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The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - Printable Version

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RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - bappitybapcat - 06-28-2018

"Yeah," Indigo agreed. Indigo waited for Felt to start the conversation, as it knew next to nothing about Felt. As the silence lengthened Yu became increasingly fidgety and began to glance quickly around the hall.

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-28-2018

[Felt kept her eyes forward while she talked, seeming to dislike eye contact.]
[``How did you two meet anyways..?``]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - bappitybapcat - 06-28-2018

"Oh, we just sort of bumped into each other one time, and we both had something the other wanted, so a mutual relationship was formed. Not really all that much to it. It's not one of those inspiring stories of fate and destiny or whatever. Just a coincidence. Pure happenstance really. Not much to it," Indigo said, as Yu gave a small, halfhearted shrug. Indigo didn't really elaborate much, and while not being untruthful, per say, they left out major details that would have fleshed out the two's story and not just left it vague and bland. Indigo partially opened one of their eyes and glanced at Felt to see what their reaction to this bare bones story was. "What about you, what's your story?"

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-28-2018

[Felt shrugged, ears twitching back at the sight of the open eye.]
[``Same old story as others-getting away from a less then perfect home life.``]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - bappitybapcat - 06-28-2018

"Oh, that's rather unfortunate. I hope you life's improved though, Miss Felt," Indigo said, sounding quite sincere with their words. When Felt's ears twitched, Yu flinched and hunched a little more, fearing, but more so knowing in her mind, that she had to have done something wrong and that everything was going to be ruined because of her. Indigo remained oblivious to them having caused Felt's reaction, and continued to look at both Felt and their surroundings.

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-28-2018

[High senses]
[Felt notices Yu's change and turns to look at her.]
[``You alright there..?``]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - bappitybapcat - 06-28-2018

Yu buried her face into Indigo, trying to disappear away from Felt's surely prying eyes. She tried to block out everything around her, she tried to make every sense go dim. Indigo's singular, open eye seemed to think over something for a moment in reaction for bit before finally speaking up. "Thanks for taking interest in her and her feelings since she's a sentient being like you and all, unlike some people," Indigo scoffed, rolling their one, open eye at Felt. "But as her therapist, I think I can handle this, Miss Felt. Thanks anyway though." With every word that Indigo uttered, Yu tried to shrink herself into a smaller and smaller ball as she slightly edged closer to the nearest door in the hallway.

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-28-2018

[Felt mumbled in a concerned tone before hurrying off, saying something about going to check on the AI.]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-28-2018

[After a few minutes Felt forced herself to check one of the closest rooms to see if it could be her room. After making sure it wasn't being visibly used, she set about organizing her stuff. Felt only had 2 bags in her inventory, other then her rifle and the crew card.]
[The first bag was basic stuff, just some clothes and a few brushes. In the 2nd bag however were far more interesting items. In total there was a Photo, a Book, a Box Of Cigarettes, a Broken Phone, a Small Med Kit, and a Half Built Robot.]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - bappitybapcat - 06-28-2018

"I hope that you are successful in your search Miss Felt, maybe once you've had time to think you'll see the error in your ways. I do so hope that you do, Miss Felt. Goodbye now!" Indigo called after Felt.

"It's okay now Yu, that conversation's over and done with now, no need to worry," Indigo said to Yu, quieting down and taking on a gentler tone. Yu slumped down the nearby wall to the floor, hunching over. "Come on, it's fine now, none of this is your fault, dear." Yu only sighed at this and slumped down more. She sluggishly removed a sketchbook from her inventory, a pencil stuck into the spiral binding of it. She flipped through the pages past all of the failures that some would foolishly call a picture, until she finally reached a blank page. She sighed again and removed the pencil from the spiral of cold metal that secured the pages of her failures and her stupid thoughts.

