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Issue Investigator - Printable Version

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Issue Investigator - Oats - 01-12-2017

Your name is Douglas Egglestein, or something. You are a master detective and you must infiltrate the secret hideout of the bad guys. Unfortunately, you have no idea where the bad guys are!
what do?

[Image: zXYLu7y.png]

RE: Issue Investigator - Superficial - 01-12-2017


RE: Issue Investigator - AABowser - 01-12-2017

>Have a nice little chat with the door.

RE: Issue Investigator - Sleepy - 01-12-2017

walk right like belong there

RE: Issue Investigator - Oats - 01-12-2017

>Have a nice little chat with the door.
[Image: WtcEf5i.png]
You aren't doing that. You're hard boiled, not crazy!
You dont have the upper body strength for that, so you kick that door open!
[Image: duuMaJq.png]
[Image: RMYqQff.png]
You are now inside the bar.
The place smells vaguely of butts and dead people.
What do you do?

RE: Issue Investigator - Superficial - 01-12-2017

> Kick down the stool.

RE: Issue Investigator - SirBlizz98 - 01-12-2017

>Ask the Barmun if he's see any bad guys.

RE: Issue Investigator - AABowser - 01-12-2017

>Throw your hat at the guy!

RE: Issue Investigator - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 01-12-2017

swing from the chandelier and kick the barman in the face and then realize you don't know how to get down from the chandelier

RE: Issue Investigator - Schazer - 01-12-2017

Stub butts and interrogate the dead

RE: Issue Investigator - Dorsidwarf - 01-12-2017

>hop around on one leg. That raised foot never again shall know the floor

RE: Issue Investigator - Oats - 01-12-2017

>Ask the Barmun if he's see any bad guys.
[Image: aJAAzxn.png]
You scoot on over to the barmun, and start asking a few questions.
[Image: XasfNeD.png] "Excuse me sir, but have you seen any bad dudes around here?"

The barman grunts and pulls out a list.
[Image: yKeotrn.png]

You need to find these 3 men.

>Throw your hat at the guy!
[Image: NPF54jy.png]
You wouldn't do that!
Thats the only thing keeping the brain tentacles in!

RE: Issue Investigator - AABowser - 01-12-2017

>Point out that the bar guy look exactly like all those guys on the poster. Arrest him!

RE: Issue Investigator - Superficial - 01-12-2017

> Name brain tentacles Brian.

RE: Issue Investigator - Oats - 01-12-2017

>Point out that the bar guy look exactly like all those guys on the poster. Arrest him!
[Image: aJAAzxn.png]
You clear your throat and point at one of the guys on the list.
"Excuse me, is this you?"
The barman shakes his head.
Welp! There goes your first lead.

>hop around on one leg. That raised foot never again shall know the floor
[Image: NZLPs7o.png]
You decide to hop about on the floor, untill suddenly the floor caves in on you.
[Image: pO27pIS.png]
[Image: zGaoy4b.png]
You are now in the secret cave.
Which way do you go?

RE: Issue Investigator - AABowser - 01-12-2017

>Go left, that's always the right way to go!

RE: Issue Investigator - SirBlizz98 - 01-12-2017

Go the rightiest way the way that rights the right way right away I write I say. And that way is... left.

RE: Issue Investigator - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 01-12-2017

your right (our left)

RE: Issue Investigator - Oats - 01-12-2017

>Go left, that's always the right way to go!
You quickly hop to the left, not noticing how similar this room is to the previous one.
[Image: JwCJR3X.png]
You find a treasure chest!
Open it?

RE: Issue Investigator - Schazer - 01-12-2017

hit it gently with a stick to see if it's a mimic

RE: Issue Investigator - SirBlizz98 - 01-12-2017

>Heckie Yeah!

RE: Issue Investigator - AABowser - 01-12-2017

>No, wield it as your weapon!

RE: Issue Investigator - Oats - 01-12-2017

> hit it gently with a stick to see if it's a mimic
You dont have a stick, so you do what you're best at and kick it!
[Image: Lk7UOAf.png]
[Image: 7PH9bRt.png]
You've found the fabled dagger of Shapofanel!
You place it in your inventory and quickly go back to the main room.

[Image: GrBTK3Q.png]
[Image: r5N9W3f.png]
What to do now?

RE: Issue Investigator - AABowser - 01-12-2017

>Lick the text above you.

RE: Issue Investigator - Kíeros - 01-12-2017