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A Different Realm [Done!] - Printable Version

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Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-09-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Flyingphish.

Yamtaggler Wrote:

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-09-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by aimless-void.

Flyingphish Wrote:
Yamtaggler Wrote:

> Present the sharing gifts, but be incredibly coy about it.

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-09-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Danfish77.

>Start rummaging about
>Ghosts: go from amicable to offended

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-10-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

Be nice and polite and show 'em whatcha got!

Though... what do you have that a kitty would like?


Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-10-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by starburst98.


Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-10-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by KingTwelveSixteen.

>Enjoy tea.

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-10-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

Give them the dolls

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-10-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> Show them what you have and ask if they like anything there, you're new here so don't know what they like.

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-10-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Zaffa.

>Sure you do! Bring out the presents.

Re: A Different Realm - Kitet - 04-10-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

jeez dudes I said it was inspired by a dream inspired by Yume Nikki, not that it would have YN stuff IN IT ruhhhhh

Zaffa Wrote:>Sure you do! Bring out the presents.
[Image: 4rw49h.png]
Yooouuuu haaaave presents! You fetch them from your coat.

[Image: 15zo5cx.png]
You set the gifts on the table. A book, a doll for each, a quarter for each, and a jar. You're going to keep the other jar. Jack likes the book! Charlie starts playing with a doll.
"Youu got usss some dolls? That's veryy niiice, even if we can't fully control them yet. We're still getting power, though, so don't worry. We are grateful for these gifts! Iiii... I like this little metal medallion heeere."

KingTwelveSixteen Wrote:>Enjoy tea.
[Image: ehzrrm.png]
The tea is ready now, and Jack is pouring it into the cups. Fairy grins to himself, grins at you, and starts talking to Jack.
"So hey, Jackie, Alex here is new to Realm. Really new. Says she comes from a place called "Earth". You know anything about that?"

"Neewwww tooo Reaaaallmm? Hmmm, well I'd believe thaaaat, I've never seen her beforeee... Earrrtthhhh...? And it's not a part of Reaaalm? Well, you know how some ghosts leave Realm on business trips or something, you knooowww, so maybe one of them has visited Earrth beforeeee? I haven't hearrrd anyone talk about iiit..."

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-10-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by tagonizer.

> Inquire upon exciting/fun activities!

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-10-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Yamtaggler.

>Waitwaitwait, she said something about controlling the dolls. Investigate.

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-10-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Zaffa.

Curiosity: be piqued.
>See if you can ask any ghosts about Earth.

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-10-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Xine8.

> Accidently Embarrass yourself.

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-11-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

Ghost of Elvis: Be seen

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-11-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Flyingphish.

>Ask if they know about santa

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-11-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by K4RN1L.

> Ask if there is a ghost called "Casper"

Re: A Different Realm - Kitet - 04-11-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Second panel 100th imaaage~!

Yamtaggler Wrote:>Waitwaitwait, she said something about controlling the dolls. Investigate.
[Image: 6i6tf5.png]
"Um... yooou don't know?"
"I guess you don't control dolls on Earth, Alex?"
"You taaake your belief powerrrr and you put it in the dollll, and you can make it walk around. If you don't have a lot of belief powerrrr, you can't do it very well. Looook."
Jack attempts to move the doll around. He manages to make it jiggle a little bit.

[Image: jb4r4w.png]
You try it. It turns around and walks away. Jack seems surprised by your talent.
Yoooou're gooood at thiis! I think you will useee it moree than mee, maybee you can keep thaaat one. Charlie can share wiiiith me.

Everyone Wrote:>ask about famous people ghosts and about earth.
[Image: 107w9yg.png]
"Wellll, I guess I could intrrrroduce you to the ghosts who go out a looooot... problem issss, some of them are out there now."

"We do nottt know anyoneee named Elvisss. Or Casperrr. Maybe you are looking for Carrieeee?"

"Santa?! Santa isn't a ghost, he's this thing up on Heaven's Reach. He's alll furrry and crazzyyy. And abouuttt once a yearrr he runs off with a bunch of our goods and dissapppearsss from Realm. Weirrrrdo."


Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-11-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Zaffa.

>Well, go on.

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-11-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Gustave.

>Your course is clear. You must hitch a ride to Earth with Santa.

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-11-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

Ask Jack and Charlie how they came to live in this Manor
Oh, and ask if they know any other humans in the Realm

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-11-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Xine8.

> Put doll on your head and name it Jim.

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-11-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

Ask more about Santa. Any info is good info.

Might as well ask who Carrie is too. You weren't looking for her, but you are curious.


Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-11-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by aimless-void.

>Ask about Krampus.

Re: A Different Realm - OTTO - 04-11-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

Ask about who rules this Realm, and how one may go about trying to destroy him/her/it.