Post making contest 1.0 - g0m - 04-21-2016
Welcome to the post making contest. there are five secret rules to the post making contest, the winner is whoever is the first to make a post that follows all five of the rules. if someone makes five rule breaking posts they don't get to be in the post making contest anymore. "Them's the breaks" I'm afraid.
And oh yeah the winner gets a special prize...
EDIT: wow lots of people have been running games like this in my thread. here are the rules people have used!!
(04-22-2016, 12:30 AM)g0m Wrote: »
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Well wonder no longer because here you go:
1. Post must include the letter "a"
2. Post must include two or more different eagle time smilies
3. Post must contain a sentence ending in a period
4. Post must quote g0m
5. Post must not include signature
congratulations to btp and you'll get your prize as soon as I think of one! this was fun
(04-22-2016, 02:23 PM)Lankie Wrote: »
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Here were the rules:
1. Post must contain a spoiler.
2. Post must include a Numeric digit.
3. Post must contain no quotes.
4. Post must include at least three different types of punctuation.
5. Post must have the 'Post Subject' altered.
If you're confused about passing number four a lot I was counting the : in the Post subject every time.
Good Game!
(04-23-2016, 07:30 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »
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Apologies for the suffering inflicted upon you all. The moral of the story is: think through your rules before you make them, because edge-cases can kill. Clarifying alterations made after my first post are indicated in red:
#1: must include the name of the author of the previous post (hence the "strict" interpretation having kittens over whether or not to accept "sruix" for Sruixan, and why the only post of mine that didn't satisfy this rule was the one where granola ninja'ed me)
#2: must contain at least two distinct characters from !@#"£$%^&*() - as found on the numbers row of a UK/US keyboard
#3: must ask at least one question (anything followed by a question mark counts)
#4: must use precisely four different vowels (so "Lankie wrote" was ideal)
#5: must contain an odd number of words, where a terrible lack of forethought has forced me to define a word as "a continuous string of characters, no pictures allowed, bookended by some combination of spaces, punctuation and line breaks". This includes the words that constitute a quote box and the word "Spoiler:", and is the reason I got very fed up around post #201.
(04-23-2016, 08:06 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »
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1. Post must not have “Reyweld” or "reyweld".
2. Post must not have a “2” in the time in the ones collumn (ex. [#]#:#2 would be illegal).
3. Post must have more (not equal) official smilies then the previous post.
4. Post must have bolding or italics, but not both.
5. Post must have both capital and lowercase letters.[/b]
(04-23-2016, 11:31 PM)Wheat Wrote: »
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(04-23-2016, 11:29 PM)Wheat Wrote: »you're winner. ![[Image: eternalmelon.gif]](
this post would also fulfill all requirements:
1. same number of apostrophes and periods (more than 0)
2. no caps.
3. at least one image via [img] tag
4. instance of edited text size. subs and sups count.
5. sentences no longer than five syllables.
(04-24-2016, 06:17 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »
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Rule 1: Must use all letters in the word "post", in that order. Can be distributed anywhere in the post.
Rule 2: Must not have consecutive letters of the alphabet following each other in alphabetical order. So "ab" breaks rules, "ba" doesn't. Non-alphabetical characters and spaces don't count as interrupting.
Rule 3: Must include the number of rules broken other than this one somewhere in the post. Numerals of any kind count, as do the words. So do "first", "second", "third", "fourth". "to" and "too" do not, tags don't. Individual digits of larger numbers do; however, I didn't apply this to Roman numerals.
This means a post that passes all rules must have a zero.
Rule 4: Must not have more than three BB code tags of any kind.
Rule 5: Some set of consecutive words must spell an English word of at least three letters with their initial letters. Any set of characters counts as a "word" here. Non-letter characters are included, so "Ants & Bees" would be read as "A&B". I made some potentially iffy calls on obscure words here.
Post titles, signatures, URLs and the contents of tags are ignored for all rules. So are any words in pictures or videos posted.
Rule 4 turned out to be really easy to avoid. The rest kept tripping up on each other, which was sort of the point of Rule 3 but it wasn't as intentional with the others.
"sPace cOnSorTium" happens to pass rule 1 without breaking rule 2, that's why it was so effective overall.
The winning post meets rule 5 because "DANCE A DANCE" spells "DAD" and I opted to count that as a word.
And  g0m provided the needed zero for Rule 3 to count.
Congratulations to everyone for your persistence. I welcome you all to the Space Consortium.
(04-25-2016, 09:57 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »
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Spoiler- Rule One:The post must include at least one word that has not been used in any post made this round. I thought this would be a tougher rule to follow than it turned out to be, primarily because there are lots of words that exist also it was a nightmare to keep track of.
- Rule Two: The post must include every letter of the poster's username. sorry sruix and earthexe I didn't think this one through either.
