Eagle Time
+iny ©at people - Printable Version

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RE: +iny ©at people - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 12-31-2016

[Image: 7BVCTBC.png]

RE: +iny ©at people - learning-timebuster - 12-31-2016

[Image: E3OavTy.png]

RE: +iny ©at people - Superficial - 12-31-2016

[Image: iw7Ty3q.png]

RE: +iny ©at people - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 12-31-2016

[Image: LV097uJ.png]

RE: +iny ©at people - AScWCC - 12-31-2016

[Image: 2mqsvx4.jpg]

RE: +iny ©at people - Fellow - 12-31-2016

[Image: HC02GWP.gif]

RE: +iny ©at people - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 12-31-2016

[Image: aJ01RIm.png]

RE: +iny ©at people - ForestGardener - 12-31-2016

Ha! There is someone else inputting Give and Teach commands on this planet! Hahaha!

Clearly this communicator is superior to our system of mail.

RE: +iny ©at people - Zenthis - 01-01-2017

[Image: VZuLRph.png]

The inside of the coat has even more pockets for optimal storage space. Also, bandannas, for added matching.

RE: +iny ©at people - BananaPanda - 01-01-2017

[Image: nkvfChI.png]

RE: +iny ©at people - Kitet - 01-24-2017

[Image: bmz4uIn.png]

Our generous host CREATEs a lot of different clothing for your cats, certain items causing Tasty to go into a fit of giggles when she sees your cats try them on.

Notably, requesting frog iconography poses a big problem: your TCPs don’t know what a frog is, and when they ask for frog designs, Tasty tells you and your cats that Macaron doesn't know what a frog is either. Since your cats are still currently on an ADVENTURE, you can't TEACH them what a frog is... so you end up having to try to describe the shapes a frog is made of? It takes a lot of trial and error, and you end up with a lot of different shirts with not-frogs on them, but eventually you get something that works.

[Image: LeWWybj.png]

Eventually, your TCPs pick the items they like most, composing their new outfits.

Fennel transfers all of its belongings from its vest to its new backpack. Your TCPs ask if Tasty minds keeping all these clothes here; Tasty doesn't mind at all, she knows it'd be a hassle to take them all with you.

(Fennel leaves behind its TACTICAL VEST, but stores both of your TCPs hats in its new backpack.)

[Image: B83MOMU.png]

Another NOTE appears, a bit longer and more well-composed than the last few.

"Now that ur kitties are all SUITED UP we should go have some fun!!
I found a dungeon or something nearby and I wanna have Tasty go explore it, but also!!
I think ur kitties should follow mine bc the dungeon might have newbie gear in it
Which u need more than I do cuz DANG this note thing is such a janky workaround, hahaha
Anyway it’s ur choice to follow my kitty or not~"

Windy reads it out to the others, and Tasty nods.
Tasty says that she’d rather play tea party or something, a dungeon sounds kind of scary… but finding treasure sounds fun!
She grabs the ladybug backpack, saying she'll carry any leftover loot she finds in it in the meantime, and winks.

Head to the dungeon?

RE: +iny ©at people - Arcanuse - 01-24-2017

I am sure this is perfectly safe and fine and nothing can go wrong with this plan whatsoever. To the dungeons!

RE: +iny ©at people - LoverIan - 01-25-2017

>hell yea

RE: +iny ©at people - BananaPanda - 01-25-2017

>sure, it's not like this could end horribly or anything

RE: +iny ©at people - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 01-25-2017

no way, we blaze our own trails, let's ditch this candy-coated tutorial-tier bullcrap

RE: +iny ©at people - ForestGardener - 01-26-2017

Party of three semi-prepared noobs vs noob dungeon with noob loot?

RE: +iny ©at people - OTTO - 01-27-2017

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RE: +iny ©at people - Thegreath3rpa - 01-27-2017

>Shure lets all go to the hell of this dungeon of hell to hell and all sorts of hell inside the hell dungeon from hell to hell

RE: +iny ©at people - Arcanuse - 01-27-2017

>Just in case, check if this is a puzzle dungeon or a combat dungeon. Or both.

RE: +iny ©at people - Kitet - 02-03-2017

[Image: bMjR0bc.png]

Windy hesitates. They don’t know what a dungeon is, but it sounds dangerous.
Fennel, however, is all for exploring with its new friend in the name of treasure!
The little brown cat will just follow whoever.

With a 3 to 1 vote of going to the dungeon, all four cats head off to the dungeon, with Tasty in the lead.

[Image: w0RHrMm.png]

After a short trek, they make it to the entrance of the “dungeon”... which seems to be an abandoned mine?

Tasty starts to walk towards the mine, but then she stops, and one last note pops into existence near her. She hands it to Windy, so that you can perceive what’s on it.

“oh darn so this place is an ADVENTURE area, ummm
That won’t mean anything for u, but it means i can’t CREATE anything once my kitty goes in there
So i can’t give u more notes, ahh, oh well
Hopefully that wont be a problem soon~”

And with that, Tasty then enters the mine, and your cats follow.

[Image: LDuN5u6.png]

The walls are embedded with colorful geometric chunks of sugar… The air is cooler than it was outside, and sickly sweet, considering the entire planet is made of candy.

[Image: 2ZY6Yol.png]

You reach a central chamber of the mine, which splits into 3 paths. One passage is surrounded by dark red crystals, one is surrounded by light blue crystals, another surrounded by yellow-green crystals.

RE: +iny ©at people - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 02-03-2017


RE: +iny ©at people - Zenthis - 02-03-2017

Lets go down the yellow-green path, to adventure!

RE: +iny ©at people - OTTO - 02-03-2017

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RE: +iny ©at people - AScWCC - 02-03-2017

Peer down them all for hints of danger / treasure.

RE: +iny ©at people - Kíeros - 02-04-2017

> Green crystals.