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[IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Printable Version

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RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - SupahKiven - 04-22-2020

Sunny glances over at Barnabas as he approaches her. He's definitely an ally, that much is for certain... Beyond that, though...

[Image: 1YHEHWt.png]

"You know, I've never met somebody like you before." She comments, going around Barnabas' question. "You're very interesting." Sunny offers him a smile. "To make Progress, we must move forward, so advance we shall! If you’d like, I'll let you watch my back. I’ll be sure to return the favor."

With that said, Sunny offers Barnabas a curt wave before slipping forward, approaching the river's edge. Baylee's presence is noticeable in the corner of her eye, and Sunny turns to offer her a bright grin even as she extends her arm, writhing tubes of darkness once again leaping from her hand to assault her target.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 04-22-2020


Sunny launches a horrific worm-strike! It looks as if it's going to veer off, but the fireball growing in the mage's hand seems to draw it in, almost, allowing a blow! to land! 7 damage!

The mage counterattacks! The fire strikes true!! 6 damage!

+2 EXP


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - TohruFhana - 04-23-2020

An enemy soldier takes a swing at Airitech and Casey's first instinct is to intervene, if only to give Airitech a moment to get to a safer distance. He rushes down the Revotrian soldier, calling out to Airitech as he does so.

[Image: 6RPOUWv.png]

"I'm with you!" he cries, keeping his eyes focused on the target in front of him. If he can draw attention away from Airitech, then hopefully the both of them should an opportunity to attack. It takes a conscious effort to steady his breathing, making sure he aims his dagger for the gaps between his target's plates of armor.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Palamedes - 04-23-2020

[Image: Milo_Hurt.png]

Milo staggers backwards, burned and bleeding.  He spares a brief glance backwards, noticing the two approaching Revotrian mages now helping to surround them.  He supposed he could run and survive, but what then?  He had made it through worse, and couldn't let it end like this - at least not for his companions and the people they came here to save.

He coughs up blood, then wipes it off and faces down the Revotrians ahead of him once more.  All thoughts of retreat gone from his mind, he lunges forward with his lance, aiming once again at the enemy soldier and punch through the enemy lines.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - MQuinny1234 - 04-24-2020

[Image: nMexSPx.png]
"Huh?" That was, odd conversation. He would have preferred an answer, maybe. I mean, she trusted him, and she'd given him an answer, but she was confusing. She'd confused him.

He got his head back in the game and began to howl at the incoming ritualists, transforming into his beast form. He also shifted away slightly, keeping the backs of the group covered.

Edit: But then he thought better about it and didn't transform yet since by the time they reached him he'd be right on the edge of transforming anyway and could probably transform and throw a punch at the same time.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - pail - 04-24-2020

[Image: a2f7fde224a6dd2dcec6d884f86bcf195847dfae.png]
Baylee sees Milo ahead of her take a walloping and winces, That sure looked like a lot. “Ey, If ya need to swap out I kin handle a couple of those.”

She heft’s her axe up and then seees Sunny close the gap between the mage. She blinks at the wave and smile and, uncertain of what to do in this context, she waves awkwardly back. She then watches the dark spell launch out from her arms. A shiver goes down her back, that stuff will always give her the spooks. But at least it’s an ally.

“Nice job.” She murmurs. “Let’s see if i kin follow tha’” She says and then chucks her boomerang axe.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Pharmacy - 04-24-2020

Airitech makes a noncommital grunt of thankfulness to Casey as he moves back one and releases an arrow into the soldier's dumb face.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Vancho1 - 04-24-2020

Saya, watching the situation from their vantage point near the river, becomes worried about the knights. They stretch and transform into a giant hawk!

[Image: f3e2387c872f7290577e2aa85803e3b2.png]
"We need to get across the river fast... Casey! Hop on!"

Saya swoops in to pick up Casey and carry her across the river, and then returns to attack the bandit.

(Transform, pick up Casey (savior), left 1,  up 3, drop Casey (up 1), down 3, attack bandit)

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Anomaly - 04-25-2020

[Image: LgqK4Uf.png]

"Gonna drop ye in the forest! Should be safe from those folks around the mage."

