Eagle Time
Inhabitants. - Printable Version

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Inhabitants. - Dustbite - 08-12-2018

[Image: tumblr_pd8nueCkTx1xqkkpro1_500.png]
You are faced with a white void. The white void that you see is empty. You cannot see yourself if you look down, you cannot see your arms even if you know you are raising them. Giving up on looking at yourself, you instead feel the need to create something. Something to take care of, or even watch as it grows.
[Image: tumblr_pd8o27aExE1xqkkpro1_500.png]
Suddenly, a crinkled, cream letter appears in front of you. The writing is in red pen and is a little scruffy, yet still legible. It reads:

" Think of a word, any word, and you can create something based off of it. "

You then receive a second note that reads:

"You may also CREATE anything to put into this void as well. To tell the difference between creating and making an Inhabitant, just use the phrase "Inhabit (insert word here)" to make an inhabitant. Use the word Create to create something."

You guess that's all you need to know for now.

>Create an escape from here
[Image: tumblr_pd8t8d36Rg1xqkkpro1_500.png]

It doesn't seem like that worked. Some forces seem to stop you and glitch out any exits that you try to make. Guess you're not leaving any time soon.

>Create bagel
[Image: tumblr_pd8w0fRvnp1xqkkpro1_500.png]
You create 1 bagel to float in the void. It's golden and crispy as it floats in the void. Its purpose is unknown yet still, it lives on in the void...until it goes off and mouldy that is. Time doesn't really exist right now so your not sure how quick the bagel will go off or go stale. Whichever one happens first really.

>Eat Bagel
[Image: tumblr_pd8w0fRvnp1xqkkpro1_500.png]
You try to eat the bagel before it goes off but your hands just phase right through it. You're sad. Bagels are your favourite food and the only food you know about.

>Inhabit Betta Fish
[Image: tumblr_pd8yw6LmUK1xqkkpro1_540.png]
[Image: tumblr_pd8za2iGOM1xqkkpro1_540.png]
A small Aquatic-type Inhabitant is spawned. He floats in the void and looks around. After a while, he spots the bagel but doesn't approach it. Another small paper appears in front of you. the writing is more sloppy-yet it's still the same person from what you can tell. it says:

"Good job on your first Inhabitant! You will need to TEACH your inhabitant how to do things for them to progress through life. Don't forget to CREATE things that it can interact with. Before TEACHING your inhabitant, you will need to give it a name."

[Image: tumblr_pdcgz2VPLJ1xqkkpro1_540.png]
You get two notifications in the corner of your eye. You give him the name of Mr Poly Iridesent or Mr Poi for short. The other notification seems to be a graphics update. Although, it's not really that relevant.
Mr Poi seems happy with his full name and nickname. It also seems that he's grown after being given a full name! The bagel still floats about, much like yourself and Mr Poly Iridescent. You wonder if Mr Poi needs to eat at all? Does he need to stay hydrated or anything? You also CHECK his status.


>Teach: Eating, Communication and Drinking
[Image: tumblr_pdciba5B5i1xqkkpro1_540.png]
He tests out his voice for a few seconds, It sounds a bit like when you blow bubbles in water, then thanks you for teaching him how to drink and talk, yet says that he does not need to eat. He can do so if he would like to- but it's not that big of a deal for inhabitants. Mr Poi thanks you again for teaching him this

>Create: Letter
>Create: water and land
[Image: tumblr_pdcjx9O7Eu1xqkkpro1_540.png]
With a swish of your hand, some water and land appear. You also leave a note for your Inhabitant. Mr Poi is startled by the sudden appearance of the two masses but calms down after awhile. He reads the note and raises a fin. You gues that's his way of giving you a thumbs up? Or is he waving at you? You'll never be quiet sure.

(Posted from another forum because accidents happen.)

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

create opposable thumbs for cute fish boi

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

And teach how to move through the zero-gravity place

RE: Inhabitants. - Dustbite - 08-12-2018

>Create: Opposable thumbs for the cute fish boi
>Teach: How to move through the zero gravity place.
[Image: tumblr_pdco7w7vDG1xqkkpro1_540.png]

He now gives you a thumbs up that you can see. Now this slippery boy can also grab anything and technically swim/fly. What a happy little boy Mr Poi is.

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

Inhabit: Cat

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

WAIT NO, husky

RE: Inhabitants. - Dustbite - 08-12-2018

>Inhabit Husky
[Image: tumblr_pdcp5xgzpy1xqkkpro1_540.png]

Mr Poi goes swimming happily in the water as you try to create another Inhabitant. You get a pop-up message again. Maybe the hand-written notes were only temporary?

Unknown Wrote: I'm sorry, we are unable to execute the current process. There has been an error in the system that we are trying to currently fix. For now, you will be unable to create inhabitants. We're sorry for any inconveniences that this may bring.