She brought the pencil to the page and began to write, her handwriting neat and practiced, yet still hard and droopy. Her writing was hard and dark as she pressed the pencil into the page with higher pressures than she normally might. "This is all my fault," she wrote, slowly at first, but picking up the pace as she went on. "All my fault, I can't seem to do anything right. This is the worst day of my already miserable life. I can't believe I did this. As if me being stupid early wasn't enough, I had to go and make a mess of this too. I'm a fool and a jerk. First I can't even steal something easily from a distracted spooper, I just had to be seen by the AI who seemed to be feeling giving chase. Just great, now I'm on a one way trip to Fortuna. Time to die I suppose. Then I can't even have a nice conversation with someone without seeming completely insane, and mad, and horrible, and just, so stupid. UGH I'M SO TERRIBLE! DEATH WOULD BE TOO KIND FOR THE LIKES OF ME, I DESERVE WORSE! Worse... what could be worse than the mess I can't seem but help and make every time I try and do anything. Such an idiot..." the oomn ended with a sigh, putting her pencil down and placing her head in her hands.

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-28-2018

[Felt finished setting everything in the shelves, ending by carefully folding half of the picture before putting it into its frame. After a few seconds she groaned and slumped against the wall. She had gone and not only gotten distracted-again!-but had also managed to upset one of the crewmates. Because of course she couldn't even hold a conversation-a rather one sided conversation too! No, of course she had to go and freak out the one crewmate who didn't immediately rub her the wrong way.]
[Felt spent several minutes grumbling rather spitefully, picking at one of the stitches along her arm.]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - bappitybapcat - 06-28-2018

"Come on, Yu, that's no way to think," Indigo stressed a moment after reading what Yu had written. "Come on, let's find us a room to get your mind off things. I know you'll feel better afterward."

Yu was still for a few moments, before finally writing one word onto the now cluttered page of her notebook. All it read was "Fine". She slowly stored the notebook and pencil back in her inventory and stood up, moving like tar. Her shoulders were severely hunched. She glanced up at the long, spiraling hallway. The first door she laid eyes upon she decided to try. Moving over to it she saw that it was labelled number '191'. With a sigh she opened the door, preparing herself for the worst.

What she got wasn't the worst, but it also wasn't the best, her luck just didn't seem to be with her today. The room was quiet small, being only 200cm by 200cm by 250cm. Over head a singular fluorescent bulb flickered, giving Yu a headache if she looked at it for too long. There were only a few objects littering the room, one being a grey seat that looked like it was from an airline originally, but now it resembled nothing more than a torn, chair like blob of foam with the metal frame skewed horribly in the wrong directions. The seat also had other, smaller, metal shards stuck in it at random places. A simple shelf was attached to the cold, metal wall above the seat, it held only dust and nothing more. The last thing in the room was the haphazard stack of a few moth eaten bags and suitcases that had a thick layer of dust over them, just like everything else in this room. Everything in the room was cold, grey, and sad, much like Yu.

"Why do they even have this room?" Indigo asked upon first seeing the room. Yu didn't know, she didn't know anything. She didn't like the room, but she couldn't bring herself to keep looking, besides, she deserved such a crumby room after what she did today. Yu didn't even make it one step into the room before she just flopped onto the ground of the room, sending up a plumb of dust.

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-28-2018

[Felt stood up, deciding she would try to make the best of things. She decided a list would be a good idea, and might help her get her thoughts in order.]
[1.Find AI. Fix AI so they won't freak out.
2. Apologize to Yu. And Indigo??
3.Find some chocolate;feel bad for self]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - DudebroV1 - 06-28-2018

While the sad sacks are being sad sacks.
Tonya is attempting to march over to Storage so that she can open some more boxes for cool stuff. It was exactly like the one holiday that she can't remember right now. Every box could be a cool surprise! Pretty much anything could be useful to them given their situation. More stuff the merrier!

Tonya does take the time during her march to think about things however. She is tempted to think about just her and her goals, about the Casinos and stuff like that. But she feels she needs to think on the crew, the ship, and the trip to Fortuna... Things admittedly where not looking good. Hopefully Tonya bought the right Rations as she has no idea what a Poppet, Oomn, or a Skarf ate. Tonya just eats some candy and she is good to go and Thalia doesn't eat. Tonya is very happy to have people joining up with her on her trip. She was afraid she was going to go it alone, but fears for their lives now...