- Rule Three: When all the numbers in the post are added up the result must be greater than ten and even.
- Rule Four: The post must contain an adjective. Parts of speech are kind of ambiguous, this was a mistake.
- Rule Five: The post must begin and end with the same character. I was on way to downgrading this to being 'the first and last letters must be the same when I realized Wheat had already won. I'm super sorry I blame Dini.
(04-26-2016, 12:11 AM)Robust Laser Wrote: »
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SpoilerAll rules considered the post as... posted. Including things automatically generated by, say, quote tags.
1. Post must be between 8 and 16 characters
2. Post must contain both uppercase and lowercase letters.
3. Post must contain at least one numeral and one symbol.
4. Post may not contain any spaces.
5. Post may not contain any pictures, even if they aren't in img tags.
(04-26-2016, 06:53 AM)Mehgamehn Wrote: »
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The rules were:
1: Must be three sentences, no more no less.
3: Everything in the post must be contained within sentences that start with the word "I" (In this case, the absence of content is still considered part of the post)
4: Post cannot contain any punctuation marks that are not periods.
5: Must have at least two sentences with the same word count.
Now 2 was:
Must contain at least one word or phrase from each of the three basic tenses, in order.
(By in order I meant Past then Present then Future. You can have multiples of each without breaking this rule, as long as past comes first and future comes last)
(04-30-2016, 06:25 AM)Anomaly Wrote: »
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Rule #1: Post must contain a picture of a reptile.
Rule #2: Reptile in the picture must be primarily blue in color.
Rule #3: Post number must be odd.
Rule #4: Post must contain at least two lines of iambic pentameter.
Rule #5: Post must not contain the letter e.
(Note that rule 5 did not apply to URLs, tags, or other things that weren't visible after posting.
(04-30-2016, 05:05 PM)Wheat Wrote: »
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1. No visible alphanumeric characters
2. No images
3. No visible symbols/punctuation
4. No videos
5. Final destination
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Spoiler(visible characters in a post from a spoilerbox/code box/quote box counts for 1 and 3.
Smilies count for 2.
5 is an exception rule. That is, you can post something in rules 1-4 and not break a rule, if they portray a fox. For instance, you could post alphanumeric characters underthe condition the characters spelled "fox" only
(04-30-2016, 09:28 PM)Crowstone Wrote: »my rules
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Spoiler1. must have colorful text of some sort
2. must contain the word please
3. contain at least 3 capital letters
4. be shorter than 80 pixels, as defined by me clicking and dragging an 80 pixel tall image over the post
ixcaliber's signature is very convenient for this.
must contain a hyperlink.
URLs that aren't visible will not affect rule 2 and 3
the default blue of clickable text will not affect rule 1.
(05-02-2016, 04:09 AM)Akumu Wrote: »
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The rules were:
1. Must be entirely within a spoiler tag.
2. Post number must be a prime number.
3. Post must include its own post number (originally in plain text, but expanded to include the whole post text, including in such places as the dateline)
4. Must not include any quote tags.
5. Must include the string "weird dog" with any capitalization.
(05-02-2016, 04:35 AM)Robust Laser Wrote: »
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Spoiler1. Post must be welcoming to the Space Consortium
2. Post must contain a picture of a weird dog.
3. Post must contain an attempt to trick.
4. Rules 1-3 must be fulfilled in the previous post.
5. ![[Image: d0OK6hq.png]]( 1-3*
*One and only one of rules 1-3 must be broken. This negates the requirement for the broken rule to pass.
(05-04-2016, 05:35 AM)Akumu Wrote: »
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1. Must contain a quote of another post in the thread, as determined by PID in the quote tag.
2. The no shit-posting rule: must contain a substantive reply to the quoted post, as judged by me.
3. Post must render all characters, excluding spaces, in the username of the author of the quoted post, outside of quote tags.
4. Post must not render any characters, excluding spaces, from the post author's own username, outside of quote tags, except for where this conflicts with rule 3.
5. Must include a non-ET-emote animated GIF.
(05-06-2016, 03:38 PM)Schazer Wrote: »
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Spoiler1. Posts must crake at least one bird-related pun.
2. Acrostic - The first letter of each new line must spell out a single word. Contractions/acronyms don't count; Wheat's post spelled out MAY.
3. Reject any posts that do not injsect bug-based wordplay.
4. To snap up the prize, you must squeak some onomatopoeia into your post.
5. You must say something nice about a fellow forumite. I'm truly heartened to have friends, who, of all my shitty rules, figured this one out quickest. You guys are the best 
(05-06-2016, 05:56 PM)Wheat Wrote: »
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SpoilerHere were the rules:
1. sentences no longer than five syllables.
2. instance of edited text size. subs and sups count.
3. at least one image via [img] tag
4. same number of apostrophes and periods (more than 0)
5. no caps
Now can you figure out the gimmick????
