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Four. - Printable Version

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RE: Four. - Tuesbirdy - 07-25-2017

The Greater Wing's remains dissipate into oblivion. In its place appears a single CORE, which hovers above the ground, slowly rotating.

[Image: itsacore.png?raw=true]

Aubrey gasps. She remembers these! The first time she visited the In-Between, when her guide killed her jailor—the beast left something like this behind—they're like crystallized monster hearts, valuable here—

"Don't even think of it, little lost one."

Their voice snaps Aubrey from her thoughts.

"I'm taking that."

"No way! Ada finished off that bird. It's ours."

"Consider it recompense for destroying my house."

Aubrey begins to protest, stops, and grumbles in frustration.

"...They have a point... but..."

RE: Four. - NotABear - 07-25-2017

" The clever part of my brain is telling me you should ask if, being homeless, they would perhaps want to come along. But the clever part of my brain also got me this job, which I am not doing great at. I do not think it is worth fighting for this one. You still need her help (hopefully) to go to another place. "

RE: Four. - Arcanuse - 07-25-2017

Aubrey, I advise letting it go this time.
Ada is still weak from the fight, and I doubt the book has any intentions of being involved in another battle any time soon.
For AubreyShow

RE: Four. - typeandkey - 07-25-2017

>Take the orb. You can recompense RAHASYA for her damaged house by allowing them to be one of your companions.
>Take the orb. You've already compensated RAHASYA's destroyed house by saving their life.

RE: Four. - Seyhial - 07-25-2017

> Wait, what were you saying about your previous guide ? She killed someone ? How ? Can we kill for you ?!

RE: Four. - Dediles - 07-25-2017

>you busted into this person's house uninvited, lured a monster into their living space, and busted it up in a big fight. let them have the core. it's the least you could do

RE: Four. - Tuesbirdy - 07-25-2017

(07-25-2017, 01:32 PM)Seyhial Wrote: »> Wait, what were you saying about your previous guide ? She killed someone ? How ? Can we kill for you ?!

"Did you just read my thoughts?"
"Okay, tl;dr: My guide didn't kill with force, nor did they do it directly."
"I don't want to talk about it right now."

(07-25-2017, 10:16 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Aubrey, I advise letting it go this time.
Ada is still weak from the fight, and I doubt the book has any intentions of being involved in another battle any time soon.
For AubreyShow

(07-25-2017, 04:40 PM)Dediles Wrote: »>you busted into this person's house uninvited, lured a monster into their living space, and busted it up in a big fight. let them have the core. it's the least you could do

Aubrey grudgingly concedes.

"...Take it, then. But we're even."

"Very wise. In case you had forgotten, the Book is still under my employ."
"It would not have done you well to fight for the CORE."

[Image: rahasyatakescore.png?raw=true]

With a rubbery arm, Rahasya plucks the core from midair and...

Oh... oh, wow...

Their jaw unhinges like a snake's, and they swallow the orb whole. A sickening 'squelch' accompanies the motion.

"Oh my god why."

Rahasya wipes their mouth with the back of their tenta-wrist. They seem... rejuvenated, and then some. Their third eye melts into their forehead. The lid vanishes.


The Hearty Box falls through the fragile remnants of the roof. Aubrey jumps. She'd almost forgotten about that.

[Image: box.png?raw=true]

"... All this for a little pink box."
"Who is your benefactor, little lost one?"

Aubrey's eyes narrow.

"What do you mean?"

"You're not native to the In-Between."
"The nature of this world... it siphons the WILL from your kind, weakening and trapping them here."
"You shouldn't be capable of traversing he In-Between freely, nevermind bypassing security measures such as mine."

Rahasya cups Aubrey's chin with a tentacle and tips up her head. They stare into her eyes. Ada, too weak to contest them, simply crackles with displeasure.

Aubrey pushes the limb away.

"I don't have to explain anything."
"I told you, I didn't even want to be here."
"Show me to the Blue World and you'll never. See me. Again."

"Tell me first what your business is there."

"What's it to you?"

"Your minion is weak, and you are unarmed. I can easily send you back where you came from, in any number of pieces."


They drive a hard bargain.

RE: Four. - typeandkey - 07-25-2017

>Well, since she asked so *nicely*, why not tell her? Tell her in a snooty, passive-aggressive tone, though. Would serve her right.

