of...computer zombie, if you will. You are under the command of the BOSS, whether he wants you to continue spreading the virus (as the computer head can multiply in two and attach itself to others) or if he wants you to become an absolute workaholic.

[Image: 361.png]

"You become a walking computer. You can only work under the tasks given to you by the BOSS himself, and I can only suspect he will have us all be drones, working for him without pay or complaints. You type endlessly on a keyboard hooked up to your very head, for as long as he needs to."

"Once the virus is released, it will spread. First here, infecting every computer within the vicinity, then to whatever computers the drones spread to. Soon, it will infect every computer in America, and possibly the world if we do nothing to stop it.

[Image: 362.png]

"When I had discovered this information, the BOSS knew that if he had fired me, I would tell everyone I possible could of his plans. So he bribed me. With power and wealth. He tripled my pay, even gave me three ducks. I believe he expected me to cook them rather than keep them as pets around the office, but I fell in love with them. I did not even have to do my work and just parade around the offices in a crown and cape if I wanted to, as long as I had kept my mouth shut.

"I had been seduced by wealth instead of possibly saving millions of lives, and now it is too late. He had tricked me by initiating his plans early. I am a fool. And I must stop this from happening were it to be the last thing I do with my pitiful life."

[Image: 363.png]

"There is one more thing. The new secretary. When I saw her, I knew the BOSS had begun his plans, but I did not expect him to be so quick. The reason he needs a secretary is simple: Nobody must find out he is spreading the virus. This is the purpose of the secretary, to show the company is not the source of the virus, nor there is nothing going on within. She will be brainwashed with a modified version of the virus that is less obvious and fits her needs as a secretary to take calls rather than to type."

"Manny." You interrupt him.

crepuscularDissembler Wrote:>Ted: Mention Jennifer
[Image: 364.png]


"Her name is Jennifer."

"Oh?" Do you know her?"

"Manny, that's her. That's Jennifer Hazely!"

"...Damn. What a day today is turning out to be. Then I can only assume you will be working with us."

[Image: 365.png]


"Well then," Manfreddie says, "I suppose we're a team now."

"I suppose we are." you say. "Should we strike a pose?"

"...No, let's save that for later. We need to conceive a plan."

Yamtaggler Wrote:>So, what are we doing? What is the plan?
"I say," the Janitor replies "we find that lass you've been hounding and get her to join us once you tell her what's goin' on! Then we head off to my surveillance system and see if anyone else is infected yet. Then we take down that scumbag we've been working for together!"

"Sounds like a plan" you would say, but you're still taking in the details. What should you do now?


Re: Last Day - OTTO - 01-31-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by animatedBlasphemy.

>Crew: Assemble your transportation devices to quickly get to Jennifer.
>Ted: Attach your Pogostick to Manfreddie's wagon.
>Janitor: Get in the wagon and use your mop as an oar.
>Manfreddie: Stand in the wagon provocatively while holding the remaining ducks.
>Crew: CHARGE!

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 01-31-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Mibbs.

check skills and inventories

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 01-31-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by KilroyWasHere.

>Ted: Point out that if everybody in the world is working for the BOSS, he will not make any money as nobody will buy anything.

>Manfreddie: Disregard this and formulate a plan involving getting your ducks back.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 01-31-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Redux.

>Ted: Should you really be moving around right now? You just suffered a head injury, wouldn't moving be less than beneficial?

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 01-31-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by SNeakyRobot.

> Ask Manfreddie if he is mistaken. Those diagrams clearly showed monitors, not computers.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 01-31-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst.

>Ted's poor injured brain: suddenly catch up with just how absolutely hilariously absurd the whole situation you're in has become.
>Also, Manfreddie needs brass knuckles. Preferably inscribed with a quote from some 80's action movie.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 01-31-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Grutor.

SNeakyRobot Wrote:> Ask Manfreddie if he is mistaken. Those diagrams clearly showed monitors, not computers.
Computer monitors... Macintosh?

