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Wings of Fury 2 - Printable Version

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RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Demonsul - 07-10-2021

Avag's eyes were wide and glittering. "Baby dragons?" He scuttled forwards, but then hesitated, not getting close enough to touch unless Zaya would allow it.

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Protoman - 07-10-2021

Rozenn staggers back at the revelation. This certainly didn't justify Naissyri's actions, but it explained them. She almost crumbles before Zaya explains that they're not doomed -- that they need parents.

She begins signing rapidly, fingers moving like the wind. She'll rely on one of y'all to translate for her, 'cause writing's too damn slow here.

[What are you saying, Terzi? If they are going to hatch, then we have an obligation to them! Their mother had to die, but if they can be saved, they must. If they need to be taken care of, then we owe a debt to the dead and to those not yet born to raise them. Their lives deserve to be saved, and if they are raised well they will never take her path.]

She crosses her arms and huffs before signing a bit more.

[Anyone who hopes to do harm to them will have to go through me!]

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - WesternSage - 07-10-2021

"Oh, if they hatch, I certainly believe that someone with wealth and resources should care for them. And if anyone were to try to kill a... Dragonling? Drakeling? - If anyone tries to harm the hatchlings I'll certainly support your defense of them, Rozenn. But I didn't orphan them. I merely came along to tend to the wounded in the aftermath- slain dragon or no- and to investigate these ruins, which," Terzi crosses her arms, "I can't even do due to the state of them."

She turns to look to Henri.

"For my part in what I know consider to have been a reckless and foolish venture, I plan to continue my medical treatment of Sir Henri- and the rest of you who are wounded- and, hopefully if we camp nearby, continue to look for a way into the lower levels of this ruin. If any of you consider yourselves willing and capable parents for these hatchlings - if Zaya's readings are correct- I have no qualms with your choice. I am not. I am an adventurer and traveler by trade. One cannot raise a child on the road, alone."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Protoman - 07-10-2021

Rozenn frowns, dispirited.

[I don't think any of us are capable parents, except maybe Brom and Comete... but that doesn't mean we don't bear an equal and common responsibility to guarantee they find good homes. I know I'm not a mother, but I still think these eggs deserve the best chance at life we can give them. Maybe we could try and find another dragon to adopt them? I don't know. I just... don't want to leave them to die or fend for themselves.]

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Demonsul - 07-10-2021

Avag still hadn't taken his eyes off of the eggs. "I'll help look after them! I'm sure my whole family would help look after them! Baby dragons! Baby dragons! I didn't even think that this could be here! I thought it'd be like a big pile of gold and jewels, and I'd get a small share, enough to retire, or at least the fame would be enough to retire feeling good about myself, but baby dragons! Baby! Dragons! We have to look after them! Who else will, without them being dragged off to be raised to fight in some army somewhere? We have to!"

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Whimbrel - 07-10-2021

Following the (thankfully brief) funeral rites, Guillairme tried unsuccessfully to convince Sir Henri to take an extended rest while the adventurers searched the ruins. He'd given them ownership of what lay inside regardless, surely he would heed the medic's advice!

But alas, he did not sit still.

And there, at the end of a hall, kept strangely well lit...Eggs.

Was that a treasure, or an obligation? Perhaps best described as a combination of the two, no doubt. These would surely require more thought and care than a handful of gems and coin, but lives weren't meant to be weighed against such things in the first place.

While he listened to (and watched) Rozenn and Terzi argue about the ethical obligations, his mind churned with the questions of logistics...it was a lucky thing for the babies that they came from eggs, they likely wouldn't need a mother's milk. But even before that became an issue, Zaya said they had less than a week before the eggs hatched, which meant---Avag had a suggestion.

Potentially an excellent suggestion.

"Hm...ten infant dragons, and less than a week to find a place for them...It took us several days to walk here, in the first place. And they'll be needing food when they hatch, whichever direction we head...but please, Avag, tell us more about your family's holding, if you would."

He tilted his head to look at the lizard scholar. "And Zaya...is there anything we need to be doing for the eggs at this time? A fire? Turning them? Anything like that?"

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - WesternSage - 07-10-2021

"You can't just... Kids!"

Terzi throws up her hands, then walks away to pace.

"No, Rozenn, no we don't bear equal responsibility. I didn't come here to slay a dragon. Holek didn't come here to slay a dragon. It wasn't what we were paid for. We were paid to be witnesses to the dragon slayer. And I don't know about the rest of you, but I can safely say he did it! Congratulations, Sir Henri, you slayed your dragon! I witnessed it! I'm going to take my one tenth of the nothing here. Children," she points to the eggs, "Are not wealth. They are obligations. Responsibilities."