(05-08-2016, 04:42 AM)Akumu Wrote: »
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Usage note: Sentences are strings with at least one letter, delimited by periods, exclamation marks, question marks, or linebreaks. Null strings are not sentences.
1. Must have exactly eight sentences.
2. There must be a complete and unique cycle between the last letter of one sentence to the first letter of another.
3. Background/color combo of each sentence must be unique.
4. Each sentence must contain a unique one of the 86 words in the below list:
Show Content
5. Post must render at least one of "X" or "0".
RE: Post making contest - g0m - 04-21-2016
(04-21-2016, 10:36 PM)g0m Wrote: »Welcome to the post making contest. there are five secret rules to the post making contest, the winner is whoever is the first to make a post that follows all five of the rules. if someone makes five rule breaking posts they don't get to be in the post making contest anymore. "Them's the breaks" I'm afraid.
And oh yeah the winner gets a special prize...
Violates rule 2, rule 4, and rule 5
RE: Post making contest - Granolaman - 04-21-2016
RE: Post making contest - g0m - 04-21-2016
(04-21-2016, 11:25 PM)Granolaman Wrote: »  
Violates rule 1, rule 2, rule 3, and rule 4
RE: Post making contest - Gatr - 04-21-2016
uhh... dicks???
RE: Post making contest - Akumu - 04-21-2016
What is the haps in this thread?
RE: Post making contest - g0m - 04-21-2016
(04-21-2016, 11:27 PM)Gatr Wrote: »uhh... dicks???
Violates rule 1, rule 2, rule 3, rule 4, and rule 5... impressive
RE: Post making contest - g0m - 04-21-2016
(04-21-2016, 11:28 PM)Akumu Wrote: »What is the haps in this thread? 
Violates rule 2, rule 3, and rule 4
RE: Post making contest - a52 - 04-21-2016
g0m g0m
RE: Post making contest - g0m - 04-21-2016
(04-21-2016, 11:30 PM)a52 Wrote: »g0m g0m
Another "all fiver"
RE: Post making contest - btp - 04-21-2016
Thank you for making this puzzle game!
RE: Post making contest - Dragon Fogel - 04-21-2016
RE: Post making contest - g0m - 04-21-2016
(04-21-2016, 11:34 PM)btp Wrote: »Thank you for making this puzzle game!
Hey - no problem. Violates rule 2, rule 3 and rule 4
RE: Post making contest - g0m - 04-21-2016
(04-21-2016, 11:35 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »?????
This is another classic big five
RE: Post making contest - btp - 04-21-2016
Is rule 1 that you have to make a sentence?
I'm just guessing, really.
RE: Post making contest - a52 - 04-21-2016
I don't think you're allowed to ask questions.
RE: Post making contest - Dragon Fogel - 04-21-2016
I'm going to guess this sentence breaks three rules.
RE: Post making contest - Akumu - 04-21-2016
RE: Post making contest - g0m - 04-21-2016
(04-21-2016, 11:37 PM)btp Wrote: »Is rule 1 that you have to make a sentence?
I'm just guessing, really.
Violates rule 2 and rule 4
(04-21-2016, 11:37 PM)a52 Wrote: »I don't think you're allowed to ask questions.
Violates rule 2, rule 4, and rule 5
(04-21-2016, 11:38 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »I'm going to guess this sentence breaks three rules.
Violates rule 2, rule 4, and rule 5 (nice one...)
(04-21-2016, 11:39 PM)Akumu Wrote: » Z
Violates rule 2, rule 3, and rule 4
RE: Post making contest - Schazer - 04-21-2016
I don't think asking questions breaks any rule; g0m's OP broke 2, 4, and 5, while Granola's post broke 1, 2, 3, and 4.
RE: Post making contest - a52 - 04-21-2016
Let's try this.
edit: schazer: I just meant that he probably wouldn't answer them.
and now the test is ruined.
RE: Post making contest - Akumu - 04-21-2016
RE: Post making contest - g0m - 04-21-2016
(04-21-2016, 11:45 PM)Schazer Wrote: »I don't think asking questions breaks any rule; g0m's OP broke 2, 4, and 5, while Granola's post broke 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Violates 2, 4 and 5
(04-21-2016, 11:45 PM)a52 Wrote: »Let's try this.
edit: schazer: I just meant that he probably wouldn't answer them.
and now the test is ruined.
Violates 2, 4 and 5
(04-21-2016, 11:46 PM)Akumu Wrote: » X.
Violates 1, 2 and 4
RE: Post making contest - btp - 04-21-2016
"I wonder."
What could rule 2 be?
The world may never know.
RE: Post making contest - Akumu - 04-21-2016
(04-21-2016, 11:49 PM)g0m Wrote: » (04-21-2016, 11:46 PM)Akumu Wrote: » X.
Violates 1, 2 and 4
*narrows eyes suspiciously*