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Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - Printable Version

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Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Warden Notes.

> Go up, decrease speed, maintain direction

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Not A Ninja.

Sorry I had to do this suggestion...


Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Michaelos.

>Engage Afterburner / Booster.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Arby.

> Reverse direction and grab onto the bottom of the chopper, causing it to flip and crash.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - thriggle - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by thriggle.

MultiFunctional Wrote:> Bob: EVASIVE MANOEUVURES!
Mikker Wrote:>Slightly increase altitude, slightly lower speed.
Warden Notes Wrote:> Go up, decrease speed, maintain direction
Not A Ninja Wrote:Sorry I had to do this suggestion...

You clumsily attempt a number of complicated maneuvers, most of which, if executed properly, would have sent you into the BARBARIC CHOPPING BLADES of the SAVAGE FLYING MACHINE. Fortunately or otherwise, your ROCKETEERING skill is too low for you to successfully kill yourself in this manner.
[Image: 176.png]
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MultiFunctional Wrote:> Drop down, increase speed, reverse direction!
Arby Wrote:> Reverse direction and grab onto the bottom of the chopper, causing it to flip and
You decide to try something a little different and attempt to go underneath the SAVAGE FLYING MACHINE, the better to avoid its BLADES.
[Image: 181copy.png]
Michaelos Wrote:>Engage Afterburner / Booster.
Once again, subtlety has failed you. You know what you have to do.

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Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Arby.

> Right window looks splendid. You can even use your high velocity as an excuse for INTIMATE CONTACT.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by RedMage.

oh god. so many things could happen! but i guess a new female character is in order.

> right window

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Warden Notes.

Arby Wrote:> Right window looks splendid. You can even use your high velocity as an excuse for INTIMATE CONTACT.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Gnauga.


Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - thriggle - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by thriggle.

Arby Wrote:> Right window looks splendid. You can even use your high velocity as an excuse for INTIMATE CONTACT.
As all rocket men know, it's lonely out in space. You don't want to spend all your time burning out your fuse up here alone, and are thus instinctively attracted to the figure in the RIGHT WINDOW.
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Gnauga Wrote:>Concrete.
You hit the CONCRETE WALL on the other side, bringing an end to your flight.
[Image: 185copy.png]

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by MultiFunctional.

> Go and apologise to what you hope is some kind of mannequin.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by RedMage.

Bob: Plop into the floor with a thud.

NT: Next.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Gnauga.

>Wonder what the red thing on the front of your left foot is.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Dr Evil42.

Apologize to he newly decapitated thing.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - thriggle - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by thriggle.

RedMage Wrote:Bob: Plop into the floor with a thud.
You land with a thud, looking nothing at all like a snail.
[Image: 186copy.jpg]
In the dim light you can see that the lovely INDIGENOUS BEAUTY was but some sort of plaster idol.
Gnauga Wrote:>Wonder what the red thing on the front of your left foot is.
You look at your right foot.
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Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Mk_97.

Make sure it's not a tranquilizer dart by attempting to move around.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Cactuseater.

Groovy. Lay against concrete wall and discuss mixed feelings for your lost Nigel with weird bug and plastic head. Let drugged action trait take over and go with the flow.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Superfrequency.

>Sacrifice creepy bug to idol to assure a bountiful harvest

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by DimJim.

Bob: That dart won't slow you! You need to save Nigel! Your high DETERMINATION negates the effect!

You expect him to have renamed himself to something cool like Joe or Wesley.
Also hope those savages haven't found him yet. If he's no longer a friend, you're going to have to win back his trust.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - thriggle - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by thriggle.

I'm still working on the update. But in the interim, please enjoy this montage of girly heart gifs.
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Can you feel the love?

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-27-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Superfrequency.

Man that berry is so cute

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-28-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Arby.

> Remove dart, attempt to stick creepy monster with it.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-28-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Archduke_Ferdinand.

>Wax poetic at the HORRIFYING CREATURE, as your space suit protects you from it. Explain that you just really need someone to talk to.

Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - thriggle - 04-28-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by thriggle.

Mk_97 Wrote:Make sure it's not a tranquilizer dart by attempting to move around.
Hoping that the dart is but a very weak projectile weapon, or perhaps a colorful decoration, you jump to your feet (NOT PICTURED) and look around the room.
[Image: 190copy.png]
It appears to be a PRIMITIVE FURNITURE SHOWROOM, and judging by the tasteful rug near your feet, these HOWLING SAVAGES might be somewhat more advanced than you'd been given to believe.
DimJim Wrote:Bob: That dart won't slow you! You need to save Nigel! Your high DETERMINATION negates the effect!
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Re: Space Opera - The Drip Chronicles - OTTO - 04-28-2009

Originally posted on MSPA by Languidiir.

>NT: Stab the native you're sitting on in the gigantic eye.