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TAKE X (6-5-17: The End) - Printable Version

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RE: TAKE X (1-8-17: A travesty) - NonAnalogue - 01-08-2017

> Allies.

[Image: Su0NoWf.png]

[Image: zxc2gGy.gif]
... (I currently have two ammons as my allies. The others must have fled. Each ally has a special attack that they can use once per battle, so this basically means I have two special attacks at my disposal.)

> Use Ammon A's skill.

[Image: pqlOyiQ.png]

[Image: lRbfXsy.gif]

[Image: zxc2gGy.gif]
... (There, that looks like it hurt.)

[Image: W7aZNXx.gif]

[Image: zOqb6m2.gif]
... (What is that? It hurts just being around this guy! Best make this quick...)

[Image: OcOcFAq.png]

RE: TAKE X (1-8-17: A travesty) - flairina - 01-08-2017

This battle is REALLY disadvantageous for us. I do not see us winning this. Don't know if fleeing is an option though... given Palmer's battle, probably not. There's a possibility that using Void Cloak and then distracting him could work, but I don't think we CAN distract him like this, so let's assume we're stuck in this fight and go from there.

If Aura of Death was an actual skill Blue just used, we can use mimic on it, and potentially gain immunity to it. However, we don't know if that's Tzarth's infusion protecting Blue from it, or that we would gain immunity to an aura of death other than our own, or that we wouldn't just DOUBLE the rate of health drain from that. So that's a kind of shaky plan. Roulette is even more of a crapshoot though; we don't even know what skills Sienna has learned in the past so who knows if they'd be of any use. Ammon skill B we similarly have no idea of the effects, but it seems even less likely to help than Roulette (they're AMMONS). Regular options probably ain't gonna help much here... dang, there has to be some way out of this. Blue's actual durability is no different than a normal person's I don't think (he's been knocked out twice now, once while in a similar sort of state), so if we could get an ammon to just hit him over the head from behind it might work... assuming the death aura doesn't prevent that, anyways. Anyone have any thoughts?

RE: TAKE X (1-8-17: A travesty) - LoverIan - 01-12-2017

(01-08-2017, 04:53 PM)flairina Wrote: »This battle is REALLY disadvantageous for us. I do not see us winning this. Don't know if fleeing is an option though... given Palmer's battle, probably not. There's a possibility that using Void Cloak and then distracting him could work, but I don't think we CAN distract him like this, so let's assume we're stuck in this fight and go from there.

If Aura of Death was an actual skill Blue just used, we can use mimic on it, and potentially gain immunity to it. However, we don't know if that's Tzarth's infusion protecting Blue from it, or that we would gain immunity to an aura of death other than our own, or that we wouldn't just DOUBLE the rate of health drain from that. So that's a kind of shaky plan. Roulette is even more of a crapshoot though; we don't even know what skills Sienna has learned in the past so who knows if they'd be of any use. Ammon skill B we similarly have no idea of the effects, but it seems even less likely to help than Roulette (they're AMMONS). Regular options probably ain't gonna help much here... dang, there has to be some way out of this. Blue's actual durability is no different than a normal person's I don't think (he's been knocked out twice now, once while in a similar sort of state), so if we could get an ammon to just hit him over the head from behind it might work... assuming the death aura doesn't prevent that, anyways. Anyone have any thoughts?


>have the other ammon take the blow of whatever attack is made on you next



>Run another travesty as a distraction
>sneak attack in the form of a simulataneous usage of mimic and roulette
>or just spam roulette until he dies

RE: TAKE X (1-12-17: Another travesty) - NonAnalogue - 01-13-2017

> What skills can Roulette access?

[Image: hlVPeb9.png]

[Image: zxc2gGy.gif]
... (I have a long list of skills that I can use with Roulette:
Brutal Slash, a slow, strong cutting attack;
Overtime, a series of up-close punches and kicks;
Necro Sword, an ethereal sword that can slice from a distance;
Counter, which lets me counterattack the next move my foe makes;
Lightning Shear, a lightning-fast cutting attack;
Blast Shield, where I set mines that explode when a foe approaches;
Self-Healing, which restores some health;
Element Swap, which changes the element of the next move I use.

They're all great skills, but some of them are so situational that I can't risk using Roulette and getting the wrong skill.)

> Use Travesty again.

[Image: wQVO3Ba.png]

[Image: FJ1ddbi.gif]

[Image: zOqb6m2.gif]
... (Here he comes...)

[Image: OVg6Lx7.gif]

[Image: gl0gUmv.gif]

[Image: zOqb6m2.gif]
... (That... hurt.)

[Image: sXV2wsk.gif]

[Image: 3aL2am5.gif]
What's the matter, Travler? Feeling a little low? Finally realizing that there's no way out?

