Sheep: Sheep! - Reyweld - 05-31-2017
Mehgamehn Wrote:What is Sheep? It’s just this pretty cool game where I ask you a series of questions, to which you can answer in any way you choose through PM to me. By the end of the round, you want to have the most points. How do you gain points, you ask? By being a sheeple. For every answer you give, each person who answers the same thing gives you a point (+1 for yourself). An example:
What's your favorite vowel?
player1, player2, player3, player4 all say E, so those four players each get 4 points. player5 and player6 say O, so those two players get 2 points. player7 says U. He's the only one to do so, he's alone, which is just like U to be amirite. Anyway, he only matched himself, so he gets only 1 point.
It is important to note that you don’t have to answer honestly/correctly! A good rule of thumb: Answer how you think everyone else in the game will answer. Perhaps your actual answer matches up with what you think everyone else will say, but perhaps not! You gotta think like a sheep.
Also, please don’t post your answers in thread or discuss your answers with others pregame. It isn’t a fun thing to do.
So, here are the questions:
- What is something you shouldn’t give a child?
- Name a small object.
- What would be an unexpected murder weapon?
- What is the best drink?
- Name an undesirable object.
- What is something you should do everyday?
- Which part of the body is most important?
- Select an onomatopoeia!
- Which colour has the best associated flavours?
- What word best describes yourself?
- Name a four letter word.
- What is the best thing to have after a long day?
In case there are 2 or more players with the same score, the following are tie-breaker questions. They don’t count for score and only help determine the winner in the event of a tie. Specifically, if there is a tie at 12, 13 is used to break the tie. If the tie continues, 14 is used. Then 15. If there is still a tie, everyone still tied wins (as they are the ultimate sheep and all deserve to win)!
- 13. Which question is your favourite?
14. Which Eagle Time emoji is the best?
15. A, B, C, or D?
As a fun thing, I will also be answering the questions (which I will have done before posting this). My answers won’t count towards points, though. Just a fun thing.
Now that the rules are out of the way, here is how to sign up: PM me a list of answers (preferably in the format below). Please do not send me the questions, just your answers. This game is better with large numbers, so I hope you decide to join in the fun!
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Any amount of people can join, but I am starting this coming Saturday between 7-12 pm EST (or earlier if I don’t think anyone else is joining).
Participants- (Mod) Reyweld
- Wheat
- Dorsidwarf
- Dunkel Blau
- Shredded
- TangledAlmond
- Schazer
- ICan'tGiveCredit
- awkwardcarapace
- wiltingMyosotis
- Robust Laser
- Kíeros
- nonexistentPumpkin
- Coldblooded
- Mirdini
- a52
- Gatr
- asciiheart
- AgentBlue
- Palamedes
- Akumu
- bigro
- Justice Watch
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - ICan'tGiveCredit - 05-31-2017
I'm in
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - a52 - 05-31-2017
Me too
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - nonexistentPumpkin - 05-31-2017
All in, baby.
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Coldblooded - 05-31-2017
I'm in
Me too
All in, baby.
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Gatr - 05-31-2017
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - asciiheart - 05-31-2017
i'm play!
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - AgentBlue - 05-31-2017
I wanna do
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Kíeros - 05-31-2017
lim x->0 x/(√(2x+9)-3):
1∫∞ 10/x³dx:
⅛ n=1∏4 n!!:
a1=3,a2=1,an+1=an+an-1; a5:
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - a52 - 06-01-2017
(05-31-2017, 10:48 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »1:
lim x->0 x/(√(2x+9)-3):
1∫∞ 10/x³dx:
⅛ n=1∏4 n!!:
a1=3,a2=1,an+1=an+an-1; a5:
Assuming !! means the double factorial and not the factorial taken twice: 6
Sloppy notation. I'm guessing what you meant was π6/(135*ζ(6)), in which case it would be 7
8. Fuck the cross product.
11 Wait, cos(π/5) = φ/2? What? Holy shit!
This is the only one I don't know how to solve. I could Wolfram it, but ehh.