She shakes her head, calming herself.

"I will do what I can here. I will heal all of you, to the best of my ability. I will help play... Midwife to a clutch of dragon eggs, Sweet Song I didn't think I'd ever say that. And... My business in Chunadie is far from done. In the name of fairness and 'common responsibility' I will work with the rest of you to ensure the hatchlings find a proper home. But-"

Terzi swivels to face Henri again, looking for a moment a colorful whirling dervish. She jabs a finger at him.

"You are bankrolling this. If it will help, consider my payment for saving your life not in gold, but in a simple favor- while I am in Chunadie helping care for these children, you pull strings to get me into archives where your family holds influence... And, Avag, no offense, but I don't think you should bring a bunch of dragons home to your family to raise them. I don't think your family- or very many families for that matter- would be ready for the challenge of raising ten dragons."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Demonsul - 07-10-2021

"Oh yeah!" said Avag, turning at last away from the eggs and towards Guy. "It's not too far, well, it's kind of far, but if we take a boat straight downriver, it gets us pretty close. My family lives a few hours north of Mireval, we've got a whole big house and bell foundry out in a church forest. There's all trees around which we played in as kids, the priests let us use the forest so long as we don't do too much harm, you know how the rules like that work. We've got a big house, lots of rooms, super nice! The kitchen is huge, you know, with a double hearth! I mean it needs to be, what with the whole family living there. There's more than twenty of us living there, and my cousin Jeabhuin said she was expecting another kid last I managed to get a letter. There's a big food cellar, some spare bedrooms, that sort of thing. The ceilings are probably a little small for dragons, or honestly probably for most of you, but there's plenty of space outside, and we have a giant workshop where we work on the bells too! That's where I learned metalworking, you know. We could probably keep the dragons there for a while, though," his expression fell for the first time as he looked at Terzi, "I don't want to make it too hard on my family. You've got a point, we probably couldn't keep all ten there forever. They'd be spotted, and then there'd be knights riding in to seize them and burn it all down or something nasty like that. No offense, big guy. If we want to keep them safe, we'll have to split them up eventually."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Anomaly - 07-10-2021

Zaya began to listen to the ensuing argument among the party... but her attention quickly drifted off as she looked back toward the eggs.


After some time, the scholar stood from her position, knelt over the eggs, and looked to the rest of the group. "I've... gotten some advice. I'll explain that. Soon. But first. In the absence of a dragon to care for the babies... Each one may need one of us to take care of them. Hatchlings... careless, apparently. A handful. And likely to attract attention if we try to raise too many in the same place. If any of you don't want to shoulder this... we can search for others. I am going to do everything I can for the hatchlings. I can. Give advice. Share what I know. I... was not expecting parenting quite so soon. But I'll take it on."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - livilovey - 07-10-2021

"Transport," Comète stated as she looked to Zaya. "Are they safe to move? What do they need to hatch safely?" She looked over the eggs, her eye settling on the red one with a curious glance. "If you give me specifics, I may be able to construct some sort of... analog incubator."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Protoman - 07-10-2021

Rozenn sighs. Her eyes drift down. Terzi makes a fair enough point - she didn't sign up for this, and she didn't deserve to have it forced upon her. Still, duty demanded Rozenn remain present. She signs once more to Terzi:

[I understand where you're coming from. But I cannot follow after you. I wouldn't be a good mother to a dragon, but they cannot go parentless. So I will simply fill the role until we can find a better replacement. Maybe another dragon, or someone who's better educated on them. If you will join me, I would appreciate it. If you will not, I understand. It is a knight's duty to do all she can do.]

She turns to Zaya and smiles before continuing:

[Your advice would be appreciated. I do not know anything about raising dragons and I need help. I hope to find mine a better parent than I can be, but I will accept this duty for as long as I am their best option.]

Then to Avag:

[I would appreciate knowing where your family lives, in case we ever need to get back in contact!] She punctuates it with a broad gesture and a big smile. [It would be good to have a place to reunite. I would suggest Castle Quillard, but getting on a boat with a dragon might be difficult.]

