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Household Held [On Hiatus, art laptop borked] - Printable Version

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Household Held [On Hiatus, art laptop borked] - Reyweld - 05-22-2019

This will be a game about building a house.

Household Actions:
Days have 6 turns, and Nights have 6 more. Each turn, every roommate under your control may perform any two actions of the following:
  • Move: Move your roommate up to 2 rooms, or locally within a room
  • Renovate: Begin constructing a new room, or change an existing room (reliant on items and materials)
  • Craft: Attempt to create something using specific selected items/materials. You may specify an objective, however if you cannot complete the named objective with your selected materials, you will fail.
  • Research: Learn how to create a specified object (item/material/furniture/room), or learn of a object that can be made with specified materials. The same object can have multiple recipes, and the same set of ingredients can have different results.
  • Improvised Action: Any other action you wish to attempt.
For any action you take, you may cite specific conditions (from the room, your skills, your circumstance, etc.) to aid in your action or change its result, with varying degrees of success. Additionally, negative conditions can hinder your actions at my discretion.

Invader Actions
Invaders have all of the above actions except Renovate and Research. They also receive the unique action Rummage.
  • Rummage: Search for a random item in a room or furniture. You must be in the room to Rummage in it, and likewise must be on a space of a furniture to Rummage it. Furniture have an increased chance of finding items.

Other Rules (Less Vital):
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Roommate Sign-ups:
Any category may be sacrificed for a copy of another.
Name: What you are called (Ben, Kyto, Raven, Cilidaleus, etc.)
Occupation: What you were before the calling of home ownership (cashier, missionary, librarian, tactical advisor, etc.)
Associated Skill: Your most notable skill from your occupation (fencing, dancing, mimicry, zoology, etc.)
Furniture: A plain furnishing (couch, nightstand, microwave, portrait, etc.)
Item: A simple object to hold, such as a tool or weapon (hammer, flashlight, mug, rope, etc.)
Garbage (up to 5): Trash you could find loose in any pocket (string, penny, wrapper, button, etc.)

Anyone may join the game. After the first update, newcomers will face a slightly different situation become invaders (see "Becoming a Roommate"), but will still use the above to join.

RE: Household Held - Numbers - 05-22-2019

Name: Billy Mays Except He's A House Renovator Now (BMEHAHRN)
Occupation: Salesmanman.
Associated Skill: Advertising by use of OUTSIDE VOICE.
Furniture: Big City Slider Station™ Burger Cooking Utility
Item: Mighty Tape™
Item: The DualSaw™

RE: Household Held - Reyweld - 05-22-2019

Day 1 - Turn 1 - Morning

[Image: hKVtTfF.png]

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RE: Household Held - Numbers - 05-22-2019

Move to Living Room.

RE: Household Held - Vancho1 - 05-23-2019

Name: Iros, Many-Named
Name: A Ship Named Dara
Name: Marshal Josip
Name: I am who I am
Name: Restless Wind
Name: The Nameless One

RE: Household Held - FlanDab - 05-24-2019

Name: S-7J or Steve
Occupation: Field Engineer
Associated Skill: Machine Operation and Maintenance
Furniture: Bookcase
Item: A screwdriver that can drive flat and star screws
Garbage (up to 5): Scales, Paperclips, Loose teeth

RE: Household Held - Ten11 - 05-25-2019

Name: Klive
Occupation: Librarian
Occupation: Painter
Occupation: Archaeologist
Occupation: Voice actor
Occupation: Phone app creator

RE: Household Held - Reyweld - 05-25-2019

Day 1 - Turn 2 - Morning

[Image: XO9h3fD.png]

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Player Guests/Invaders:
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Invaders have no access to the actions Research or Renovate, but instead have Rummage.
  • Rummage: Search for a random item in a room or furniture. You must be in the room to Rummage in it, and likewise must be on a space of a furniture to Rummage it. Furniture have an increased chance of finding items.