Logan zips four spaces north, one space west, and drops Mazelina one space north of there! A good staging area, probably.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 04-25-2020

Casey strikes the soldier!


Casey hits! 3 damage!

The soldier counters! A hit!!! 11 damage!

+2 EXP

Milo grits his teeth and plunges forward! His lance connects! 5 damage! The soldier before him crumples! Milo remains at 1HP.


+5 EXP

Baylee moves ahead of Milo and strikes at the mage!


Baylee's BIG SISTER INSTINCT kicks in, giving her extra hit chance! She swings, almost misses - but the power of CHARISMATIC FURRIES boosts her into hit territory!!

The mage dies!

+5 EXP

Airitech moves down one space and takes a shot!


Airitech's shot lands! 3 damage!

+2 EXP

Saya does some FANCY FEATHERWORK, deposits Casey safely, and strikes!


Saya lands a deft blow! 7 damage!
The soldier counters! His blade sinks deep into the chief-to-be's chest!
Saya retaliates! 7 damage! DEATHBLOW! The soldier falls to the hawk-royal!

+5 EXP


93/100 EXP

[Image: DJ4ZNoZ.png]

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 04-25-2020

Logan repositions!

[Image: QgEQBEz.png]

The southern mercenary attacks Baylee!!


The mercenary strikes! He hits!!!! 10 damage!

Baylee counters! She manages a hit! 8 DMG!

The northernmost mage strikes at the Rider!



Hit!!! The mage's flames sear the armor of the cavalier! 7 damage!

The northernmost mercenary charges the rogue, confident that he can take advantage of her use of a bow! She swings a dagger out just as he closes in!



The mercenary misses as the rogue parries his blow with her dagger! She closes in for a pair of stabs! Her blade sinks into his gut, then his throat!

24 damage! Instant death!

The soldier is shaken by this display of force, but grits his teeth and plunges at the cavalier!

[/spoiler]SOLDIER: 61% HIT, 9 DMG, 0% CRT
RIDER: 89% HIT, 9 DMG, 3% CRT[/spoiler]

He hits! The cavalier takes 9 damage!

The blue rider retaliates! 9 damage! CRITICAL HIT! 23 damage!!!!!!! The soldier dies!

[Image: 6pxYp3c.png]

"Hah! This isn't so bad -- I... I think I've-" He coughs. "I've got this!"

[Image: u4pwV1J.png]

"Hmph. Such incompetence... Let me show you what one who stands resolutely with Progress can do."

Father Balthazar moves to strike the Rider.


The ground crackles and cracks  with the might of the spell. A dark star forms in Balthazar's hands, rips through the air, and only barely misses the young knight.

Reinforcements arrive from the north.

[Image: az5BMoZ.png]

[Image: 6pxYp3c.png]

"What... What the hell..?! What was that?! And how many of these bastards are there?!"

[Image: ZZGYz5q.png]

"Tch... We can't risk anything here. I think I could kill him, but we need to protect the prince."

The rogue retreats. The cavalier moves and heals once more. As he rides, he approaches Logan and Mazelina!

[Image: 6pxYp3c.png]

"...Wait. You're not Revs. Are you civilians? Where'd you get a Wyvern from...? Bah! Not important!! You should get out of here. Things are about to get a lot worse."

[Image: wpWddC9.png]

Baylee heals 5 HP!





[Image: yp5YTqx.png]

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - MQuinny1234 - 04-25-2020

Right. Well. Now things were JUST lined up for Barnabas to be exactly able to do with this. He shot Milo a look.

[Image: nMexSPx.png]
"You've done well, just keep it together a little longer." He said, quite aware that he was likely going to be in a similar wounded position in a second.

So before anyone else could move or do anything, he transformed into a wolf and f***ing began trying to eat a man.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 04-25-2020


Barnabas strikes! 11 damage!
The ritualist counters! 10 damage!
Barnabas strikes once more!  11 damage!!!

As his jaws rip through the ritualist, their robes are pulled off. Their bloodied torso lies dead before you. They are notably young - no more than 19.

Sunny notices the clothes they wear beneath the robes as the uniform worn by Revotrian university students.