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - ProfessorLizzard - 07-10-2021

Holek, after long moments of hesitation, puts on the chef puppet and begins to speak "My good friends! I did not sign up for killing a dragon either, and I agree that it is not my responsibility. But! I will try and help to raise these eggs anyways! The northern raiders of old might have left behind the orphans of a war, but the north is changing! Or at least, my people do: we do not accept collateral damage. I will help raise these children, despite having no obligation to do so!" His voice swells "I will gladly cook for these children! I will find out what they would like to eat, and make their favourite snacks!". Evidently, Holek was only capable of talking about this because in the end, it was about cooking.

"I just don't want to take any back home to Saurguard because I am sure some people would want to eat them."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Pharmacy - 07-10-2021

"Well, if Naissyri was still alive," Brom wipes at his sunglasses. "I would say congratulations."

"Well, I'm not sure we can raise a dragon. I mean, dragons are basically irrevocably different from us, but not to be a parrot -- I feel like its pretty immoral to abandon them because they're sapient beings who need guidance probably (I'm not the expert in dragon psychology), or give them to well--" Brom doesn't exactly motion to Sir Henri, but he does motion to everywhere in general, as though his hands say "Chaundie, man." "Give them to, potential powers that might be."

"Dragons are presumably living creatures. It takes two dragons to make more dragons, right? We probably should find the other part of the equation to see if they'll take them in, or. Give us more information about baby dragon raising unless Zaya knows about dragon-babysitting. I mean I probably would go looking for them, if you guys won't."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - TohruFhana - 07-10-2021

Grokzurl is as shocked as anyone when the eggs are revealed, stunned initially into a state of silence, mouth sightly agape. He watches Zaya intently as arguments begin to unfold, and as the reasonable world Grok has come to know crumbles apart as well. 

"Wait," he interjects, eager to join this conversation, "You can't actually  be serious, right? You really think we could do anything for these....these......!" Grokzurl can scarcely bring himself to think  of the words 'baby dragon', much less utter them aloud. Even so, his obvious anxiety belies an underlying excitement. There isn't a damned thing on Alma more ferocious than a dragon, at least not to his knowledge. The thought of how impressive it could be, a nomad raising a dragon! His mothers would have to respect him for that! 

He turns to Zaya, since, "You're the expert here, yes? Do you really think we'll be able to manage, even if we split up?" Grok then focuses his attention towards Rozenn, adding that, "You and I won't very well be able to assist the townspeople here if we're hiding the offspring of the dragon that's ravaged their home. However....You are a knight, and I respect your code of honor. If you think this is what we must do," Grok then turns back to Zaya, "And if you think it's possible, then. I suppose I can't very well refuse you both!" 

He then pulls the notebook from his hip and starts hurriedly scrawling something down. As his charcoal scrapes across the page, he ponders aloud that, "It might be best if we all had a way to stay in contact.....Sharing advice for how to handle these little beasties, or let each other know if any of us find a suitable dragon to adopt them. Just a thought." 

Yes, he's become a bit too excited by the prospect now.

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Whimbrel - 07-11-2021

It was honestly quite surprising to Guy that so many of his compatriots had latched onto the idea of finding another dragon to take care of the dragons. The most likely candidate for such they were likely to find was the father dragon, and there had been no indication...well, best to ask anyway. "Sir Henri, had there been any rumors about a second dragon in the area?"

The second type of dragon they were likely to find was any similarly murderous dragon on a rampage.

As for his address... "Ah, well...I can't say I will read them in a timely manner, but letters sent to the merchant posts of Montenay should reach me."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Anomaly - 07-11-2021

Zaya looked to Comète first. Mind you, Guy had already asked her more or less the same question, but that was while she was in the middle of talking to whoever "Keraza" was. "The eggs... at this point? Nothing else needed to make them hatch. For most of the incubation process, need a dragon to sing to them. Regularly. Only dragons can do the singing properly. But now... the Song is self-sustaining. Can hear it in the eggs, if you know what to listen for. As long as they aren't damaged - which is hard to do - they'll hatch. Just need to transport them safely when we leave."

Next, she turned to Grok. "Do I think we'll be able to manage? ...I don't know. Don't really know any of you. Can't be sure. But I know there are no viable alternatives. We have to. And I hope we all can. I will... share whatever tips I can. I have books, and I have... the help of a dragon who, apparently, once had kids herself. A... dead dragon. But she's here with me. ...Souls entangled. It's. Strange. Didn't mention it earlier, since, you know. That would have sounded completely crazy. Probably still sounds completely crazy. Don't care. Feel like you'd all want to know at this point."

Zaya, as she talked, pulled out a scrap of paper to write on, then handed a note to Grokzurl containing an address:


It was written in neat Spirean, and was thus completely unreadable to anyone but Zaya and maybe Terzi.