RE: Four. - Arcanuse - 07-25-2017

Aubrey, I'm afraid you don't have much choice in the matter.
Tell them so we can be on our way.
Places to see, knick-knacks to collect, monsters to battle, etc.

RE: Four. - Sunspider - 07-25-2017

Aubrey, if Rahasya had truly wanted you dead, they'd have tried to kill you already. There's clearly another motive here. Be careful.

Anyway, you don't have to put up with their threats. Tell them to their face that what you aren't here to do is satisfy the curiosity of every betentacled blowhard that thinks they can threaten you into doing what they want. And if they have a problem with that, they can certainly try to send you home in pieces. But as they say, they don't know the first thing about you, or who you've got in your corner.

Then, if they lay off, as a gesture of good will you can tell Rahasya as much as they need to know of what's going on. But no more.

RE: Four. - wiltingMyosotis - 07-25-2017

> Perhaps be a little more polite about telling her what you want.

RE: Four. - Dediles - 07-25-2017

>just tell them, a good bit of exposition would help us too. all we know is that you're looking for your friend. give us the deets girl.

RE: Four. - Seyhial - 07-25-2017

> I like how this Rahasya thinks. Maybe you should try killing her.

RE: Four. - Reyweld - 07-26-2017

>However unlikely, I believe trying to convince Rahasya and the Green Book to join you would be worth the effort. She must be bored here, so why not join you on your heroic quest?

RE: Four. - Tuesbirdy - 07-27-2017

(07-25-2017, 09:50 PM)Seyhial Wrote: »> I like how this Rahasya thinks. Maybe you should try killing her.

"Are you crazy? They just got healed by that CORE!"
"I don't know why you want me dead so badly."

(07-25-2017, 08:54 PM)Sunspider Wrote: »Aubrey, if Rahasya had truly wanted you dead, they'd have tried to kill you already. There's clearly another motive here. Be careful.

Anyway, you don't have to put up with their threats. Tell them to their face that what you aren't here to do is satisfy the curiosity of every betentacled blowhard that thinks they can threaten you into doing what they want. And if they have a problem with that, they can certainly try to send you home in pieces. But as they say, they don't know the first thing about you, or who you've got in your corner.

Then, if they lay off, as a gesture of good will you can tell Rahasya as much as they need to know of what's going on. But no more.

[Image: theytalk.png?raw=true]

Aubrey considers this argument in silence, holding Rahasya's eyes.


She steps forward.

"My business in the Blue World is none of yours, okay?"
"I've compensated you for your house. I've apologized for trespassing. I helped you with that Greater Wing when I could've just left."
"You're not getting anything more out of me."

Rahasya lifts an eyebrow. Their limb withdraws to their side.

"You do realize I'm fully recovered from our battle?"

Sweat prickles Aubrey's nape. She prays you aren't bluffing and puts on her best confident shrug.

"I don't just talk a big game."

Silence. Ada fizzles. The book bobs nervously in place.

"...No, perhaps not. You strike me as a number of unpleasant things, but suicidal is not among them."
"Depending on your motives, perhaps showing you to the Blue World might benefit us both."

Aubrey lets out a secret breath of relief.

"Answer me something first, little lost one."


"What is so important that you'd scour the In-Between for it, when visitors are at a clear disadvantage?"

"Not a 'what', a 'who'. I'm looking for a friend."

Rahasya strokes their jaw.

"And you think they'll be in one of the Iridescent Queen's territories? Why?"

Aubrey chooses her words carefully.

"I have suspicions one of those Masters you mentioned is keeping her."

Rahasya's eyes flash.

"Though... even if you only wanted to see your friend, and not—perish the thought—spirit them away, The Masters of the Iridescent Queen's realms don't care for trespassers. You aren't welcome."

"That's their problem."

"It'll be your problem if you insist on visiting the Blue World. Biru is... particular about who comes and goes, and why. You'll certainly be pursued."

"Yeah? Well, I wouldn't recommend it."

Rahasya laughs; a sharp, static-laced sound.

"You must be very keen to make powerful enemies..."
"But then, I'm in no position to lecture you."

Aubrey's mind snaps back to the battle. Rahasya mentioned something about being in exile...

"...Is it worth bringing up?"


RE: Four. - typeandkey - 07-27-2017

>Oh, it is most definitely worth bringing up. Spill them beans, pardner.