+5 EXP!

100/100 EXP!

[Image: m60ebGk.png]

Progress comes home to roost. Take your level, and the stats that come with it!

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - SupahKiven - 04-25-2020

Sunny turns to Milo, and is all smiles as she speaks to him.

[Image: 1YHEHWt.png]

"Glad to see that you're still standing! Careful not to push yourself, you're already hurting!" Her smile falters slightly, becoming slightly less confident. Even still, dark magic crackles at her fingertips as she turns to-

To see a familiar uniform.

[Image: x8mrAKp.png]

"..." Any semblance of a smile drops off of her face. Her stare lingers for a few moments before the darkness in her palm returns anew. Sunny strides forward and raises her arm, magic arcing from her outstretched hand.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - pail - 04-27-2020

Baylee nods in satisfaction at hitting her mark. She sees Milo pulling out some herbs to heal himself and her worries of him dropping are lowered immediately. She glances to the side to see Sunny run.... behind? She turns around and sees the mage. Being utterly terrified of a mage more than a soldier, Baylee runs down to strike this person down before they have the chance to do anything. Plus being flanked is pretty bad.
[Image: a2f7fde224a6dd2dcec6d884f86bcf195847dfae.png]
"Seems like we got a tag team goin righ now."


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Bigshot - 04-28-2020

[Image: a078853c10c8af81ed7398825416c7c0421d25a9.png]
"We're here to help! I- I can heal, and they're a wonderful fighter." Mazelina does her best to keep her voice from shaking, despite the present state of things. That's an awful lot of guys, and she's feelin' awfully vulnerable. Stickin' in place for now seems best!

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 04-29-2020

Sunny moves to strike down the Revotrian student!


Sunny hits! The student screams! You hear him start muttering a poem-prayer devoted to Progress to himself, voice quivering with fear.

+2 EXP

Baylee moves to end his fear.


In the midst of his prayer, just as he implores Progress for protection, a hatchet buries itself in his head.

He falls dead.

+3 EXP.


[Image: 6pxYp3c.png]

"You for real? Well... alright, if you insist - just try to keep up, and don't get yourselves killed, and stay close by. But don't worry! There's nothin' to fear anymore. You're in the capable hands of Abner Galante, Knight of Renault!"

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - TohruFhana - 04-30-2020

Casey advances quickly and cautiously, doing his best to take stock of the situation at hand. A large group of enemies is gathered to the Northeast, but he can still hear movements from deeper in the forest. For a moment, he glances down towards his wounds, but rips his gaze back upwards when he sees the color of blood. Can't start thinking too hard about it now. He strides up next to Logan and Mazelina, smiling despite his haggard breathing.

[Image: casey_novice_smile.png]

"I see you're all acquainted," he observes, giving a curt but friendly nod to the horseman they're chatting with. He quickly turns back to Mazelina and Logan, bowing slightly and panting between his words. 

[Image: 6RPOUWv.png]

"I hate to ask this," he begins, "But do you think you could help me with those brutes in the woods?" 


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Palamedes - 04-30-2020

Milo struggles to his feet.  Looks like it wouldn't be his time just yet.  As he hears the students screaming behind him, he finds it a cold comfort that the still standing swordsman can distract him from the fairly gruesome deaths of what were probably just more kids tricked into this war.

Onto more important things, evidently while the rest of them handled the flanking mages he was expected to stop the enemy from pushing back.  That said, he wasn't sure he'd be able to take another hit as it was.  Milo remembers the herbs they all had packed with them, and pulls his own portion out of his belt.  He flashes a smile at Baylee and Sunny, still trying to avoid recognizing the students.

[Image: N34quH2.png]
"Don't worry about me, I've survived worse than this... and I'll keep on as long as you need me to hold the line."

He applies the vulnerary quickly to his worst injuries - feeling the burns sooth almost immediately, and steps forward towards the soldier.

"Just you and me now.  Want to give up?"


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 05-01-2020

Casey heals up! The horseman chuckles behind him!

[Image: 6pxYp3c.png]

"Think I'm better in the fields - won't be able to keep up otherwise! I'll hit 'em in the open, you flush 'em out!"