[Image: Y1ypjj1.gif]
Well, you're right. There isn't a way out. Not for you. So go ahead! Keep on struggling. Do whatever will make you feel better. Attack all you like. Call for help - see if anyone can even hear you. Or hey, maybe you want to just go ahead and die, to get it over with. No business of mine.

[Image: 3aL2am5.gif]
I'm out. I've got a runt in a brown robe to track down. Blue, I leave this in your hands. I know it's a new concept for you, but try not to let me down.

[Image: I2wzSYk.gif]

RE: TAKE X (1-12-17: Another travesty) - Xindaris - 01-13-2017

>Allies appears to be glowing?

RE: TAKE X (1-12-17: Another travesty) - flairina - 01-13-2017

(01-13-2017, 02:09 AM)Xindaris Wrote: »>Allies appears to be glowing?

True enough. Failing this, I think we attempt Void Cloak and hope we can somehow lose Blue (preferably by going into the temple). Of course, we're on an ISLAND, so I don't know how well that'd work, but without Sienna-OG watching him directly Blue might be a lot less trouble anyways.

We should probably be searching for whatever Sienna's hidden skill is too, if anyone has any ideas. This certainly seems like a good time for it to show up. Unfortunately, I don't think the meta stuff is going to work here- Palmer only managed it presumably because he was once a god or something (we don't necessarily have confirmation that's what allows it, but the only people to manage it so far as I recall have been Sienna, Duximas, and Palmer, so...). So... I'm just gonna throw out some ideas.

-Can we get the ammon travesty to saw down a tree on Blue's head? Or try to get Necro Sword/Lightning Spear to do the same? Maybe have one of them bean him with one of the orbs?
-Can we combine any of the skills from Roulette? Hopefully in a helpful manner?
-In the event that he jumps into the air again, can we flee while Blue is "offscreen" and can't stop us?
-Alternatively, can we mimic CRUSHING SLAM CRUSH and escape off the top of the screen?
-Can Sienna-NG trick Blue into believing she's Sienna-OG, and thus command him to stop? They presumably sound pretty similar, if not identical, being the same person. She might need a mental connection for that, and with Blue in this state who knows if that would work, but it's a thought.

RE: TAKE X (1-13-17: Ever shifting) - NonAnalogue - 01-14-2017

> Sienna: Allies.

[Image: fV0AI1q.png]

[Image: zxc2gGy.gif]
... (The ammons have already helped out... There's nobody left who I could call. Blasted Goddess, taunting me with all that 'calling for help' business.)

[Image: zOqb6m2.gif]
... (The odds are definitely not in my favor. This is worse than it's ever been. Surely there's something, anything, I can do!)

> Bonus scene unlocked!

[Image: 1dnWmVt.png]

Your name is Tukha Atairi. You're currently neck-deep in mystery and intrigue - tracking down your brethren is no easy task.

Why, you even lost your hat.

Anyway, you suspect that the four of you were scattered to the far corners of the world, so you've been doing some heavy-duty searching.

There's something suddenly nagging at you, though. Like a tingling in the back of your head. It almost feels like...


Is someone praying to you? How weird. You're not entirely certain how that's happening. Maybe Monitor didn't depower you as thoroughly as you thought.

You decide to send some good vibes their way. You are - or were, anyway - the god of odds and ends. When someone's in a tight spot, when the odds are against them, you can help.

[Image: woVLBee.png]

Sienna forgot Roulette and unlocked a new skill: Skill Memory!

[Image: TcQqqYY.gif]
... (It feels like... It feels like I can now use any of my mimicked skills at will! Oh, that'll level this playing field!)

[Image: Ud1zM9u.gif]

[Image: zOqb6m2.gif]
... (What's he doing?)

[Image: 5ea9jpE.png]

[Image: E6fVbYu.png]

RE: TAKE X (1-13-17: Ever shifting) - Dragon Fogel - 01-14-2017

Looking over our skill list, here's what seem like good options:
-Self-Healing. This is a move we'll want to make use of, but it might not be enough to let us take this next hit.
-Necro Sword can hit from a distance. Maybe hitting him while he's preparing whatever this is will knock him out of it.
-Blast Shield will hit him with mines when he gets close. If he's coming back in close for this next attack, that would be a good trap.
-Counter would let us hit him back, but with low health we probably won't survive the hit.

I feel like hitting him from this distance is what he'd least expect? So Necro Sword seems like a good move.

RE: TAKE X (1-13-17: Ever shifting) - flairina - 01-14-2017

Well, looks like we found the hidden skill, huh? ^^;

Blue has yet to show any real ranged attacks beyond the Aura of Death he's emitting here, so I think we go for Blast Shield, then Self Heal while he's reeling if we can. Necro Sword could work too though, but somehow I feel like a cutting attack has a higher risk of failure here. Not sure why, I just do.