Fuck you, I'm definitely Wolframing this one. I know how to solve it, but there's no way I can be bothered to. 13
4 real and 4 complex dimensions, or ~262 Hz (Not entirely sure how you'd get "14" out of this one, unless you meant to write E16 or something. I'm pretty sure "C" isn't a number in base 4.)
16 Base i is a good idea.
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - awkwardcarapace - 06-01-2017
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Kíeros - 06-01-2017
(06-01-2017, 04:54 AM)a52 Wrote: »
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Assuming !! means the double factorial and not the factorial taken twice: 6
Sloppy notation. I'm guessing what you meant was π6/(135*ζ(6)), in which case it would be 7
8. Fuck the cross product.
11 Wait, cos(π/5) = φ/2? What? Holy shit!
This is the only one I don't know how to solve. I could Wolfram it, but ehh.
Fuck you, I'm definitely Wolframing this one. I know how to solve it, but there's no way I can be bothered to. 13
4 real and 4 complex dimensions, or ~262 Hz (Not entirely sure how you'd get "14" out of this one, unless you meant to write E16 or something. I'm pretty sure "C" isn't a number in base 4.)
16 Base i is a good idea.
Funfacts for 11-15:
11: Yep! φ loves showing up in equations involving 5.
13: Did you know, that if we define f(x)=cos(arctan(x)), then fn(1)=√Fn/Fn+1 (even in the degenerate case of 0 compositions because 1=√1/1=√F0/F1)
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Reyweld - 06-02-2017
Make sure to submit your sheep answers if you've signed up but haven't done that
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Justice Watch - 06-03-2017
i done did it too
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Reyweld - 06-03-2017
Heads up that this will be starting tomorrow, for any late participants wanting to quickly throw together some answers.
Also, a52 and asciiheart, you both haven't submitted tiebreaker questions (13, 14, 15). It's fine if you don't, but then you can't win ties...
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - ICan'tGiveCredit - 06-03-2017
and who wouldn't want to win a beautiful assortment of ties?
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RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Reyweld - 06-03-2017
1: What is something you shouldn’t give a child?
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Gun (5): Shredded, awkwardcarapace, Coldblooded, Palamedes, bigro
Knife (4): Mirdini, AgentBlue, Akumu, Justice Watch
Scissors (2): ICan’tGiveCredit, nonexistentPumpkin
Individual Insights:
Disease like whooping cough: Wheat
"Minuteman" nuclear launch delivery system: Dorsidwarf
Poison: Dunkel Blau
Fork: TangledAlmond
Drugs: Schazer
Sheep: wiltingMyosotis
Plastic Bag: Robust Laser
Chronic fear of turning into a dolphin: Kieros
Small Object: a52.
Bleach: Gatr
Injury: asciiheart
((The underlined answer is what I put, and again, has no effect on scores))
Total Scores:
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SpoilerShredded - 5
awkwardcarapace - 5
Coldblooded - 5
Palamedes - 5
bigro - 5
Mirdini - 4
AgentBlue - 4
Akumu - 4
Justice Watch - 4
ICan’tGiveCredit - 2
nonexistentPumpkin - 2
Wheat - 1
Dorsidwarf - 1
Dunkel Blau - 1
TangledAlmond - 1
Schazer - 1
wiltingMyosotis - 1
Robust Laser - 1
Kieros - 1
a52 - 1
Gatr - 1
asciiheart - 1
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - a52 - 06-03-2017
Specifically, you should never let a baby dual-wield flintlock pistols.
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Reyweld - 06-03-2017
2: Name a small object.