Norf sword, it draws evil to it's knees!
Mop, it cleans up crime.
MANFREDDIE... can kill you just by glaring.

>ManFreddie: Suddenly pose as The Thinker, busting through the floors to get to Jennifer.
>Ted/Janitor: Take extremely slow elevator. Janitor take stairs, Ted use a cord to follow MANFREDDIE.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 01-31-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Armok.

> PLAN: Let's subvert the virus! Just a few simple changes: 1) do not attack people, 2) roam around and attack the BOSS (code for identifying the boss must already be there so they know whos orders to follow), 3) a back door that let's the virus be easily removed from computers.

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 02-13-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Mibbs Wrote:check skills and inventories
[Image: 366.png]

Okay, sure. You check your stats first.

You always thought the stats system was kind of dumb. First off, you can't control them. Second, you've never come across any situation where your stats were useful. And don't even get me started on the final joke stat.

Though, you've been told they're very important and have a deep meaning on yourself. Fortune tellers can predict what you will become solely based on your stats alone. It's apparently vital. You've just never seen it as such.

Here, look. Your Defense stat is high, but you can hardly even stand the sight of your own blood. And you're weak as hell, too, even though you prefer the sword. So what does that mean, then? That you're defensive over your loved ones? What a load of balls. And your Luck stat. Look at that shit.

You do suppose your Strength and Weakness attributes are true though. Your Mental Notes are vastly important to you, and you're pretty good with computers.

[Image: 367.png]

Here's Manfreddie's.

There's quotes around Manfreddie's name because that's not his real name. Manfreddie goes by several names, but you call him Manny. La-La calls him Tough Guy. You don't really know his real name, and he probably wouldn't tell you if you asked.

His Attack stat is high for obvious reasons, though that leaves him with hardly any Defense and Special to consider. His Intelligence is almost as high as yours, though.

[Image: 368.png]

The Janitor doesn't have many stats to speak of because he doesn't fight too much. His Difficulty To Draw stat is unbelievably high. Wait, what does that stat even mean? What the hell?

Oh, check this shit out, his Weakness? Girlie magazines.

Fuck this.

Redux Wrote:>Ted: Should you really be moving around right now? You just suffered a head injury, wouldn't moving be less than beneficial?
[Image: 369.png]

It's probably not a severe head injury. You don't feel woozy or anything, you've just got a bump on the head. It's the sight of your blood that made you faint like a little girl. Just freaked you out a bit. You don't think you were out for very long either.

It's probably nothing.

[Image: 370.png]


[Image: 371.png]

Alright, men. We just suffered a head injury that might have caused Ted to lose some memories. Are we missing anything important?

[Image: 372.png]

Well, nothing important. We are missing a few quotes from episode 820 of Mystery Science Theater 3000, though, and uh...

[Image: 373.png]


Do not tell me we are missing what I am thinking we're missing. Those are very important to Ted, and if we're missing them, so help me God...

[Image: 374.png]

[Image: 375.png]


[Image: 376.png]


[Image: 377a.png]

[Image: 377.png]


So be it. Ted will have to think of another funny name to give himself when ordering pizza.

Just pray we are not missing anything from the "Gamera" episodes.

[Image: 369.png]

You suddenly can't remember what name you gave your pet rat that you had a while ago. Beef...something? Oh well.


Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-13-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst.

>Ask Manfreddie to sock you in the shoulder to see if there's really something to this whole 'defense' business. Maybe you have an exceptionally high pain tolerance or something.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-13-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Grutor.

You must buy all the soda cans from the vending machine and use the aluminum construct the most terrifying armor known to mankind!
good examples: pic1 pic2 pic3
bad examples (but funny): pic1 pic2

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-13-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Yamtaggler.