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Whimbrel - 07-11-2021

A dragon's restless spirit...oh dear. And Guillairme had thought himself lucky that Naissyri had gone to rest of her own accord. Counted his chickens far too early, it seemed.

Once she had passed on her address, Guy stepped in to have a quiet word. "Not to presume, but...would you like someone to take a look at that... situation?" He put his hands up in a open-palmed gesture to pre-emptively dispel any offense. "I'm not doubting you, not in the least. Quite the contrary. Remaining behind becomes quite harmful to the dead and the living alike, when it goes unresolved."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - MQuinny1234 - 07-11-2021

Caulind had been quiet since the chaos had ended, fading away, his presence almost purposefully absent as if blending into the background both in sound and personality.

His eyes, of course, widened at the eggs and Zaya's information, hand touching up to his beard before fading in his own thoughts again, especially conflicted at the idea of people adopting these eggs. Holek and his puppet... Or the puppet and Holek maybe, got a look, that showed soft fondness.

Caulind stepped beside Holek, his presence suddenly snapping into colour again as he clapped a hand on the Northener's shoulder. "Well said. To do good not because of obligation or duty or righteousness, which are all fine things, but just because it is good to do so. There are few finer traits we can hope to impart from example." Animalistic blue eyes twinkled in fresh respect.

A look then to the clutch of eggs, then more loudly speaking. "Even if there is another parent about still, we would need to hope that they don't share the same temperament and outlook as Naissyri lest leaving these children with them merely leads to, well, farmers and villages being razed again by this future generation and history repeating itself. Finding out more about their culture and needs seems like a good goal though beyond just trying to raise them to be happy and well-adjusted and satisfied individuals." Trailing off a little, cocking his head in consideration.

"At least, some of us together for a while seems good obviously, with them. It would seem awful for one or more of them to be born away from at least their siblings."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Cidellus - 07-11-2021

Henri listened to all the various discussions, as well as the direct concerns of Terzi, Guillairme, and Brom. Finally he spoke, first to Terzi.

"I can help support you all somewhat, but if I start buying entire herds of cattle to feed growing dragons my family shall start to ask questions. I hold no lands of my own, rather that is my father's duty. While I'd say he's rich, he is not so rich as to not notice these types of expenses and question them," he explained. "I can certainly see about getting you into the archives at the University of Mavillon, though. I believe I have a cousin or two that operates in such circles."

And then he looked to Brom.

"Indeed, I am glad no dragon is directly charged to my care. Such a technicality frees me from any dragon-related obligations to my liegelord," he agreed. "The powers that be in Chunadie would certainly wish to acquire the dragons for their own aims, which would largely be warfare. I am neither a subtle nor cunning man, and wouldn't be able to hide such a secret properly."

And then he finally looked to Guillairme.

"There were no reports of another dragon in this area," he said, shaking his head. "But if what Zaya says is true, then the dragons will need caretakers. Guardians. And they will need to be raised separately to avoid suspicion, unless you all wish to take over an island somewhere. Or find an untouched bit of wilderness to live in."

He looked down at the eggs and sighed.

"In light of that, it may be prudent for those interested in parenthood to pick eggs," he continued, leaning down and picking up the golden dragon egg. A smile on his face, he turned to offer it to Guillairme. It was covered in scales and easily the size of Henri's torso, though it wasn't as heavy as one might expect.

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Whimbrel - 07-11-2021

Guillairme nodded thoughtfully as Sir Henri explained why he couldn't take the eggs himself. The Knight, despite his usual demeanor, could be quite insightful from time to time, especially on areas of his expertise. He chuckled as the man grabbed the shiniest egg, in all its golden brightness. "Now really, you expect so much of me, to hide with such a conspicuous thing." But he said it with good humor and accepted the egg.

"Oh!" Guy looked surprised as he took hold of the egg, carefully supporting its weight. It was far lighter than he expected, and furthermore... "I think I can...feel the Song, perhaps? Like a humming beneath the surface. How strange!" He smiled. It was utterly unfamiliar and wasn't a particularly human tune, but neither was it as tuneless as the strange First Song.

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - WesternSage - 07-11-2021

Terzi scoffed. Rich nobleman. No wonder he’d be useless.

“... I’ll promise my help in the short term, and in finding this other dragon. We should find a safe place to hatch these eggs first, then I’ll make my way to the university to research Chunadie dragons. Maybe I’ll find a clue there.”