Tonya shakes her head and steels her resolve. She can't stop going to Fortuna now. She doesn't have long before she can't make the trip there at all. No way she can put this off. Tonya, while thinking to herself, also comes up with an actual thing to wish for from Fortuna. Which makes her a bit more determined to keep going.

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - Thalia V1 - 06-28-2018

[Thalia runs to room 19.]
[Thalia has barricaded room 19!]
[Thalia sprints off.]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-28-2018

[Felt puts her list into her inventory before doing a quick check over of everything she had. In her inventory, she now has A List, A Laser Rifle, and A Crew Card. Satisfied, she heads out to go find Thalia.]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - DudebroV1 - 06-28-2018

Eventually, Tonya will reach the Storage and attempt to open boxes. Not only for cool stuff, but to make progress on doing inventory. Which she has been admittedly putting off for a while and will continue to do so. She crosses her fingers for cool stuff.

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-28-2018

[Fortuna rolls several 10 sided dice to see what items can be found.]
[The roles are 9, 1, 5, 10, and 3.]
[Items found:
-A small gem (Its light blue)
-A couple old reports (they're too torn up to read..)
-A small, robotic shell (Its shaped like a small cat)
-A 'memory erasure device' (there's no directions on how to use it)
-An old jacket (it has cute little fish patterns sewn on) ]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - DudebroV1 - 06-28-2018

Tonya feels like this collection of small items has a story to tell much like the last one, but does have time to figure it out. She happily grabs the Small Gem and pockets it to potentially sell or something later.

She then looks over some of the other stuff with curiousity. She picks up the Memory Erasure Device and gives it a once over before putting it back and writting it down on her inventory report. "This... Can't be Legal.", Tonya says to herself, concerned before moving onto the next item.

Tonya finds this small robotic cat body neat. Maybe this could be Thalia's back up shell incase her current one breaks? Tonya shrugs and notes it down. She'll ask about it later and if not, they could always break it down for parts or sell it off.

Finally, Tonya decides to pick up the old fish pattern jacket and give it a once over. Tonya thought it was pretty neat and was tempted to wear it, but it didn't have that air of coolness to it. Tonya perfered things she could show off, but this just seemed too laid back to her. She folds it and places it neatly in storage.

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-28-2018

[Meanwhile, Felt continues looking for the AI. She had so far resisted the urge to go looking in all the other rooms, a great achievement for her. While she searched she mulled over her failed conversation with Yu and how she could fix things.]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - bappitybapcat - 06-28-2018

Yu just laid face down in the dust, not having the motivation to get up, or even to change to a more comfortable position. "Come on, let's go look for a better room. I'm sure that there are better ones on this ship than this room," Indigo said. "And don't even say that you deserve a room like this, you know that you don't. You've done nothing wrong, Yu. But if you're sure you don't want to poke around this labyrinthine ship, which no one can blame you for, we could just empty out your inventory instead," Indigo offered. Yu didn't respond and simply continued to lie on the floor.

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-28-2018

[After a few minutes of wandering, Felt finds room 19.]
[Felt trys and fails to pry the boards off of the door, lacking the strength to do so. She considers just blasting a hole through the door but decides against it since she would definitely get in trouble for that.]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - DudebroV1 - 06-29-2018

Tonya, having mostly written off the inventory, feels satisfied that she managed to sort of complete something!

Tonya checks the time and deems it to have been enough for Yu, Indigo, Felt to find a room and figure things out. She'll have to ask about their little adventures on the ship later at the Casinos!

Tonya tries to rattle her way to the Cockpit so she can use the intercom to tell everyone on board to get ready and try to look as good as possible. Tonya is trying hard not to make it into a pick up line. Lest Indigo and Yu get uncomfortable and leave before they even take off.

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - RanaKat - 06-29-2018

[Felt mumbles unhappily about the boarded up door before continuing on her way to either find Yu and Indigo or find her way back to the entrance. Much to her own surprise, she stumbles upon Yu's room on the way, how lucky!]
[Felt spends a few seconds too long trying to think of a way to start a conversation before just giving up and politely knocking on Yu's door-even though the door is already open.]

RE: The Fortuna Rp (We''ll come up with a name eventually) - Thalia V1 - 06-29-2018

[Thalia rushes by.]