Maybe the stats aren't direct correlations to the physical abilities. Maybe they just show your natural inclinations to a certain course of action. Are you more willing to defend those you love, or lash out against those you hate? Are you more likely to concoct an elaborate plan, or will you allow lady luck to rub her greasy hands all over your business?

Re: Last Day - Godbot - 02-13-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.

> We place our faith in Blast... um, Tomkins.

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 02-14-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Yamtaggler Wrote:Maybe the stats aren't direct correlations to the physical abilities. Maybe they just show your natural inclinations to a certain course of action. Are you more willing to defend those you love, or lash out against those you hate? Are you more likely to concoct an elaborate plan, or will you allow lady luck to rub her greasy hands all over your business?
[Image: 382.png]

Well, that's what you think! You're pretty defensive over loved ones? You guess. You don't really know. Stats are bullshit, anyway. You ask Manfreddie the significance of them and he says he'll show you.

distainfulCatalyst Wrote:>Ask Manfreddie to sock you in the shoulder to see if there's really something to this whole 'defense' business. Maybe you have an exceptionally high pain tolerance or something.
[Image: 383.png]

"Okay, uh," you say "I'm not really show what this has to do with--"

[Image: 384.png]


[Image: 385.png]


"I didn't punch hard."

[Image: 386.png]


"Well, you didn't take any damage, did you?"

[Image: 387.png]

"...Uh, no, actually. I don't think I even have any bruises. What the hell?"

"I only have a slightly higher attack than you," he explains, "which is very high in fact, so I can still hurt you, but your high defense means you can take a beating without any physical damage. Truthfully, your head injury was hardly even terrible at all, we simply just bandaged it up to cover your blood-stained hair."


Okay then. Stats do matter. You still don't know why you can't control them, though.

FFfffuck that hurt though.

Grutor Wrote:You must buy all the soda cans from the vending machine and use the aluminum construct the most terrifying armor known to mankind!
good examples: pic1 pic2 pic3
bad examples (but funny): pic1 pic2

[Image: 378.png]

And in the waking ashes of the dawn, three men rummage through the Janitor's supply of Snappy Cola and Flansy Soda boxes to create the ultimate armor known to mankind...

[Image: 379.png]


[Image: 380.png]

"Who's ready to kick some ass?"

[Image: 381.png]

As hilarious as that may be, it will waste precious time in stopping EXECUTE and ultimately won't protect you.

Except it will keep you cool.

Hell yeah.

But not really.


Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-14-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst.

>So you're the damage sponge, Manfreddie's the tank, what does that make the Janitor? The tag-along with witty banter?
>Janitor: Show your chops. Whatever they happen to be.

I'll see what I can do regarding spreading the word on Last Day. I could swap out my banner for yours, since I kind of let my own adventure die.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-14-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Redux.

>Janitor's Difficulty To Draw stat: Make everything difficult to draw when shit gets real

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-14-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by General Disorder.

I love this adventure, and I've gotten my friends to read it too, the lurkers.

I feel like drawing fanart, but I'm not sure what to draw. Hmm....

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-14-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by oregano.

So... plan of action?

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-14-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Mibbs.

first things first, you should go stop that one computer thats already making its way round the office

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-14-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Armok.

I'm surprised it's not more popular. It's VERY good, and unique.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-14-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Grutor.

This IS funny. The attention of the forum readers is pretty divided amongst other popular threads and sometimes the titles of the forums doesn't really describe what's actually going on, so the only thing to catch the populace's attention is with an exotic title. I will try to redirect some people through devious ways.

It would be nice to see maybe a picture or description along with forums titles as well but who knows when that is going to happen.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-14-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by Yamtaggler.

>Gotta go check on your lady-who-doesn't-know-she's-your-lady-yet. She could be a computer now! There's a high probability that you wouldn't want to date a computer!

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 02-15-2012

Originally posted on MSPA by General Disorder.

Phew! It took a while, but I did it!

[Image: LastDayShrunk.png]
Click here for the full 2560x1600 desktop version!