It looks like the bagel's gone mouldy now. All good things come to an end after all.

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

create grass

RE: Inhabitants. - LammarWesley - 08-12-2018

>Create moss
>Create gravity
>Create a lake so our big boy can swim more
>Create giant mushroom trees
>Create small mushrooms to decompose the bagel

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

teach fish boi how to levitate

RE: Inhabitants. - Dustbite - 08-12-2018

>Create: grass
>Create: moss
>Create: gravity
>Create: a lake so our big boy can swim more
>Create: giant mushroom trees
>Create: small mushrooms to decompose the bagel
>Teach: Levitate
[Image: tumblr_pdcxq4o9jG1xqkkpro1_540.png]

You create a fantasy-esc environment for Mr Poi to relax in. The bigger lake gets a bubble of approval and the Bagel seems annoyed that it's going to be devoured by mushrooms. Good thing that it's not conscious or anything. You try to teach Mr Poi how to levitate, yet you get another handwritten note.

Game-breaking things such as levitation come with a cost. If you proceed with this, your Inhabitant may get severely injured whenever using such things. It may also shut down your entire game session for 'cheating'. So for now, I advise you to not use such things.

You wonder who keeps on writing these letters.

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

Aaa look at our fish boi, he’s so cute and happy! Make: shelter

RE: Inhabitants. - LammarWesley - 08-12-2018

>Create: Sun! Our fish-buddy need's a good warm source!
>Create: Radio, maybe we can find someone else or some neat music to Poi to listen.
>Create: Crabs. Don't ask me why I just really like crabs.

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

Also shout to try to see if any others are here.

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

(08-12-2018, 05:41 PM)LammarWesley Wrote: »>Create: Sun! Our fish-buddy need's a good warm source!
>Create: Radio, maybe we can find someone else or some neat music to Poi to listen.
>Create: Crabs. Don't ask me why I just really like crabs.

Nooo no crabs they’ll pinch our boi! D:

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

How about peaceful crabs?

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

Oh yeah, Create: Weather system, day, night, space, rocket to visit any other planets

RE: Inhabitants. - Dustbite - 08-12-2018

>Create: Shelter
>Create: Sun
[Image: tumblr_pdd1kiPacI1xqkkpro2_540.png]

A small shelter is built and a radio is placed inside. There's even a tiny window to go with it! The sun is currently approaching mid-day.

>Create: Weather System, day, night, space, rocket ship.
[Image: tumblr_pdd1kiPacI1xqkkpro1_500.png]

It's only mildly cloudy out today. space is created, yet you can't see it due to the ozone layer. The rocket ship is placed next to the house as well. Mr Poly Iridescent seems overjoyed with the sky around him! He yells after he gets out of the water to see if anybody is there...He gets no reply. He does, however, love the little crab creatures! He pets one on its head.

(Y'all are so pure oh my god-)

RE: Inhabitants. - LammarWesley - 08-12-2018

>Create: leash
>Create: Giant Roly Poly
>Create: Saddle
>Create: Rations for the Roly Poly
>Create: Fez
Everyone needs a steed sometimes. Let's check what's in the radio, my buddies!

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018

(really? Thanks I guess!)

make a coral reef!

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-12-2018


RE: Inhabitants. - FlanDab - 08-12-2018

>Create Stones.

RE: Inhabitants. - Dustbite - 08-13-2018

>Create: leash
>Create: Giant Roly Poly
>Create: Saddle
>Create: Rations for the Roly Poly
>Create: Fez
>Create: Stones
>Create video games
[Image: tumblr_pde7ke5R8w1whgj9yo1_540.png]

[Image: tumblr_pde9sp7u7U1xqkkpro1_540.png]
There are currently two video games that exist. One of them is a puzzle/maze game while the other is a Sit and Survive game. Mr Poi tunes into the radio and after 2 minutes of fiddling with it, he comes across some music. It's reminiscent of old-time music with sax and trumpets and the beat of the lyrics sound like a walking/marching tone. Like somebody with a lot of confidence was singing it.

"Don't look back, see your-self...walk through the glade and talk to the sk-hy. Let the rain, wash it away, Continue forward with your head up hi-hy. Don't let it go! Your feelings dance around you-"

It's more of a confidence-building song when you listen to it for a bit longer. The background music is really catchy as well. Mr Poi hums along with the main part of the music.

RE: Inhabitants. - Thalia V1 - 08-13-2018

We need to teach him important life things too!
Teach: Emotions, Care, Mortality, Ambition, Love, Empathy, Shame, Self-Worth.

RE: Inhabitants. - FlanDab - 08-13-2018

(08-13-2018, 11:12 AM)Thalia V1 Wrote: »We need to teach him important life things too!
Teach: Emotions, Care, Mortality, Ambition, Love, Empathy, Shame, Self-Worth.
NOOO!!! That's too many! Slow down. Veto.

Create: Intelligent Lizards.