(Also, what is that bar next to the Sienna head? It isn't HP...)

RE: TAKE X (1-16-17: Blast!) - NonAnalogue - 01-16-2017

> Blast Shield.

[Image: Gua19cW.gif]

[Image: sbJSgtp.gif]

[Image: ksh75uE.gif]

> Self-Healing.

[Image: bHixA0F.gif]

[Image: m8lr3XB.gif]

RE: TAKE X (1-16-17: Blast!) - flairina - 01-16-2017

We probably should try to NOT stand in the Aura of Death, so if Necro Sword can hit from far enough away, we might want to do that. Or, better yet, cut down one of those trees to land on him, if it'll reach.

Alternatively, Blue is stunned, so we COULD just run into the temple and hope for the best. Probably not a great idea when he could leave us trapped in there by taking the orbs, even if I doubt he has the wherewithal to do so right now.

RE: TAKE X (1-16-17: Blast!) - Dragon Fogel - 01-16-2017

I like the idea of pounding on him while he's stunned.


Oh, yeah, since you asked a while ago: the bar next to her head is the meter that charges up Last Chance. Looks like it'll take a while to fill up, though.

RE: TAKE X (1-16-17: Blast!) - AScWCC - 01-16-2017

Does this jerk even have an HP bar?

RE: TAKE X (1-16-17: Blast!) - ProfessorLizzard - 01-18-2017

>Can you copy Aura of Death?

RE: TAKE X (1-21-17: Putting in extra hours) - NonAnalogue - 01-21-2017

> Can you copy Aura of Death?

[Image: 2R2SGQB.png]

You consider Mimicking Indivar's Aura of Death, but it seems to be a passive skill. You've never been good at Mimicking passive skills. You've always been the more active sort.

> Does this jerk have an HP bar?

[Image: jV6tn2Z.gif]

Why would you know how hurt he is? You can't just eyeball that. It's not like he's a giant squid or something.

> Overtime.

[Image: sx4kuR0.gif]

[Image: POP8IXy.png]

[Image: 4j3F1ak.gif]

[Image: FMUwV7v.gif]

> Necro Sword.

[Image: Yn5QbuD.gif]

[Image: LAL0SzB.gif]

RE: TAKE X (1-21-17: Putting in extra hours) - Dragon Fogel - 01-21-2017

Mimic it. While it means you pass up a chance to possibly damage him, this looks like a skill that could be handy later.

Plus, you could benefit from some healing right now, so why not?

RE: TAKE X (1-21-17: Putting in extra hours) - flairina - 01-22-2017

I agree. Mimic it.

We seriously need to knock him out or something. Going after his HP directly just seems doomed to fail in general. Though we are getting close to a last chance...

RE: TAKE X (1-22-17: Copycat) - NonAnalogue - 01-22-2017

> Mimic.

[Image: AigO9gA.gif]

> Ice Shield.

[Image: eOhln2F.gif]

[Image: vj87NPr.gif]

[Image: 168gm2l.gif]

RE: TAKE X (1-22-17: Copycat) - flairina - 01-22-2017

Oh, so that wasn't last chance. Good to know, I was getting confused about why it was going up when we weren't losing HP/on our last legs. ^^;

We have no idea what this does, mind. Do we wait for Blue to drop his shield and risk it, or come up with some other viable means of attack?

RE: TAKE X (1-22-17: Copycat) - NonAnalogue - 01-22-2017

A quick clarification: As seen here, the Rage Meter is what governs the Last Chance command. You had it right.

RE: TAKE X (1-22-17: Copycat) - LoverIan - 01-22-2017

>Blast Shield

RE: TAKE X (1-24-17: Frozen) - NonAnalogue - 01-25-2017

> Blast Shield then Counter.

[Image: IkzkjN3.gif]

It looks like Ice Shield prevents the user from making a move while it's active.

RE: TAKE X (1-24-17: Frozen) - Xindaris - 01-25-2017

I guess we're just playing a Harden battle until someone's shield ends then, huh.

RE: TAKE X (1-24-17: Frozen) - Dragon Fogel - 01-25-2017

Are there any moves you're allowed to make? Maybe Self-Heal? Unleash our Last Chance? Or can we dismiss the shield somehow?

RE: TAKE X (1-25-17: Choices, choices) - NonAnalogue - 01-25-2017

> Dismiss the Ice Shield.

[Image: kMjkiSt.gif]

> Last Chance.

[Image: fvRJ8rL.gif]

[Image: nq4fV4e.gif]