She looked to the others, her veil not hiding a look of judgement.

“Don’t let the wonder of new life cloud your eyes to the responsibility of parenthood. You’re going to need to feed, shelter, and tend to a growing child. As for Caulind’s suggestion... I don’t know which would be crueler- splitting them up early or letting them get old enough to know each other first... Those of you so moved should try finding or founding a home you can all return to if needed. Perhaps Sir Henri’s suggestion of an island is one that should be ACTUALLY considered.”

Terzi scowled at Henri again.

“... I suppose the hatchlings will have to be thankful their Uncle Henri isn’t zealous enough to his family to turn them into weapons of war. Though given our young knight’s determination to protect them with her life, I don’t think you could if you wanted to.”

She turned away from the group, starting to leave the chamber.

“I’ll be setting up camp outside, anyone who wishes to help is welcome. Henri is in no state to travel- and Henri if you try I will finish what the dragon started to save us all time. I’ll be playing Song tonight to soothe all your wounds.”

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Anomaly - 07-11-2021

Zaya remained by the purple egg, apparently having decided at this point that she'd be caring for that one. She turned to Guy. "If you have any other insights... Feel free to offer them. Already had it looked into. Not as easy as... an exorcism. Not just a haunting. She's lodged far deeper than that. Still. Anything you can find, tell me."

She looked up to the group as a whole. "What Terzi and Henri have said is... Exactly why we need to split up. Dangerous to have this many baby dragons in Chunadie. Especially in one place. Will be at least ten years before... they're really able to fend for themselves. At all. Twenty before they'll be safe on their own. First ten years... priority should be finding somewhere secure to raise them. Need shelter. Lots of food. And enough privacy to avoid... prying eyes. Avoid those who would see them as weapons."

Zaya stood, watching Terzi head out to make camp. "Terzi's right about the responsibility. This isn't just raising a kid. That alone would be a lot. Accepting this task... will be a complete upheaval of your life. Me, for instance. All I have is an apartment in Stemspire. Not enough at all. Unsuitable past a very young age. Need to secure somewhere better. We all do. ...Can't say if it would be better to raise them together or apart. Can say that together is more dangerous, for now."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Whimbrel - 07-12-2021

Guy nodded. It did indeed sound like a complicated case...but he had to try to put that soul to rest. "I think we all need a rest, regardless. So, once camp is set and we have had some tea, I will see what I can do for you and your entangled spirit. Before that..." He shifted the weight of the egg and started to walk after Terzi. "...I need to head back and fetch Brulie before she runs too far off."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - MQuinny1234 - 07-12-2021

Caulind rubbed his beard and... well. It was possible, if one was very, very good at insight, to maybe tell he was considering, and feeling a little guilty about considering, that 20 years wasn't that bad.

"If we're going to split them up, I don't think any should be alone at least from kin. That doesn't seem like it'd be healthy, considering that they're born in numbers like this. There are plenty of islands in the Nedakean ocean." Changing his angle slightly as he walked over to the clutch.

"Doesn't need to be decided officially tonight though. There shouldn't be anyone coming to visit here for a while certainly."

RE: Wings of Fury 2 - Protoman - 07-12-2021

Rozenn blushes at Terzi's comment. She's not sure if it's a compliment, an insult, or something else entirely.

[It is only right for me to put my strength to protecting these young ones. I am sure you would too, even if you are saying you wouldn't. You're a good person, even if you want to pretend you are distant from these things.]

She adds on a comment for Zaya:

[It is a responsibility, but it is one that I have no choice but to accept.] Her face turns gently sorrowful. [If I had my choice, things would have not ended here, but if these eggs are going to hatch, I cannot leave them to die without sacrificing my heart in the process. There is no other choice.]

She gives a sad smile to Grokzurl and writes.

"Yes, it is a shame :( But we will be able to do good in another way! It is all we can do. I'd love to keep in touch, if you have anyplace I could send letters to!"

Then she nods towards Caulind and continues.

[I agree. My current plan is to seek out a benevolent dragon who could parent the dragons - one who will raise them to be kindly to those of us who walk on two legs and are bound to the ground. It might take some time, but if I do, I will send word. If anyone else is hoping to make such a journey, I'd be open to coordinating so we can better our chances.]

She then faces Henri, her next few signs meant for everyone:

[On that note, if all of you have a way I could reach you going forward, I'd very much appreciate it. It sounds like our fates have become quite intertwined, and I want to make sure you can all lean on me for support. I imagine for Avag that's his family - but what about the rest of you?]