To become a roommate, a player must start any Day or Night on the space of a couch or bed. There cannot be more roommates than discrete rooms. If there are no roommates, all other players immediately become roommates. In the event that there would be more roommates then rooms, the new roommates are randomly selected, with higher weighting based on the room they are in.

RE: Household Held - FlanDab - 05-25-2019

Move Steve to Living Room.
Rummage Couch.

((I kinda tried to imply that Steve was a lizard monster. It's kinda a failure on my side.))

RE: Household Held - Ten11 - 05-25-2019

Move Klive to Living Room
(Improvised Action)Engage in lively conversation(?)

RE: Household Held - Vancho1 - 05-25-2019

>Move to entry room

> Rummage

RE: Household Held - Reyweld - 05-26-2019

Day 1 - Turn 3 - Midday

[Image: hpiV3rI.png]

Steve rummages in The Couch, and finds a button.

Klive talks to Billy and Steve, attempting to engage them in conversation. Both seem mostly disinterested.

Iros rummages in the Entrance, and finds a stick.

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Player Guests/Invaders:
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RE: Household Held - Numbers - 05-27-2019

Move to Outside, and await communication with moop to advertise and/or fight off, whichever is more important.

RE: Household Held - Vancho1 - 05-27-2019

>Move to Generic Room (left-up)
>Hit the word "Generic" with stick and loot the remains

RE: Household Held - FlanDab - 05-28-2019

Rummage Couch.
Rummage Couch.

RE: Household Held - Ubersketch - 05-28-2019

Name: Michelle
Occupation: Fast food restaraunt chef
Associated Skill: Making alright food.
Furniture: Tall lamp thing that you can put on the floor.
Item: Kitchen knife
Garbage (up to 5): 4 quarters and a receipt from a grocery store
Michelle is also a anthro dog for some reason

RE: Household Held - Ubersketch - 05-28-2019

also why cant we make steve a werelizard
another thing is why does he have 3 teeth in his pocket

RE: Household Held - Ten11 - 05-28-2019

>Move to generic room up.
>(Improvised action) sleep.

RE: Household Held - FlanDab - 05-29-2019

(05-28-2019, 12:25 AM)Ubersketch Wrote: »also why cant we make steve a werelizard
another thing is why does he have 3 teeth in his pocket
He was created for the army before he was retired for becoming too old or not enough wars. Those teeth are mementos for all the men he punched while fixing up tanks.

RE: Household Held - Reyweld - 05-29-2019

Day 1 - Turn 4 - Midday

[Image: n0XqZ2o.png]

Billy cuts deep into the moop with The DualSaw, sensing nothing but greed from its figure. Critical physical damage! Slain, it disappears into a pile of dust, which Billy instinctively loots.

Iros attempts to hit the Generic Room in the name, but fails to deal any abstract damage with a stick.

Steve rummages in The Couch twice, finding a coaster and a kleenex.

Klive goes to sleep on the floor of a generic room. Klive is more vulnerable in this state, but may receive minor benefits upon waking up.

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Player Guests/Invaders:
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RE: Household Held - Vancho1 - 05-29-2019

>Be disappointed
>Move to Powder Room

RE: Household Held - FlanDab - 05-29-2019

>Move to Powder Room.

RE: Household Held - Myeth - 05-29-2019

Name: Garf E-eld
Occupation: living under the couch
Associated Skill: kicking odie (very good at this)
Furniture: cat bed of horrors
Item: Oh, You Know :^)
Garbage (up to 5): hairball

RE: Household Held - Ubersketch - 05-29-2019

> RUMMAGE: Go in the living room and utterly vandalize the couch looking for stuff and RENOVATE: place down the lamp to make up for the now disorganized couch.

RE: Household Held - Lordlyhour - 05-30-2019

Name: Tim
Occupation: Carpenter
Associated Skill: Hitting things with A Hammer Real Good
Furniture: Race Car Bed
Item: Hammer
Garbage (up to 5): A Receipt, Key, Empty Candy wrapper (2), Lint