Eagle Time
Springbok Steals - Printable Version

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Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 11-19-2017

In an effort to beat weird mental health stuff regarding actually starting and putting effort into things and schedules, I made a lil weekly comic!
It's called Springbok Steals. Each page is mostly drawn during my lunch breaks at work. There are 8 up right now, but i'll post a new one each wednesday.

click the [size=enormous]big[/huge] frog.

[Image: kYQbysA.jpg]

This is mostly me trying stuff out and learning like, how to make quick messy things that are actually interesting so like, if you folks have any feedback hit me up.

[Image: bYyIh0F.png]

edit: shit i made the words too big click crazy frog instead.
edit 2: on behest of my violet, i made the phrase "click the BIG frog" bold.

RE: Springbok Steals - Coolacanth - 11-20-2017

springboxteals is a good webcomic

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 11-20-2017

thanks i made it myself

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 11-22-2017

I updated it.

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 11-30-2017

springbok stole once more

is it poor taste for me to post here every time it updates? Maybe i should like, not do that.

RE: Springbok Steals - Dragon Fogel - 11-30-2017

Announcing updates is an entirely legitimate use of this subforum. Feel free to keep doing it.

RE: Springbok Steals - Coolacanth - 11-30-2017

i love axel

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 12-07-2017

big coat big coat big coat

RE: Springbok Steals - Coolacanth - 12-07-2017

but what about big coat big goat

RE: Springbok Steals - Myeth - 12-07-2017

yo these are really cute!!

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 12-07-2017

thank you myeth.
coelecanth i will take that under advisement.

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 12-20-2017


RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 12-28-2017

Springboks late. Thought id get home to upload it today but that didnt happen. Tomorrow though.

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 12-29-2017


[Image: tumblr_p1pm3kTo4A1un6tmko1_540.png]

in other news i miss being able to just click the url button and put a url on here. Why did we remove the advanced settings and stuff in the preview post thing anyway?

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 01-05-2018

[Image: tumblr_p228bp08N21un6tmko1_540.png]

RE: Springbok Steals - ICan'tGiveCredit - 01-05-2018

This is SSA Credit, please return all stolen contraband to your nearest federal bureau office

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 01-05-2018

Catch me if you can pig

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 01-10-2018

spring bok 15 maust (get it, its a joke on faust, bc shes a mouse)

[Image: o6Kko7g.png]

RE: Springbok Steals - BRPXQZME - 01-11-2018

Hang on. What’d Springbok steal this time? The spoon? The pease porridge? The show!?

RE: Springbok Steals - ICan'tGiveCredit - 01-11-2018

springbok stole the author's golden fleece

RE: Springbok Steals - BRPXQZME - 01-11-2018

Ah, a vague metaphor for something nice but that nobody seems to agree on what exactly. Got it.

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 01-11-2018

Springbok stole that cereal, probably.

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 01-17-2018

[Image: DTxqXO_WkAEjohA.jpg]

i spilled water on this page

RE: Springbok Steals - Coolacanth - 01-18-2018

bbong water

RE: Springbok Steals - Dalmationer - 01-19-2018

Water from a bbong