RE: Four. - Seyhial - 07-27-2017

> Ask her how she lost her powers.

RE: Four. - Reyweld - 07-27-2017

>Say something like "Then join me! Stick it to those irredecsent tyrants!" Inspire her, get her to fight by our side.

RE: Four. - Arcanuse - 07-27-2017

Point out that these domains seem to have a color theme.
Note that she is mostly monochrome.
Perhaps that is related to her exile?

RE: Four. - Tuesbirdy - 07-29-2017

(07-27-2017, 05:47 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Point out that these domains seem to have a color theme.
Note that she is mostly monochrome.
Perhaps that is related to her exile?

"While we were fighting, you mentioned being in exile—"
"Is that why your world doesn't have, um, a colour theme?"
"That sounded less silly in my head."

Rahasya blinks. One imagines they didn't expect to be interrogated themselves.

"My world is Colourless by design. That's not a punishment; it's a symbol of neutrality."

They look around at the void.

"Unfortunately, I can't say the same for its state as a collection of minute isles."
"The Iridescent Queen and her officers have been expanding their territories for some time, now."
"To spare you the details: I disagreed with their methods, and my realm was divided among them."

Aubrey wonders at Rahasya's openness. For someone so suspicious, they're oddly comfortable sharing their backstory.

(07-27-2017, 01:48 PM)Seyhial Wrote: »> Ask her how she lost her powers.

"Is that why you're so weak?"

Rahasya twitches a frown. They don't answer. Aubrey takes that for a 'yes'.

"I suppose being exiled means you physically can't leave here, huh."

"Not quite. I may wander the In-Between, but the gates we used to visit each other's worlds are closed to me. The Masters' guardsfolk know not to allow me through the public entrance."

Aubrey hums thoughtfully. The Worlds sound more like airports than the jumbled, surrealist, metaphysical hellscapes of her nightmares. Seems much has changed since her kidnapping.

"If that's the case, how are you gonna show me to the Blue World?"

"Oh, I won't tear a path straight to Biru's front door. Nowhere close."
"I'll show you to the path every extradimensional visitor must use."
"Talking—or forcing, if you're capable—your way through is your business."

"I knew it wouldn't be that easy. At least I have you guys."

(07-27-2017, 02:05 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »>Say something like "Then join me! Stick it to those irredecsent tyrants!" Inspire her, get her to fight by our side.

Aubrey bites her lip. She's not good at gentle persuasion, but she can try.

"I may not know the story, but being exiled for simply disagreeing with people doesn't sound fair."
"Don't you want to show them what for and take back your land? You should be able to go wherever you want."
"Come with me, Rahasya. What, are all of the Iridescent Queen's subjects super-soldiers or something?"

"Hah. Hardly. But the mundane denizens aren't who'll be facing me, should I seek to sow discord."

"Your book can help, too."

They almost laugh.

"Now you're grasping at straws. Are you trying to charm me into your cause, little lost one?"

"So what if I am? You don't sound any happier with these Masters than me. If we worked together, we'd probably wipe the floor with your old 'friends'."

They make a soft, thoughtful sound.

"Who is 'we'? Is your unseen benefactor extending their power to me, as well?"

Another wry smile. Aubrey glances skyward.

"I don't know, are we?"

RE: Four. - wiltingMyosotis - 07-29-2017

> i don't see why not unless anyone objects ?

RE: Four. - Seyhial - 07-29-2017

> Oh yeah ! Let's give them power ! Tell her to accept us into her mind, I wanna see what's in there ! We're gonna kill so many people together... This is exciting.

RE: Four. - FlanDab - 07-29-2017

>... Please don't hurt us or Aubrey, or us.

RE: Four. - Dediles - 07-29-2017

I don't see why not, Aubrey you're just one person with a magic bracelet. you could be TWO people with a magic bracelet AND a magic book. If you want to save someone from a ruler of a realm, you're going to need allies.

RE: Four. - Arcanuse - 07-29-2017

Well, the warehous# su$ge@!!
I believe this is my jurisdiction.
I am willing to offer you the same sort of deals as I offer Aubrey.
On one condition.
I need proof you have WILL.
I was tricked once. I will not be tricked in such a manner again.

(**t's a g g g reat plan, welcome aboard.