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Coin (& Penny) (9): Justice Watch, ICan’tGiveCredit, Gatr, Akumu, asciiheart, Mirdini, Schazer, Dunkel Blau, Dorsidwarf
Pebble (2): nonexistentPumpkin, Shredded
Marble (1): awkwardcarapace
Smaller Selections:
Child: a52
Spider: bigro
KEYS: Palamedes
Microchip: AgentBlue
Atom: Coldblooded
Charlie: Kieros
Pencil: Robust Laser
Air: wiltingMyosotis
Ball: TangledAlmond
Germ: Wheat
Total Scores:
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SpoilerMirdini - 13 (4 + 9)
Akumu - 13 (4 + 9)
Justice Watch - 13 (4 + 9)
ICan’tGiveCredit - 11 (2 + 9)
Dorsidwarf - 10 (1 + 9)
Dunkel Blau - 10 (1 + 9)
Schazer - 10 (1 + 9)
Gatr - 10 (1 + 9)
asciiheart - 10 (1 + 9)
Shredded - 7 (5 + 2)
awkwardcarapace - 6 (5 + 1)
Coldblooded - 6 (5 + 1)
Palamedes - 6 (5 + 1)
bigro - 6 (5 + 1)
AgentBlue - 5 (4 + 1)
nonexistentPumpkin - 4 (2 + 2)
Wheat - 2 (1 + 1)
TangledAlmond - 2 (1 + 1)
wiltingMyosotis - 2 (1 + 1)
Robust Laser - 2 (1 + 1)
Kieros - 2 (1 + 1)
INSULTRON - 2 (1 + 1)
a52 - 2 (1 + 1)
((Haha, that image is ugly. Should I make more for rounds in the future?))
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - awkwardcarapace - 06-03-2017
Marbles 'till the end of time.
(Yes please make more for future rounds)
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Coldblooded - 06-03-2017
Well it was a good run while it lasted.
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - a52 - 06-03-2017
Don't make more, just give out the results as fast as possible, please.
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Reyweld - 06-03-2017
3: What would be an unexpected murder weapon?
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Candlestick (3): Gatr, Palamedes, Mirdini
Gun (& “knife that's secretly a gun which shoots smaller knives”) (2): Coldblooded, Kieros
Dildo (& “Marital Aid”) (2): Robust Laser, Dorsidwarf
Meat (& Leg of Lamb) (2): awkwardCarapace, Shredded
Love (& Kindness) (2): Akumu, INSULTRON
Sword (0): ...
Creative Killers
Bees: Justice Watch
Drink: a52
any murder weapon: bigro
edible vagina: ICan’tGiveCredit
Lead Pipe: AgentBlue
Icepick: asciiheart
Spoon: nonexistentPumpkin
A Sheep: wiltingMyosotis
Health Supplements: Schazer
Fork: TangledAlmond
Banana: Dunkel Blau
Germs: Wheat
Total Scores:
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SpoilerMirdini - 16 (13 + 3)
Akumu - 15 (13 + 2)
Justice Watch - 14 (13 + 1)
Gatr - 13 (10 + 3)
ICan’tGiveCredit - 12 (11 + 1)
Dorsidwarf - 12 (10 + 2)
Dunkel Blau - 11 (10 + 1)
Schazer - 11 (10 + 1)
asciiheart - 11 (10 + 1)
Shredded - 9 (7 + 2)
Palamedes - 9 (6 + 3)
awkwardcarapace - 8 (6 + 2)
Coldblooded - 8 (6 + 2)
bigro - 7 (6 + 1)
AgentBlue - 6 (5 + 1)
nonexistentPumpkin - 5 (4 + 1)
Robust Laser - 4 (2 + 2)
Kieros - 4 (2 + 2)
INSULTRON - 4 (2 + 2)
Wheat - 3 (2 + 1)
TangledAlmond - 3 (2 + 1)
wiltingMyosotis - 3 (2 + 1)
a52 - 3 (2 + 1)
(Re: meat, sheep, and leg of lamb - I made the judgement I did because “A sheep”, the animal, is distinct from the other two. I wasn’t sure whether or not to merge meat and lamb’s leg, but as I had already merged kieros’ answer with gun, I felt it was close enough. I had to make a lot of weird judgements for this one, so I did the best I could.)
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - Akumu - 06-03-2017
Dang! I wasn't sure how to go with this ("unexpected" is a hard category to pick for for Sheep), picking from among the Clue weapons was a really good idea.
RE: Sheep: Sheep! - TangledAlmond - 06-03-2017
How did none of you think of the forks
they're out there