He heals 10 HP!

Milo approaches the mercenary! He holds his stance, glaring you down!

Milo also heals 10 HP!


5/100 EXP!

[Image: dcP3EOF.png]

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Vancho1 - 05-01-2020

Saya sees Airitech standing there with nobody to shoot at, and decides to do something about it.

[Image: f3e2387c872f7290577e2aa85803e3b2.png]
"C'mon, I'll get you across too. Or well, I can pick you up when you get tired, how about that?"

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Pharmacy - 05-01-2020

"Awright, sounds like a plan. Lemme looksee how fer I ken bolt."

Airitech moves four spaces up. Which means he lands on the tree.


"Whoof. Tree bridge idea looked better in me head."

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Vancho1 - 05-02-2020

[Image: f3e2387c872f7290577e2aa85803e3b2.png]

"And I'll give you a little boost!"

(Fly up 1, rescue Airitech (savior), fly up 4, right 2, drop airitech to the right)

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Anomaly - 05-02-2020

Well, that's a lot of nasty boys coming out of the woods now. Just some real unpleasant lads up there. With axes. Not good at all.

[Image: LgqK4Uf.png]

"Hope you're good here, Mazzie, I'm gonna see what I can do to help those folks. Don't get hurt, aye?"

Logan moves five spaces right, hoping to draw some attention off of the Ally Team. But also hoping to not draw too much attention and get thoroughly obliterated. That's always a risk.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 05-02-2020

[Image: QgEQBEz.png]

Fighter 1 moves to attack the Mysterious Axeman!


The fighter strikes from the woods! He misses! The axe-wielding youth counters, smashing through the deep thicket the fighter is in and dealing 14 damage!

Fighter 2 follows suit!


The fighter lands his axe into the young man's shoulder! 11 damage!

The youth counters! His attack lands in the dirt beside the fighter.

[Image: u4pwV1J.png]
"Remember: we need him alive. Beat him, but do not kill him. Do as you will with his cohort."

The cavalier attempts to finish him off!


The horseman's sword only barely misses! The fighter counters, his axe burying itself in his opponent's steed and leg! 14 damage!

The final fighter attempts to square off with the rogue!


The fighter MISSES!
The rogue strikes! She strikes again!
The fighter is gutted. He falls dead to the ground.

[Image: ZZGYz5q.png]
"You should have sent better."

The mage, taking this matter seriously, decides to strike the axeman rather than his very dangerous companion.


The mage casts a fire-spell! It hits! 7 damage!

Father Balthazar is displeased. He begins to move back, seeing how the winds are turning here.

The mercenary strikes at Milo!


The mercenary swings his blade! His nerve falters, and he misses!

Milo counter-attacks! His spear gracefully dips into the mercenary, dealing him a serious blow!

The man stares at his wounds, his sword twitching in his hands, before shaking his head and stepping back.

[Image: QDXRT5T.png]

"To hell with this. These Revotrian freaks aren't paying enough for my life. Listen here, though, blondie: Next time we meet on the battlefield, I won't lose."

He leaves! This counts as a KO, right?

+5 EXP

The remaining cavalier gallops forward!

[Image: az5BMoZ.png]

[Image: 831tx9y.png]
"Your highness...! Ugh, this isn't good - they've managed to separate us..."
[Image: eYfT8AB.png]
"Hah... fresh out of supplies, too. I-- I don't know how much longer I can last like this... But-- but a true king never gives in, even when it's hopeless... that's what you told me, wasn't it father...!? I have to-- I have to hold onto hope!"

The young man holds his ground.

The rogue decides the best way to alleviate the prince's situation is by taking out the magical pest. She strikes with her dagger!


The rogue hits!

The mage misses by a hair's breadth!

The rogue strikes once more! The mage dies!

This knight - Abner, apparently - rides forth!

[Image: 6pxYp3c.png]
"Looks like they're not focusing on you guys. I'll run ahead and let my friends know you're coming!"

[Image: wpWddC9.png]

Baylee heals to full!

Saya and Barnabas loose 2 beast gauge!

[Image: txTiNvC.png]



10/100 EXP